12 December 2020

Karnataka team have met one MP by name Mr Y.Devendrappa in regards EPS 95 Pension Demand

 Karnataka team have met one MP by name Mr Y.Devendrappa in regards EPS 95 Pension Demand

Today our Karnataka team have met one MP by name Mr Y.Devendrappa, of Ballery and got one letter addressed to our Prime Minister.

Thanks and congratulations to Apple team and the team lead by Sri Ramakanth.
We are pleased to share yet another successful efforts by Apple Karnataka.
Our Ballari Apple members met Hon. MP Shri Y Devendrappa of Ballari and discussed our EPS'95 issues and could collect EPF'95 supportive letters addressed to
Hon. PM Shri Narendra Modi ji.

We on behalf of Apple Karnataka, we thank and appreciate  the efforts and persistence of our Ballari members in getting such letters.

R Nargund
Team Apple Karnataka


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