12 September 2020

Enhancement of minimum pension with Dearness Allowance under the EPS 95 Pension by Dr Subramanyan Swamy



Dr Subramanyan Swamy ,

Hon'ble member of parliament 

New Delhi


      Sub: Enhancement of minimum pension with  dearance  allowance under the employees pension scheme 1995 , reg


Respected sir ,

   Your goodself know the above issue well by the information already you have and also the letters sent to you by me by mail vide reference dated 9th august 2020 and the letter dated 16th august 2020 of the president and general secretary of EPS ,95 pensioners association , Tamil Nadu and also letters  from Telangana , Andhra Pradesh wherein our grievances have been elicited  in all it's ground reality . Being  the matter serious ,

The EPS 95 pensioners with their families are looking continiously at the hon'ble central govt in perturbance as to why the concerned authorities are reluctant and not inclined altogether to realise the faulty system of the pension scheme and put it in order that suits the present circumstances  according to the demand of the pensioners , being the actual monetary requirement for basic  maintenance of minimum life in the present cost of livelihood that is required to be met with by the policy and system  of govt of the day with it's liability as constitutional obligation towards the citizens and in particular senior citizens for their welfare .Every citizen pays tax for survival with human dignity .

 The judiciary sense our problems and agree our point of view on justice what we put before it in logic , scientific , humanity upholding  the constitution but sadly, very sadly not the executives !, making the pensioners to continue in the existing system with scanty pension being not even one tenth of the pension of what the govt pensioners get in moderate by periodical revisions with medical facilities  (never to be dreamt by EPS pensioners), not to speak of multiple pensions system  enjoyed with all  facilities by other class , no matter how these pensioners cry in wilderness either in streets or in their places  through decades .

  To quote an instance to be put  here that a govt pensioners with a service of about 30 years  get  his /her pension about Rs 35000 and above with applicable dearance allowance by periodical revisions for over a retirement  period of 20 years  with further enhancement of 20 percent of their pension at the age of 80 years but Ala's in that position we are getting the very meagre service pension (not to be called so literally ) that does not serve it's purpose in the range of less than Rs 1000 to about Rs 3000 at maximum without dearance allowance kept unrevised /stagnant for the past 20 years !

    I have brought it to the kind knowledge of hon'ble vice president of India ,the chairman of Rajya Sabha that the 147  report of parliamentary committee ( Koshiyar committee ) for reform of the EPS 1995 with immediate enhancement of minimum pension with dearance allowance submitted in the year 2013 has not been put into discussion for a resolution in Rajya Sabha till now .

   Sir , not repeating our problems again & again to be heard and having tired of pouring out our sufferings with UN-LIVEABLE pension before the hon'ble prime minister , hon'ble hon'ble minister for labour &employment and hon'ble finance minister , how we have to breathe under choked circumstances has remained unsolved despite all it's seriousness and sensitiveness that requires to be dealt with by economists of high caliber, given the situation of silence of fourth pillar of democracy and the govt institution established solly for the purpose of protection of human rights .

So , sir , we would expect justifiable  action that stands to the reason from your goodself, being constitutional and economic expert for taking steps as deemed fit  with the hon'ble govt for the solution that pacifies the pensioners struggling for survival , majority of them are in dire poverty conditions loosing their dependancy under the circumstances of unemployment of their children  aggravated more now with Covid 19 crises . 

 In case of senior citizen EPS 95 pensioners  joined service in the seventies period , with no scope of higher pension under the conditions of EPS 1995 , no other choice is practical solution except enhancement of minimum pension to Rs 9000 with dearance allowance that meets the average present minimum cost of livihood across the nation.


    With the mounting up pressure of these pensioners  in absence of justice  against the erroneous system and it's continuenance for decades despite unrest boiing in their lives , it is our most humble appeal that the matter may kindly be got resolved at your level by the hon'ble govt  in the interest of senior citizens  in order that the pensioners feel , hon'ble govt is alive to address the serious issue in their life time ,though belatedly .

   We believe , your advice to the hon'ble central govt on our tragic issue that relates to basic  survival with socio-economic security and human dignity will drive to appropriate decision .

 With high regards.

 Sincerely your's 

ShamRao , national secretary ,

EPS 1995 pensioners coordination committee .

Bidar , Karnataka 


  1. We request the Govt of our democratic India to fulfill our pension demand please.

  2. We request the Govt of our democratic india to fulfill our pension demand please. We hope so early

  3. Request the Gov't to settle our pension demand at earliest.

