28 August 2021

Inordinate delay in deciding the cases of EPS-95 pensioners and injustice with the aged senior citizens EPS 95 pensioners

 Inordinate delay in deciding  the cases of EPS-95 pensioners and injustice  with  the aged senior citizens EPS  95 pensioners .

Please see and  read it care fully. We have received acknowledged massages form Supreme court .It is for your information and  your studies comments for the better knowledge.thanks Prakash Pathak National General Secretary Employees Pension Scheme 95 Coordination Committee Nagpur Maharashtra India

: Your Grievance/Communication registered against Inward No.20128/2021, has been lodged/filed  on 05-08-2021 as  contents of complaint are not covered under PIL guidelines.. - Supreme Court of India

: Your Grievance/Communication registered against Inward No.20616/2021, has been lodged/filed  on 09-08-2021 as  contents of complaint are not covered under PIL guidelines.. - Supreme Court of India

: Your Grievance/Communication has been given Inward No.70476/SCI/PIL/2021 For status, kindly logon to http://sci.gov.in and go to Grievance Management option in Case Information Tab. - Supreme Court of India

Letter Below :- 


The Honorable, the Chief Justice of India  , The Supreme Court of India

 New Delhi, 110001.


Subject : - Inordinate delay in deciding  the cases of EPS-95 pensioners and injustice   with  the aged senior citizens EPS  95 pensioners .



 Honourable Sir,


                 We first of all ,   hearty         congratulate ,  for your  appointment as the Chief Justice of India , the  highest post of honour  and hope that in your regime every one will get the justice.


             With reference on the subject cited above that  it is the most  humbly and respectfully  brought  to  your  kind notice that  near about 67 lakhs  senior citizens ,  old aged EPS-95 pensioners,   are eagerly waiting for the decision of the Supreme Court in their , near about , 60   cases pending in the Supreme Court. After  a long waiting period and  after requests of so many  Pensioners  , these cases were listed on 18-01-2021 , 29-01-2021, 25-02-2021 , 23-03-2021 , 25-03-2021 , 13-04-2021 , 15-04-2021  and lastly on 22-04-2021, before the Court no 4/3 , headed by the honourable Justice  U U  Lalit ,   however , unfortunately hearing could not be done ,for one or other reasons. Now, the Supreme Court has decided to advance the vacation leave and the Supreme Court will  not be working  from 10 th May 2021 to 27 June 2021 and  therefore,   justice delayed is being  more delayed in these cases ,  which is very very unfortunate for the old aged EPS-95 pensioners  who are  getting  ,  due to low paid salaried , 700-800 Rs. pension per month and who are struggling for their food and medicine , in this Carona pandemic with 2 nd weave . If they do not die by Carona , they may die for want of food and medicine. If the honorable Supreme Court and specifically  your good self show some mercy and decide their cases at the earliest , they may get some relief and their last period of Life  will be happy and satisfactory.


Honourable Supreme Court has already  given the justice vide  judgement dated 4-10-2016 and it's order dated 1-04-2019 , however, Government of India is not following the same.  


                   In fact the honourable Supreme Court has already  given the justice vide  judgement dated 4-10-2016 , deciding the case of R C Gupta and  vide order dated 1-04-2019 , rejecting the SLP of EPFO against the Order  dated 12-10-2018 of honourable Kerala High Court , however, the Government of India and EPFO are not following these orders and deprived the old aged pensioners from the benefits of above mentioned orders of the honourable Supreme Court.  The EPFO  filed a  Review Petition against the Order dated 1-04-2019 of the Supreme Court  and Government of India has filed a  separate SLP , very illegally , against the same order of Kerala High Court and are passing the time in the  court.

                Unfortunately, honourable Supreme Court allowed the above mentioned Review Petition of EPFO on 29-01-2021   ( honourable Court no 4 , headed by honourable justice U U Lalit) and on 25-02-2021 stayed all the Contempt of Court cases  arising out of Kerala High Courts Order and other orders of the courts. Because of these decisions of the Supreme court, the cases of EPS-95 pensioners are  required to be decided  immediately as the Pensioners are restricted from their legal rights and i EPFO is also taking advantage of this win win position and  is  also  playing  tactics to delay  hearing of these cases. The EPFO ,   taking advantage of this position , kept it's circular dated 23-03-2017 in abeyance from 20-03-2021 , on the pretext of the SLP of Govt of India  and  has restricted the eligible pensioners from application for revision of pension ,  as per the the judgement of the Supreme court in R C Gupta case and thus, the  EPFO is  also disobeying the order of honourable Supreme court in R C Gupta case.

        The EPFO has also stopped revised pension of many pensioners very illegally and without any notice. The EPFO is actually torturing the old aged poor pensioners by taking advantage of delay in deciding these cases and legal process. Till this time near about two lakhs EPS-95 pensioners are died without the benefit of above mentioned orders , however, no action is being taken either  by the EPFO or by the Government of India.

             Therefore, it is the most humbly requested with your honour to be very pleased, kind  and sympathetic to consider the problems of old aged EPS-95 pensioners of the Country and issue the order/direction for urgent hearing of these matters.


      Hence submitted for kind consideration on top priority with humanitarian Grounds also please sir.

      Yours sincerely


(Prakash Pathak ),

National General Secretary Employees Pension 1995 Coordination Committee Nagpur ,12.

        WamanRao, lane Sitabuldi               Nagpur,12,Maharasht,



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