26 September 2020

Big Question Asking EPS 95 Pensioners : Who are the owners of EPFO?


Who are the owners of EPFO? It runs on the money we have accumulated by depositing some money from our salaries on a monthly basis. The money given by the employers with their consent should be taken as salaries or other benefits. But what happens here? 

We have to take the pension that they allow based on their benevolence as if they are the authorities for our accumulated money. This means that our government has created an employment system that controls the employers. We want them to know that we are being treated unfairly. 

Then they will file cases against us in court and use our money for all its expenses. From our money we are given a pension determined by them. But they will take the pension fixed by the Central Government for its employees from the money we have accumulated without telling us. Probably no other employer-employment system in the world! 

So we need to demand CBT that the salaries and other benefits we have determined apply to all EPFO ​​employees. Then we will have both minimum pension and higher pension. Think.

A Post by EPS 95 Pensioners 


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