11 May 2021

How to Join EPS 95 Pensioners Meeting ? Join Meeting EPS-95 Pension Hike Virtual from Home

 How to Join EPS 95 Pensioners Meeting ? Join Meeting EPS-95 Pension Hike Virtual from Home

EPS'95 NAC South Indian virtual Zoom meeting

Dear friends
This is to inform all our National agitation committee South Indian members.
We have planned an online virtual meeting.
Date: 12.05.2021
Time:10.30 am -11.30 am
We will be discussing various EPS'95 Pensioners issues.

As Corona is matter of concern to all our seniors, to overcome doubts, apprehensions and also to understand better how to face the present situations, we are inviting   Dr. Prashant R Reddy, who will address us giving Corona related health advises & tips.

Please make use of this need of the hour and one of the rare opportunity by attending this meet.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 517 464 7690
Passcode: 6xc4ED

C.S Prasad Reddy 
Chief coordinator South NAC


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