21 September 2021

can the Re-view petition be filed in Hon'ble Supreme Court against the order ?

can the Re-view petition be filed in Hon'ble Supreme Court against the order ?  

  Hon'ble Justic U.U.Lalit's order dated 24/8/2021 is neither stay on R.C.Gupta's decision as well as Kerla High Court's order dated 12/10/2018 nor allowed the Re-view petition against the decision  of R.C.Gupta . The name of R.C.Gupta is also High-lighted, which is not the process to RE-OPEN without any Review petition filing by EPFO??.  So, can the Re-view petition be filed in Hon'ble Supreme Court against the order dated 24/8/2021 issued by Hon'ble Justic U.U.Lalit ?? 

 If yes, then kindly take action accordingly in favour of pensioners. 

🙏: कृपया मैरे संदेश की अन्तिम लाईन पर विशेष ध्यान दे 🙏

रणजीत सिंह दसूंदी,

प्रदेशाध्यक्ष राजस्थान एवं

 मुख्य-समन्वयक (उत्तर-भारत)


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