11 February 2021

Redressal of Grievances of EPS 1995 pensioners Sri Yogi Adityanath

 Redressal of Grievances of  EPS 1995 pensioners  Sri Yogi Adityanath

 Sri Yogi Adityanath   
  Hon'ble chief minister , 
  Uttar Pradesh . 
   Sub : Redressal of greivences of 
             EPS 1995 pensioners , reg
Respected sir , 
          Holding the reigns  of big state Uttar Pradesh with HIGH  SPIRIT  in GOVERNANCE  by effective administration you have been in lime light in the nation . Not the just the people of Uttar Pradesh acknowledge what is being done to them for developments along with  enforcement of  the law and order of the state controlling the bad elements that surface time and again but also you have  become a role model in democratic governance . I salute your goodself . 

    Sir , you have already come to know one burning problem what   the EPS 1995 pensioners settled across the country,  majority of them belong to poor category ,  are facing for long time  in their livilihood for survival in pathetic conditions with meagre pension in between less than Rs 1000 and about Rs 3000  provided by the  EPFO under the employees pension scheme 1995 . Majority of them  live in your state .

  You have  already felt it to be addressed by the hon'ble central govt and also  recommended for solvation of the issues early .  But the seriousness of the issue in particular,  about the hike of minimum pension with DA is not drawing the kind attention of the hon'ble central  govt on priority for immediate decision while the situation of the EPS 1995 pensioners is going from bad to worse over time waiting in day and night for the much needed relief in hike of minimum pension that meets the minimum needs of basic livilihood at present cost . 

     Not going much into the issue that has already been brought to the knowledge of all the concerned authorities , I on behalf of EPS 1995 pensioners of Karnataka , take an opportunity to submit before your kindself that the issue of enhancement of minimum pension with DA may kindly be got solved by your good office with least delay by the hon'ble NDA govt . 

      We hope that you would kindly take the issue with sensitiveness it holds and help us for grant of hike of minimum pension to Rs 9000 with DA that meets the present  minimum cost of life that rules across the nation as being requested by the EPS 95 pensioners through their appeals in memorandums and peaceful protests  and also the issue  supported  by some hon'ble members of parliament in this budget session for kind action of the hon'ble NDA govt .

       The EPS 1995 pensioners are very much perturbed and worried  facing  unbearable hardships to survive with much dependancy on others in last phase of life deprived of normal life what they had . 
    Sir ,  kindly see by what it could be done at your level  that  let these pensioners have some relief from distress with hike in  minimum pension at moderate level in order that they live normal life  what has been sought . 
      Thanking your kind self with high regards ,
       Sincerely your's 
      ShamRao , national secretary, 
EPS 1995 pensioners coordination committee .
BIDAR , Karnataka 


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