14 December 2020

EPS 95 Pensioners Reaction on Current Situation of Supreme Court & Govt. of India

 EPS 95 Pensioners Reaction on Current Situation of Supreme Court & Govt. of India 

Pensioners 1 : I am EPF pension and drawing 1421/- per month after deposit 40601/- for higher pension.

RPFC Chandigarh not given benefit of 12 month. I had written to CPFC New Delhi Labour Secretary govt of India Labour department PM of India through uncounted emails but all in vain.
RPFC Chandigarh have no record of 2002 and I department locked out on 30.6.2002.RPFC Chandigarh written to my department and who had provide record should not acceptable to RPFC Chandigarh
It is shameful for Labour department Govt of India.

Pensioner 2 : I have lives in visakhapatnam city. Andhra pradesh.I also a EPS 95 pensioner.I have got 12 years experience for maintenance of stocks and cash flow in the wholesale pharmaceutical distribution stores in visakhapatnam. Can you provide me a job opportunities.

Pensioners 3 : I am 75 years old and retired in 2002 from a TATA GROUP of Companies. I am getting Rs.1163 as monthly pension. How tough, as everyone can imagine, is it to maintain the livelihood in the current days' situation. I don't know how long (will it happen within our life tine) it is likely to take for increasing the pension amount?

Pensioners 4 : Only hopeful solution lies is to kick out this govt in coming election only. 1)We the cityzens/EPS retiree & middle class people of this country do note want such a heart less,mind less,sense less,Brain less govt which is I'll treating its own Senior cityzens without taking care of Social Care ,not respecting the services&sacrifices made in the development of the Country for 30-35 years &. the worst attitude of the govt in ignoring&I'll treatment of its 65lakh senior retired EPS cityzens & their 3-4 Crore depandants, Such a heartless which does not respects its own Party MPs request as well as other party MPS request to consider the hike of EPS Retirees Pension.

3) Such govt which does not respect the nation's highest Apex Courts, Which Dis honours the court Verdict is not at all required when 65 lakh Elderly 70+ aged Senior Retiree cityzens genuine demands are not met.

4) 3-4 Crores depandants of EPS retirees are struggling hard to lead simple life without genuine Pension to the retirees which are their legitimate Claim & rights to have Pension at par govt employees and by neglecting the rights to live are not considered by this govt is going to build big projects on the Dead bodies of all 65 lakh retirees &their 3-4 Crore depandants . & the govt is spending Crores of Tax payers money, for Errecting Big statues by spending more than Rs 1500 crores ,when the life of the people ,by Spending Rs 900Crores of Tax payers money for constructing New PARLIMENT House when 60-70% the people are struggling without having Basic facilities such as Food,Clothes,Shelter, Medicines,proper education ,proper Employment.

5)60-70%Population are below poverty even after 73 years of Independence. All these are showing how badly the country is ruled &are put into hardship to lead a simple life.

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