27 September 2020

Regression Analysis

 Regression Analysis :- 

Regression means to regress or return back. The linear relationship between two variables was named as 'regression'.

Regression methods are meant to determine the best functional relationship between the dependent variable Y with one or more independent variable(s) X. The functional relationship of a dependent variable with one ore more independent variables is called regression equation.

In statistics 'Regression' technique is applicable in all those fields where two or more relative variables have tendency to go back to the mean. 

Regression analysis refers to the methods by which estimates are made of the values of a variable from the knowledge of the values of one or more other variables and to the measurement of the errors involved in this estimation process. Having observed the average relationship among variables, regression technique can be used for prediction on the basis of the average relationship. 

By its help, we can know the average probable change in one variable given a certain amount of change in the other. 


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