7 October 2020

Hon. MP has Informed that he would Peruse the Matter EPS-95 Pension Definitely

Hon. MP has Informed that he would Peruse the Matter EPS-95 Pension Definitely

Today Mr Nagaraj, Vice president, Karnataka and his team with Mr Ganesh, Mr Matadipathi, and Mr Chandra Reddy, have met Mr P C Mohan, Hon. Member of Parliament and represented about our pension issues and requested to talk to Dr Jitendra Prasad singh, Hon. Minister, Prime Minister.

Hon. MP has informed that he would peruse the matter defenitely.

Thanks to the team and Hon. M. P.


C S Prasad Reddy 

Chief coordinator 

Southern Region 

All India EPS 95 Pensioners Sangharshan samithi and National Agitation Committee 


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