22 September 2021

EPS'95 T.P and Senior citizens sangrahana samithi warangal region a meeting is conducted at public garden Hanmakonda

 EPS'95 T.P and Senior citizens sangrahana samithi warangal region a meeting is conducted at public garden Hanmakonda

Yesterday EPS'95 T.P and Senior citizens sangrahana samithi warangal region a meeting is conducted at public garden Hanmakonda.
Nearly 220 members of EPS'95 pensioners participated .

The Telangana coordinator K Nageshwar Rao addressed the NAC meeting and informed the latest position and activities, and need of strengthens of NAC at Telangana and clear the doubts which were asked by them.

D.L.N.Chary president had emphasised the messages of Zoom meeting where ashok Raut ji addressed and informed that we definitely achive the minimum pension of ₹ 7500/- plus DA and unity of EPS'95 holders.

B Narayana Goud  secretary had informed the message of president and chief coordinator of south Ramakant  ji and important of all district NAC committee and state body.

Devender Reddy VP and Madhava Rao had shouted the main demands of NAC  all gathers are shouted for achive it under the leadership of askok Raut ji only.

Madhava Rao had briefly explain the important of minimum pension than higher pension which is in the judiciary .

Majority people are benefit with minimum penshion which is to be solved by govt only.

Madhava rao


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