29 September 2020

Fake News ? : Good News Supreme Court Increase 8500/-Pension ruled in favor of pensioners in EPS 95 Pension, 28500 will be disbursed

 Is it Fake News ? : Good News Supreme Court ruled in favour of pensioners in EPS 95 Pension, Increase in pension is expected along with arrears

New Delhi : Dear Readers, We have received more than 1000+ Messages through various social media platforms for the verification of this news calming about Hike in EPS 95 Pension.
However, We have already shared about that in our Past Post that it is totally a fake message getting viral on your WhatsApp or Facebook, This Message is also clamming minimum Applicable Pension 8500/- and Rupees 28500 will be disbursed. 

We have Verified and found there is no such  judgement from supreme court of India till now . This message is Fake .
We would like to update you next judgment/Hearing of EPS 95 Pension case would be on 16th October 2020.
 Here is Message getting viral :

What is one thing the average person can do to fight disinformation on social media?

Check before you share! Take the extra few seconds to look over the source, or go read the article in full to make sure the title accurately reflects the content and that the site is reputable.
Thank You ! We hope this article would helps you to clear about viral message . 


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