8 February 2021

An EPS 95 pensioner's pain in the name of Sangh chief Dr. Mohan Bhagwat

 An EPS 95 pensioner's pain in the name of Sangh chief Dr. Mohan Bhagwat

An EPS 95 pensioner's pain in the name of Sangh chief Dr. Mohan Bhagwat
From Dada Tukaram Zode Hon. Open letter to Mohanji Bhagwat, Sir Sanghchalak.
Respected Mohanji Bhagwat.
Sir Sangh Chairman, Sangh Office,
Sangh Building, Mahal, Nagpur, 440032
Subject :- Etc in the country. P. A humble request to alleviate the problems and pains of the retired salary holders of S. 95
Respected Sir,
I, Dada Tukaram Zode, 67 years old, retired employee of Maharashtra State Electrical Production Company, an activist of an organization of EPS 95 retired pay holders at Nagpur. I've never been an active worker or member of the team, but I already have respect for the team and have a good opinion about the team work. So, when I thought about the pain of around 68 lakh EPS 95 retired salary holders and the parents of the Government of India, I felt that you are absolutely right and capable of this, and so to write to you Having an adventure and humbly requesting you to pay attention to this and remove their problems. This is the brief information about this.

In 1995, the Government of India launched the Employee Family Retirement Pay Scheme 1971 (EPS-95) for employees working in the industrial sector. Since the benefits of this scheme or pension wages were very low, the scheme was opposed across the country. Cases were filed against this scheme across the country. All these cases were classed in the Supreme Court and a hearing was conducted together. The scheme is a very good welfare scheme by the Government of India and will protect the employees in their old age in terms of social, economic and health, the Supreme Court said in 2003 that the scheme is appropriate under the framework of the Constitution. (M / s Otis Elevator Employees Union v / s Union of India).

The government has made some amendments to this scheme in 1996 to reduce the opposition to this scheme in the beginning. Among them, pension salary is one on full salary under section 11 (3). But the provision was not given proper publicity by the Employee Future Fund Association and after the Supreme Court's decision of the above 2003, setting the last date of 31-12-2004 for pension on full salary of Article 11 (3), according to this provision, pension on full salary Employees were not given the opportunity to get. Employees / retired pay holders went to court and decisions taken in favor of staff in high court and supreme court. R on 4-10-2016 C. In the case against Gupta, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of employees and paved the way for retired pay holders to get pension on full salary. But this decision of the Supreme Court is not yet implemented by the Employee Future Fund Organization and the Central Government.

After the Bharatiya Janata Party government came to power in 2014, the central government stopped the concession of retired pay on full salary under Article 11 (3) of EPS 95 and made other changes against the interest of employees. The Kerala High Court decides that it is illegal and cancelled the decision on 12-10-2018 The verdict given by the Supreme Court was also justified by the Kerala High Court and the appeal of the Predictive Fund Association was rejected on 1-04-2019 But without implementing this decision of the Supreme Court, the Central Government and the Future Fund Organisations have filed different cases in the Supreme Court and deprived the retired pay holders from their entitled pension salaries.

Thus the Bharatiya Janata Party in power at the centre does not implement the decision of High Court and Supreme Court on behalf of the government, employees and retired pay holders. Not only this, trying to mislead the Supreme Court by filing an appeal in the Supreme Court and presenting false information in the court. It is a very sad and shameful matter that the country's general advocates make false statements in the Supreme Court. Veteran retired pay holders are literally being tortured during the end of the lives of retired wage holders.
The second point is that the leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party have cheated the retired salary holders which is very condemnable. This is the information about it.

Recommendations of Bhagat Singh Koshiyari Committee.
Before 2014, many pensioners got Rs. 200-300 used to get monthly pension. The age of the retirees who retired around 2000 is almost 80 years today. These people were getting very little pension because of the low pensionable salary and pensionable service. Opposition leader (Bharatiya Janata Party) Shri Prakash Javadekar, then MP filed a petition in Rajya Sabha considering the very bad situation of these pensioners. This petition of Mr. Javadekar has been filed. At the The committee was established under the chairmanship of Bhagat Singh Koshiari, then Bharatiya Janata Party MP and the current Governor of Maharashtra. E. P. As the pension holders of S. 95 are getting very low pension, that pension is at least Rs. 95 The petition was demanded to be increased up to 3000 and linked to the inflation index. The petition was accepted and Bhagat Singh Koshiyari Committee recommended minimum pension of Rs. 3000 and related inflation allowance. The committee also suggested about the provision and viability of the recommendations in its report.

Then opposition leaders and leaders filing petitions (Bharatiya Janata Party leaders) with inflation allowance at least rupees. 3000 Pension was demanding strongly. The Congress party government in the center has made a minimum pension of Rs. 1000 /- But Bharatiya Janata Party demanded that Bhagat Singh Koshiyari Committee's recommendations should be implemented. Later in 2014, the government of the Congress party went and the government of the Bharatiya Janata Party came to the center.

In this 2014 Lok Sabha election campaign, Bharatiya Janata Party leaders had assured during the election that if their government comes to power, they will implement Bhagat Singh Koshiari Committee's recommendations within 90 days, minimum pension Rs. Will increase up to 3000 and related inflation allowance will be given. At the Nitin Gadkari held meetings of retired employees at Nagpur, Hon. Javadekar and Hon. Hansraj Ahir also held meetings of retired employees at different places and promised to implement Bhagat Singh Koshiari Committee recommendations to retired employees, if elected and if the Bharatiya Janata Party government comes in the center, he will implement it within 90 days. Believing in this promise, retired pay holders promoted Bharatiya Janata Party leaders, voted for them and helped elect Bharatiya Janata Party leaders and Bharatiya Janata Party government came to power at the center. But after coming to power, the leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party have completely forgotten the promises made during the elections.

Now, the Bharatiya Janata Party government has been in power for the past seven years, but it has not implemented the recommendations of Bhagat Singh Koshiyari Samiti and has not increased the pension of a single penny. Mr. Prakash Javadekar had filed the petition, had his own demands, and has been a Union Minister in the Government of India for the last seven years, but, he doesn't say a word about EPS-95 pension. It is very sad that Hon. Nitin Gadkari also raises his hands and answers that such promises have to be made in the elections.

It was never expected that these Bharatiya Janata Party leaders, who were formed in the Sangh's mushi, would cheat and cheat elderly retired wage holders. If the ideals set by Lord Ramchandra and the teachings of the Sangh are being fulfilled, how will the expectations from the Sangh be fulfilled?. Political leaders created in the Sangh's mushi cheat the public and betray the elderly, it is definitely a bhushna Nope. Then we humbly request you to think sympatheticly about this and pay attention to this and alleviate their pains.

Also, Bharatiya Janata Party centre government should give elderly poor retired pay holders their rights in the law and should not play a role against them. Many elderly pension holders don't get even Rs. 1000 per month pension salary and they are living a light life without enough food, water and medicinal water. Instead of helping such people in their last period of life, the parents government itself creating obstacles in the way of getting justice, it is unbearable for the government. Then we humbly request that you give proper advice to the concerned and please bless the elderly poor pension pay holders.
Thank you.
Yours humble
Dada Tukaram Zode,


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