14 September 2020

India China War Astrology Analysis and Predication, When will Happen ? September,October,November or December

 Dear Readers, As we all are aware about the current situation between India,Pakistan and China .This is happening due to planet changes and its time of change .  

When I am saying 'Time of change' it means it is law of nature . What we see today that will not the same tomorrow . It is called as 'Change is rule of Nature' . So the time has come now there s going to happen big changes in world and in Asian region.

Every 100 Years things and System upgrade himself just like we saw in our past so many wars and changes happen and so we reached here . In similar way this time also going to happen some changes . 

Remember changes happen always for better but yes when it is happening we may feel some pain or happiness but is always good because its nature law .

Now as per astrologically its seems china is going to start some military action specially in month of October . Every action has reaction India will also retaliate and It is going to give big impact on economy of China and India .

There will be one point during September Mid to December .When this can be stopped but it seems China due to there own thinking going to loss it . It is very thin line between India and China where it can be war . Now as per astrology and Current China Horoscope it is all upto china whether they wants to start war or not .India will never start war first but the retaliation may break china in parts .

As per Astrological analysis of India’s horoscope, Now, the Indian government may face problems with China as well as other neighbors as Pakistan. However, this situation will improve in January 2021 and India will get the support of many other powerful countries as America .   


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