22 September 2021

NAC EPS'95 Pensioners Zoom meeting minutes

NAC EPS'95 Pensioners Zoom meeting minutes 

 NAC EPS'95 Pensioners Zoom meeting minutes, Meeting was held on 20th Sept'21from 7.00 pm to 8.15 pm to discuss latest developments in Eps'95 pensioners related issues.

NAC Chief coordinater of south Mr.Ramakant Nargund welcomed members and briefed about the NAC activities at the national level.

Mr Nageshwar Rao NAC Telengana President explained about the disparity of EPS'95 pensioners and explained different activities conducted during struggle.

Mr Ramakant Nargund invited Mr Ashok Rout National president NAC, to explain in detail about the developments.

Mr Ashok Rout gave a detailed talk on discussion with Hon. Prime Minister & finance minister. He clarified our approach towards minimum pension and phase of higher pension issue.

Ashok Rout Ji has proposed to conduct a convention at Hyderabad for Telengana & AP regions.He appreciated the active participation of AP & Telangana members in different NAC activities. He also informed that in the month of October we are expecting some good news.

Our south India women’s wing secretary Srimati Laxmee madam also addressed the gathering.

All the participants from industries actively participated in the meeting and clarified their doubts and given some good suggestions as well wholehearted support to NAC leadership and it's activities.

We thank Mr C S Manjunath for organising and conducting Zoom meeting.

We thank all our NAC leaders and members from AP & Telangana for attending and participating in large numbers.


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