27 September 2020

Earlier Settlement of EPS95 Pensioners long Pending Higher Pension and other demands

 Earlier Settlement of EPS95 Pensioners long Pending Higher Pension and other demands

On 23-9-20 APRPA members of Andhra Pradesh at Visakhapatnam, Srikakulam, Vijayanagaram Vijayawada, Palakollu, Guntur and other places condected Dharna , Posting of Postcards to Priminister Of India to interven for earler settlement of EPS95 Pensioners long Pending Higher Pension and other demands.

Submitted a Charter of demands to the Commoners of PF offices, to focus the issue to the Govt of India.

Dharna program of EPS95 Pensioners organized APRPA Visakhapatnam and other places in Andhra Pradesh for earler settlement of Long Pending EPS95 Pensioners demands.

A Post by eps 95


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1 comment:

  1. Sir, Superannuation Member pensioners of the EPFO are all senior citizens they rendered more than 30 years of service and contributed to the pension carpus fund. They are getting very awful amount of pension . I request to increase the minimum pension those who are not able to submit form 3A from 1995.

