24 December 2020

Budgetary support for Minimum Economic Security to EPS 1995 : Prime Minister of India

Budgetary support for Minimum Economic Security to EPS 1995 : Prime Minister of India 

 by email      20th December 2020


1)The hon'ble prime minister of India 

Through  Dr jitendra singh , hon'ble minister of PMO .

2) The  hon'ble finance minister 

3) The hon'ble minister of Labour & employment  , Govt of India 

 New Delhi .


   Sub : Budgetary support for minimum economic security to EPS 1995 pensioners , reg .

Respected sir(s) / madam , 

  The statement of hon'ble minister of finance that the forthcoming budget for the year 2021-22 will be like no other in the past is most welcome and we believe that our pension issue would not be missed in the budget of 2021-22 taking into consideration the following position , lest we do not continue to suffer with our pension crises .

  It is but inevitable for us that in the context of with ongoing process of annual budget presentation for the financial year 1921-22 , it is to submit our grievances that the appeals of EPS 1995 pensioners for hike of minimum pension with dearance allowance have remained unsettled  as yet despite the  demands put through various  memorandums  by peaceful protests taken place hitherto for years together .

 It is undeniable and very much in the knowledge of citizens that the hon'ble  N D A govt has done commendable / remarkable progressive work for welbeing of the citizens that has eased  the  LIVILIHOOD of  poor and general  category citizens  in distribution of  LPG supply , rationing of food items  by BPL cards  with better  administrative process , financial support to the farmers , traders,  petty businessmen , street vendors and so many reliefs as necessiated in form of social welfare measures .

Further the hon'ble govt  has also  come to rescue the unorganised workmen of labour class by providing  financial assistance in Covid -19 crises on loss of employments and means of LIVILIHOOD  while moving ahead in regular planned developments by revival of economy ,  constructions of  Highways connectivity in high scale  for fast movements of traffic and goods  and progressive measures in essential sectors connected with mainstream of  life  that are visible . 

     But the EPS pensioners are unseen and unnoticed of their problems  !  No bit of financial relief is extended to alleviate their problems .

  Equality of  economic justice for maintenance of  basic LIVILIHOOD with a liveable pension  is to be meted out , amidst  the scenario that prevails in pension system with dearance allowance by  regular periodical revisions  , medical facilities in respect of govt pensioners  and multiple pensions enjoyed by others for short spells of  public service .

    The issue connected to the pension of EPS 1995 pensioners that deserve utmost serious attention with the concern of humanity stands to be solved with political will by the hon'ble govt sensing the bad  situation and unspeakable sufferings with DEPENDANCY on others at mercy  the pensioners are undergoing  in the  present  nuclier family set up  with meagre  range of pension in between less than Rs 1000 and about Rs 3000  that does not meet the cost of any basic needs of LIVILIHOOD .     

    The pension is provided  to serve the purpose of providing  economic security of life ensured with human dignity which has been defeated by the employees pension scheme 1995  .

It shall be a liveable pension in fair quantum that meets basic needs of life and the cost of  medical facilities .What is provided now is unliveable pension under the employees pension scheme 95 . 

 The service of EPS pensioners made  with tireless toiling in hey days of life with  day and night shift in major / minor industries , corporations  , Boards  public and private  sectors ,  owned  by central and state govts  , transport , textile industries , gold mines , steel plants  , cement factories  gold mines  etc  etc and innumerable cottage industries has contributed for the growth of the nation visible to all citizens what it looks today . But their plight of LIVILIHOOD in retirement has been worsened with economic insecurity 

getting unnoticed by all the successive govts that came into power since inception of the pension scheme .

Primarily  farmers , workers of either organised or unorganised class being contributor of national economy besides unignorable strength  of population   have all equal  importance by their dedicated service  to hold the nation in high esteem who are essentially to be protected of socio economic security with human dignity by ensuring constitutional  rights of citizens  &  non violation of  human rights as well . But they are  made very much under previlised keeping them on different footing  in quite  contrast to govt pensioners .

   The articles 14 , 21 and such others of Indian constitution that protect  security of life of citizens  and  human rights   1) right to food and health 2) right to adquate standard of life  3) right to social security that are all not to be violated , have stood irrelevant   to the present LIVILIHOOD situation of the EPS 95 pensioners devalued of their service  who have been crying for justice for years / decades together against the onslaught of  meagre pension provided  without dearance allowance  kept UNREVISED for 20 years.

 It vividly  speaks of denial of the citizens right to life and economic justice  and violation of human rights which is already brought to the kind knowledge of National human rights commission New Delhi for  violation of human rights caused by meagre pension 

 The hon'ble govt may kindly solve this  genuine issue  by making necessary changes in the pension scheme , the scope of which is very much available in  contribution and better management of pension fund that forms the  financial capital with it's investment benefits growing time to time .

 What matters to the employees provident fund organisation new Delhi in present pension scheme is  inconsistent to the democratic principles . 

   The highest judiciary has upheld  with assertion and  affirmation  what the EPS pensioners have been demanding for economic security of life  disagreeing the stand taken on the conditions of the pension scheme. 

   In the light of  all these developments and understanding  the problems of financial insecurity of pensioners under EPS 1995  , some  hon'ble members of parliament ,  members of legislative state assemblies and chief ministers of states have also  recommended to your hon'ble govt  for enhancement of minimum pension with DA through their letters supporting the demand  of pensioners with the concern of humanity .

 Whatever if we happen to receive the benefit of pension by it's hike and D A , it is spent for needs of LIVILIHOOD  that  yields tax to the govt , not going to turn into black money . 

      It is the voice of all EPS pensioners coupled with spouses accounting in crores scattered all over the country , majority of them  are poor and very poor citizens  doing menial jobs to eke  out their LIVILIHOOD  , unsupportive of their children being in search of jobs under  Covid -19 pandemic crises .

  Kindly let these pensioners be relived of  distress and disgrace  in  their LIVILIHOOD  securing them minimum  economic security by the hon'ble govt on the basis of committee reports logically  with present valuation  of average  minimum cost of life of a couple   across the nation that comes about Rs 10000  in order that they live a happy and normal life  by giving precedence to LIVILIHOOD and health of the citizens with focus  in annual budget for the year 2021-22 as assured by the hon'ble finance minister .

   With high regards .

Sincerely yours 

ShamRao , national secretary , EPS 1995 pensioners coordination committee .

Bidar ,  Karnataka 


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