20 September 2020

Humble Appeal by EPS 95 pensioners, Are the worst sufferers !

 Humble Appeal by EPS 95 pensioners, Are the worst sufferers ?

Humble Appeal
We all, EPS 95 pensioners, r the worst sufferers, however I don't think anyone of u is suffering more than me.

I took VRS in 1999 as DGM,from a CPSU commuted 1/3rd, as per extant rules then( more than 15yrs)
Further can't walk, talk distinctly even can't sign due to TREMOR rendered by 'Cerebellar Ataxia' from 2002 till now.last position held 'GM' in pvt sector..

Had to retire in 2002 for medical ground. Lost last 8yrs' of golden service period.
To make matter worse I get a pension as low as Rs 820/month n virtually finding it impossible to sustain with hefty medical bills.
While airing grievances I will request u to kindly rise above everything n pay heed to Hon'ble PM's Advice to display our unity.

I hold no brief for him, but if the nation survives only then would it b possible to ventilate our constraint for redressal.

A Post by Sudipta Madhab Basu (EPS 95 Pensioners)


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