22 August 2020

24672 number of Cases Pension on higher salary has been settled by EPFO


Source : Parveen Kohli's SEVA GROUP 

Region wise/Zone wise detail of the 24672 number of cases wherein pension on higher salary has been settled by EPFO as on 17.01.2020 in compliance of EPFO Head Office Circular dt. 23.3.2017.

Text of Application

Relates to EPFO Head Office, PENSION DIVISION ONLY Please provide me certified copies of the following documents. Detail of pages be also kindly indicated in the forwarding letter .

1. Copy of the file no. Pension-I/12/33/EPS Amendment/96/Vol.II (Noting pages as well as correspondence pages) for the period 1.1.2019 onwards till the date of supply of information to me .
2.Copy of the file no. Pension-I/12/33/EPS Amendment/96/Vol.II/Pt. (Noting pages as well as correspondence pages) for the period 1.1.2019 onwards till the date of supply of information to me.

3. Detail of cases of pension revision settled by all the Regional Offices (Zone wise) in compliance of EPFO HQ directive dt. 23.3.2017 up-to-date of supply of information to me. Such information is being sent to HQ regularly by all the Zones every week on Fridays.

4.Soft copy of the up-to-date compiled data (Excel format) regarding pension revision by all the Regional Offices (Zone wise) in compliance of EPFO HQ directive dt. 23.3.2017 (received by HQ in excel format from all the Zones) based on which the consolidated information as at Sr. No. 3 above is prepared. Latest available Soft Copy of the consolidated information (in the same form i.e. EXCEL format as available) may be forwarded to me at PKKOHLI@GMAIL.COM 

5. Special Audit of pension cases revised on higher wages had been got conducted by the PENSION DIVISION in r/o Regional Offices Chandigarh, Thiruvananthapuram and Puducherry vide U.O. note no. PensionI/12/33/EPS Amendment/96/Vol.II/Pt dated 2.8.2019 from Mr. K.L.Taneja, ACC HQ, Pension to Ms. Neelam Sanghi, ACC HQ, Audit. Copies of these Special Audit Reports had also been sought by the PENSION DIVISION (refer sr no. 4 of the said office note). Please provide me copies of all the three special audit reports along with all enclosures as received by PENSION DIVISION from the Audit Wing along with a copy of the forwarding letter by which the said 3 reports were received by PENSION DIVISION. Additional amount, if any, may be sought only through RTI online portal .

Request Filed Employees Provident Fund Organisation

Part -2
Part -3 

Status REQUEST DISPOSED OF as on 22/04/2020


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