21 March 2021

EPFO has Issued Latest Circular Dated 20-3-2021 IT IS NOW or NEVER


EPFO has Issued Latest Circular Dated 20-3-2021 

EPFO has issued latest circular dated 20-3-2021 

Immediate reaction & response from pensioners it is shocking & unbelievable as same was issued on the eve of commencement of hearing of SLP on 23-3-2021.

Further it amounts to interfering & influencing on judicial proceedings to commence shortly on 23-3-2021

Why issue circular in a hurry & that to on holiday?

It may be noted that action has come after time gap of more than four years that to circular issued on 20-3-2021 which happens to be holiday

 Earlier EPFO never thought or  considered similar action in different courts. It is after thought & just deny the benefits to pensioners from SC order dated 4-10-2016 & Implementation order dated 23-3-2017

This action of EPFO must be countered & challenged in SC, attention of CJI, SCBA must drawn for timely  suitable action 

Now intention of EPFO is very much clear that it will do everything to possible to call for review earlier SC order of 4-10-2016 

This is common issue & hence all AOR, Sr Advocate should have a common strategy, court / floor coordination for presenting EPS matter strongly & effectively  before three judges bench 

It is now or never 

There urgent need for United fight in SC by respective Sr advocate 

We have to fight against all odds. So 
Let us hope & pray for best outcome 

These are my views & this issue may be shared with UR concerned AOR & Sr Adovcates for immediate further action 

Regards & Good wishes 


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