11 September 2020

EPS-95 Pensioners Reaction on CBT Meeting and Higher Pension Demand


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Reactions Pensioners 1 (Ramanujam Veeraraghava Avatharam) :No positive results by any CBT meet or higher level committee as under Modi ji Govt.nobody either dares or recommend positive decisions they will meet the fate of Former Union Minister B.Dattatreya ji who inobediance to the Hon'ble SC verdict and patiently and peacefully attended EPF pensioners meet at Hyd'bad on humanitarian grounds to help the Sr.Citizens of EPF pensioners gave order on 23.3.17 for implementation of full higher pension. 

What happened the Minister who hrlped us was immediately removed by the Modi ji and appealed review petition in Hon'ble SC sgainst his own order.

If such is the case How one could expect positive results from 56" chest PM who has no 1% sympathy on us in his heart heads the largest democratic country. Any meet or seminars are only at the cost of our contributions only. So friends I do not hear positive news from this Govt.before I breath last.
Reaction Pensioners 2 (Santh Raj ) : Why waste our energy the bjp or congress government is not bothered or obeyed supreme court orders because the courts orders are under politics control. How many years we are fighting these. Politicians are speaking in the parliament only for our eye washing All the eps pensioners are thinking about this.
Pensioners Reaction 3 ( Anil Sharma ): It is observed that you tube channels have been started to give or deliver only fake news and play with the emotions/sentiments of Sr. Citizens, who are fighting for upward revision of pension I.e. RS.7,500/- plus DA and medical facilities too to lead their remaining life with some dignity. We should rebuke these all you tubers channels.
Pensioners Reaction 4 (Prasad Kashid) : PSUs employees enabled the then govt at power to build the huge infrastructure which the present govt are not interested and are bent upon closing one by one. Honesty is poverty. PSUs EPF pensioners are suffering and continue to suffer till they exit.


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