11 September 2020

Sri Tejasvi Surya , Hon'ble member of parliament before start EPS 95 Pensioners Message by email


   Sri Tejasvi Surya ,

   Hon'ble member of parliament ,

   Bengaluru south , Bengaluru .

Respected sir ,

      As the parliament session is going to commence during next 

week of this month , our humble request , being the voice of EPS 95 pensioners , thousands of them are in Bengaluru , is that your kindself , during your stay at New Delhi  , kindly  have to have a meeting with the hon'ble prime minister for the discussion on enhancement of minimum pension being sought by EPS pensioners in view of the financial problems faced by them with meagre pension . We know that you have sent letters on this issue for early solution . 

  The EPS  pensioners in question have the only demand for enhancement of minimum pension , since these pensioners are unbenefited even by refixation of pension on their actual wages as per the hon'ble supreme court 's order that is in order of not above and around Rs 3000 and they are continued with this meagre amount along with others who have no scope altogether for higher pension .

 So  virtually they have nothing to do with further decisions of hon'ble supreme court that come up on the petitions to be heard in review petition /SLP petitions . The judgements that are to come up from the hon'ble court are not related to our demand of enhancement of minimum pension and they make no difference in our pension whatever may be , as they are only  concerned to the pensioners of higher wages group drawing in lakhs and the dispute of exempted and unexempted companies for the eligibility of higher pension .

     Therefore with this situation , many EPS 95 pensioners  are , day and night , looking for the kind orders of hon'ble prime minister for relief in enhancement of minimum pension . Already the hon'ble prime minister has been apprised and convinced of the need for hike of the same on 4th march 2020 in presence of smt Hemamalini , hon'ble M P , Dr Jitendra singhji hon'ble minister of P M O office and a team of executives of pensioners association (NAC ).

   The pensioners are expecting your kind help in the matter .Kindly meet the hon'ble prime minister for our issue , sir .

     With regards ,

 ShamRao , national secretary ,

EPS 95 pensioners  coordination committee .

Bidar ,  Karnataka 


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