24 September 2021

Start a movement on" JOIN NAC" chalk out plans to increase NAC membership

Start a movement on" JOIN NAC" chalk out plans to increase NAC membership


NAC EPS'95 Pensioners Zoom meeting minutes.


Zoom meeting was held on 21st Sept 21 from 5.pm to 7.00 pm.

This national level virtual meeting was conducted by Shri Ramakanth Nargund Sir, NAC Chief Coordinator, Southern region. 

In 1st phase all State representatives were invited to give suggestions  or to share of their future plans in the interest of NAC and EPS'95 pensioners. 

NAC National General Secretary Shri Virendra Singh Ji apprised the present situation & shared some organizational issues.

NAC National President Commander Ashok Raut Sir addressed the meeting. He started by sincerely thanking all, Region, State and District wise leaders & it's respective members  for participating in our poster/banners display programs. He shared his views regarding the present status of NAC. 

He expressed, we are very closed to our target. 

The NAC Central team also met all the important personnel including Our Shri Rajnath Singh Ji and Amit Shah Ji. All these senior parliamentarians assured that our work will be done soon. And it was also stressed that regarding our demands, home work already started and the matter is under process. It is likely to take another 2 months time to give a final shape. So we have to wait till 31st Oct'21. But till 31st Oct we should continue our agitational programs at every level. Right from the State to block level. We must try to meet our local MPs, CM, Collector or DM and give a representation. We must conduct some meetings or Dharna for General awareness & to give wide publicity. He also requested to start a movement on" JOIN NAC" chalk out plans to increase our NAC membership. So we must  work on  membership increase drive campaigns in every nook and corner of our country on weekly basis. He said , if our job is not done till 31st Oct '21. Then NAC will call a CWC (Central Working Committee) meeting to take the decision for further courses of action. 

So friends please be united & keep faith on NAC. 

Definitely we will achieve our goal 

* National Agitation Committe*


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