3 March 2021

The Hon'ble union minister of transport , Govt of India national secretary of EPS 1995 pensioners coordination committee

 The Hon'ble union minister of transport , Govt of India national secretary of EPS 1995 pensioners coordination committee

 Sri  Nitin Gadkari ji 
 The Hon'ble union minister of transport ,  Govt of India  , 
New Delhi . 

 Respected sir ,
    The way you are very much active and full of spirit with smiling face all the time   in  development of transport sector by building up of national high ways at very unbelievable faster rate with connectivity to the  places surrounding the nation found  inaccessible till now and with new and new innovative solutions  for reduction of  fuel consumption cost of vehicles in order of Rs 20000 crores , non stop works in the  related sector   that all help for fast movement of traffic and goods in economic  progress of the nation is really commendable  and I salute your kindself with all proudness  . The citizens all acknowledge your service with gratitude that is  becoming  memorable in the history of governance . 

   As a national secretary of EPS 1995 pensioners coordination committee ,  my  humble  request to your kindself now at this juncture  is , although it is not connected to your portfolio , we all know you have the concern of humanity  for us , kindly put a word to the honourable minister of Labour & employment  to solve unfailingly  atleast the issue of enhancement of minimum pension and D A that meets  the present cost of livilihood of EPS pensioners settled in nook and corner of the country  in the CBT meeting being held on 4th march 2021 since their unspeakable  sufferings having undergone for years together , deserve an early solution , the need of the hour , in order that they live a normal life with human dignity  with some minimum socio- economic security what has been totally  deprived with very meagre pension provided under the EPS 1995 .

   Your kind help would , if materialised , relieve the pensioners from poverty  distress ,disgrace and indignity as  majority of them belong to poor category . Kindly lest their agony not continue testing the patience for indefinite time .  
      With high regards 
Sincerely your's 
  ShamRao , national secretary , 
EPS 1995 pensioners coordination committee , 


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