28 January 2021

My question is when Modi ji increase retirement date it will be 62 or not if not why

 My question is when Modi ji increase retirement date it will be 62 or not if not why

There was a Proposal to move retirement data by 62 Years . However Government didn't take any decision on it till .Let's understand the impact of this decision .

Already Our students are waiting for  new Opportunity and if Government take such decision it will be delayed for new opportunity. The retirement age of colonels other than that of the Army Medical Corps and Military Nursing Service will be increased to 57 years from the current 54. 

The retirement age of brigadiers is proposed to be increased to 58 years from the current 56 years and that of the major generals to 59 from the current 58. 

No change has been proposed for the lieutenant general rank, which will continue to be 60 years. 

Such decision is not possible to take in one night by government. It is now totally   under government ,Whether they are taking such decision or not .


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