14 November 2020

Minimum Pension of Rs 9000/ Before High Empowered Monitoring Committee

 Minimum Pension of Rs 9000/ Before High Empowered Monitoring  Committee

You are aware that we placed  a demand of minimum pension of Rs 9000/ before High Empowered Monitoring  committee.It was reported in December 2018 that HEMC recommended Rs 2000/.The Minister labour and employment after the  CBT meeting at Hyderabad had announced that the EPFO will recommend Rs 3000/ as minimum pension to the Government. Nothing was heard neither from the government nor from EPFO. 
Now it is being heard that the government is considering to approve minimum pension of Rs 2000/ as recommended by HEMC. We demanded the government to consider minimum pension on scientific basis pand which will be sufficient for subsistence for couple. But this government do not consider the demands on the need based or base on scientific norms. We should demand the government for a minimum pension ofRs 9000/.
The openion given by Sri M N Reddy stands to the reason . What runs in the mind of the govt as regards quantum of  hike of minimum pension is unknown . Messages are posted that have no authenticity and they are creating confusion with no clarity whatsoever among the non- beneficiaries of higher pension . 
I have been always demanding in my letters for the hike of minimum pension with DA that meets the average cost of minimum life across the country citing the reason that the average cost of minimum  life is not less than Rs 10000 . How best the hon'ble govt  understands the situation has become unpredictable . 
It is better that let all the associations demand in one voice for the minimum pension that helps for normal life as the present range of pension from less than Rs 1000 to about Rs 3000 is nowhere sufficient   for the present livelihood cost . This is  my humble appeal to all the pensioners / associations .

 Thank you 


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