14 September 2020

Fact Check : Good News Supreme Court ruled in favour of pensioners in EPS 95 Pension,Increase in pension is expected along with arrears


Dear Pensioners and Readers, 

We have received so many Emails,Phone-calls,Messages and Comments about the post which was Published on 11 September 2020 and Clamming about EPS 95 Pension Increase from Supreme Court and Title wasGood News Supreme Court ruled in favour of pensioners in EPS 95 Pension,Increase in pension is expected along with arrears"

In this Article, We would like to explain some facts about that and about who we are ? There were so many comments which says socialbiku as Fake Publisher . Since 2016 we were started Posting Videos and in 2020 we started our Page since then till today we never shared anything which is fake and it is our record . 
About the recent Post we have clearly mentioned on the Article that this is Viral on Various social Media Sites as well as on WhatsAap . We have clearly Mentioned on the top of article that it may be fake . Please see the below screenshot

Our Intention was not spread Fake News but to aware about this fake Information . That is why we have mentioned it on the top of Post As "This May be a Fake Information ".
Yes ,It get reflected after sometime of Post Published . 
Still We apologize on various Platform including Whatsaap . Please see the screenshot 

Still Though we apologize again .Please see the below Image 
Again ,We would like to clear about this message it is totally incorrect information .

After this clarification we hope there is no doubt , Still if previous article hurts you we apologize for the same .
We would also like to request you share this message to all those whom you have shared earlier Post ,So that everyone can get correct information .

Thank You !    


1 comment:

  1. Helping the poor senior citizen after their of 35 years for the public/nation is a service to the humanity/God. It is upto the GOI

