6 January 2021

Providing Socio-Economic Security with Human Dignity to EPS 95 pensioners

 Providing Socio-Economic Security with Human Dignity to EPS 95  pensioners

By email           6th January  2021  

1)The hon'ble prime minister of India 
Through  Dr jitendra singh , hon'ble minister of PMO .
2) The  hon'ble finance minister 
3) The hon'ble minister of Labour & employment  .
4) The hon'ble secretary , labour and employment 
 Govt of India , new Delhi .
  Sub : providing socio-economic    security with human dignity to EPS 95  pensioners , reg .

Respected sir(s) / madam , 

 With  the sufferings of economic insecurity and bad, pitiable dependancy status of  livilihood in swirling poverty  and lot of patience undergone against the injustice  for decades , the  EPS 1995  pensioners are in very much perturbance still  looking at  the hon'ble govt with very  optimistic expectation for  hike of minimum pension indexed with cost of living and medical facilities as being demanded  that meets the cost of present days life in the context of provisions of EPS 95 that exists now.

   The pension is ought to have been  determined on last drawn average of 12 months  actual wages with total PF contributory period of service at the time of retirement of employees by adjustment of requisite   necessary pension fund contribution from the employer's share of provident fund  by book adjustment of  debit &  credit in  Regional PF offices , indexed with cost of living . 

The supreme  judiciary with affirmation and assertion , has upheld the economic security of pensioners ,  to be provided by fair pension as a matter of right for the service rendered .
      But in consequence of the present provisions of employees pension scheme 1995  by  amendments made , twisted now and then , as allowing higher pension on actual wages on joint excercise of option for a limited period by employer and employee.

 Ceasing it and then again allowing the said benefit on the directions of hon'ble supreme court and withdrawal of the same besides  ignoring the past service of pre EPS 95 service under family pension scheme 1971 leaving no scope of higher pension for the  early retirees of EPS 95 .

 Non- provision of dearance allowance citing the reason of non-feasibility  for self funded scheme  have
all brought  grave and serious problem for very survival itself with health and wellbeing concerns that matters very much  to the poor EPS 95  pensioners accounting in majority . 

     The kind attention of hon'ble govt is to be paid unfailingly for the pension to be made it  PURPOSEFUL and LIVEABLE  sensing the appeals made by the hon'ble elected / nominated
representatives , chief ministers of states  in support of our demand  that ensures the welbeing of EPS 95 pensioners in order that they live their decent minimum normal easeful  life of it's remaining period .

 Free of disgrace and discontent , protected of constitutional and human rights with socio-economic  security what they had in service time to the extent of  some consolation , obiviously  not in comparison with govt pensioners placed in all comfort with more prevalises,  taking care of their children and grand children too , as they have  , in addition to the pension with it's  dearance allowance periodically  revisable , furthermore benefits for entire life time  in enhancement of pension over age factor of 80 plus years onwards . 

     So , having undergone the man-made situation of tragic consquences by the present system of pension scheme that has squeezed the normal  life what they had it , continued  over this long period of time by all the successive govts , the innocent poor pensioners are in dark , disintegrated nuclier family system looking at the sky  with a dream whether they would , could  happen to see the light of the day in their life time .

Would the hon'ble govt sense and understand at least now the serious problem of economic insecurity  in all it's right perspective to take care of senior citizen EPS 95 pensioners  crossing  the age of 70 ,75 years  for their  BASIC  SURVIVAL  itself or continue to hold the perpetuated  position that ONLY  the present range of pension on EPS 95  pensionable service and ceiling wages  without dearance allowance is feasible under the self funded employees pension scheme ignoring equality of justice , discrimination  regardless of what JUDICIARY ,  SOCIAL THINKERS  and  SANE  CITIZENS   SAY  stares at the pensioners sitting with cross fingered .

     Kindly let not these pensioners be dashed of their last hope kept with the  hon'ble NDA govt not devaluing their services that have contributed the growth of the nation visible today in democratic governance that carries equality of justice to it's citizens .
    With high regards expecting the much needed relief .

Sincerely yours 
ShamRao , national secretary , 
EPS 95 pensioners coordination committee ,  BIDAR , KARNATAKA 


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