27 September 2021

Supreme court of India Latest Today News Update by CJI NV Ramana All Physical Hearing will start

Supreme court of India Latest Today News Update by CJI NV Ramana All Physical Hearing will start 

 Hopeful of having physical hearings in Supreme Court after Dussehra vacation: CJI NV Ramana

The Supreme Court has currently put in place a hybrid system of hearing cases as per which lawyers have the option to choose whether to appear physically or virtually and most lawyers have preferred to appear virtually.

26 Sep, 2021

Chief Justice of India (CJI) NV Ramana on Sunday expressed hope about commencing full-fledged physical hearings in Supreme Court after the Dussehra vacation.

The CJI maintained that judges are not against physical hearings but many lawyers do not prefer it.

"Many lawyers are not preferring physical hearing and senior counsels have some issues, young lawyers are coming. Hopefully after Dusseshra vacation we will have physical hearings. Judges have no problem with physical courts," the CJI said.

The Supreme Court has currently put in place a hybrid system of hearing cases as per which lawyers have the option to choose whether to appear physically or through video conference.

Most lawyers are still preferring virtual mode as a result of which physical hearings are yet to take off completely before the top court.

The Supreme Court will be on Dussehra break from October 11 to 16 after which Court might resume physical functioning as per CJI's hints today.

The CJI was speaking at an event organised by lady lawyers of the Supreme Court to felicitate the judges of the top court.

The CJI also spoke about the issue of under representation of women in the judiciary.

He said that 50 percent representation of women in judiciary is a matter of right.

"With help of all of you, we may reach this goal in apex court and others court. I don't know whether I will be here or somewhere else. That day i will definitely be happy," he said.

Regarding the numbers in judiciary he highlighted,

"After coming back yesterday night from Odisha, I collected some information on our system. In subordinate court women judges are less than 40 percent, in high court it is less than 11 percent and same in Supreme Court. There only 2 percent elected members State Bar Councils."

As far as Bar councils and associations are concerned, he said that he has asked the chairperson of Bar Council of India (BCI) to remedy the issue.

"I asked BCI chairman why no lady in the bar associations and I stressed that there is urgent need of remedy. Lack of washrooms, creches, sitting places, work environment etc are the issues that plague women," the CJI said.


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