30 July 2020

Pension Fixation Case Un-Exempted Retirees Without any Court Orders

On 16.7.2020, I had shared 2 PPOs and 3 letters issued by EPFO Meerut wherein the pension of two Post 1.9.2014 retirees of un-exempted establishment has been fixed on the basis of actual/ higher salary WITHOUT ANY COURT ORDER.ou will be pleased to know that pension of another post 1.9.2014 retiree has also been fixed now on the basis of actual/higher salary. His PPO is also being shared.
He had also extended the date of receipt of pension from 58 to 60 years and as such was also entitled to enhancement of pension @4% per year.

Hearty congratulations to the concerned Post-1.9.2014 Pensioners who have received pension on the basis of higher salary without any court orders and also many accolades for the concerned persons whose serious follow-up gave good results and also for positive working of EPFO Meerut.

Pensioners Reaction : Great efforts by you yielding excellent results and thanks to the positive working of EPFO Meerut. By gods grace all retire employees get pension on the basis of higher salary without any court orders then they can lead very happy life after 60 years.

1 comment:

  1. Then who have retired before 2014, may ask their EPFO office for high pension on the basis of the two PPOs.
    What to do ,advise.

