24 August 2020

How to Get Increased EPS 95 Pension ? EPS-95 Pensioners Idea, EPS95 Latest News

Post Suggestion by EPS 95 Pensioners :

Is Anybody of our representative within the parliament feeling responsibility in dealing public problems?

I do know all the NAC members submitted their grievances regarding hike of pension, to wake up the notice of parliament during previous parliament sessions. But, What number MPs really considered seriously , this pension problem within the parliament, ? 

Hardly 2 to 3 To my knowledge NAC members from Andhra Pradesh submitted representations to any or all the MPs (25) region wise. But no MP raised this issue within the parliament. All are taking care of their personal issues rather than public problems ie our pension. So how can it's solved without cooperation of our representatives?

In continuation of my previous message i might prefer to emphasize that with the contribution of just one rupee from each EPS95 pensioner we are able to collect around rupees 65 lakhs . So thereupon money we want to file a petition signing all the 65 lakhs petitioners .

If any organisation of EPS95 pensioners comes forward honestly and work sincerely, collecting ₹1/- (only one) we'll be definitely win during this war. This agitation not only attracts National media, but International media also. better of luck to the organisation who initiates the project sincerely.

Pensioners Reaction on the above :

1. All will agree , hard to induce iplimented any union,asosia room should take emigiiate initiative how ever I trust you.

2. whether it's 3000/7500, first all our representatives within the parliament should come to a conclusion to hike the minimum pension. Every EPS pensioners are happy regardless of the favourable decision is taken by our representatives in Parliament.

3. At the very beginning, all the action committees should come under one umbrella and open a checking account. Post the bank details and members will send their contribution in this account.

4. Yes it's good idea. Now it's upto our NAC to decided the way to organize this fund to utilise within the style of either filing the writ petition roughly on.

5. stupid idea. Dear there are many petitions in various court including supreme court. Kerala court in its verdict in favour of employees are still not implemented.What to mention govt not interested.

6. in fact is also because it isn't possible for implementation and no body comes forward also. My main aim isn't to fight within the court, just to point out all we are United and also bring the seriousnes of EPS95 pensioners issue to the final public also. i do know completely about true in supreme Court and different high courts. I observed only in Kerala we've got positive trend. i do not know why the judges within the remainder of states don't seem to be thinking within the lines of Kerala state judges. in fact i'm also a petitionerin one among the cases filed in state. Judge is continueously post poning the case.

7. As you mentioned if any organization step forward honestly, rightly told most of EPF pensioner are members of organisations like ROWS who were considered honest but what's happening.


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