24 November 2021

EPS 95 National Agitation Committee (NAC) Prayagraj Mandal meeting concluded successfully

 EPS 95 National Agitation Committee (NAC) Prayagraj Mandal meeting concluded successfully

 National Agitation Committee

 * Chalo Lucknow - Let's gather at Lucknow*

 Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh)

 Dated -20.11.2021

 EPS 95 National Agitation Committee (NAC) Prayagraj Mandal meeting concluded successfully

 According to the order of  Hon Commander Ashok Raut, National President -

 On 19.12.2021-Let's all gather  at Lucknow resolve  from the holy land of Prayagraj*

 "Let's gather at Lucknow"  Shankhnaad

 Prayagraj Mandal of NAC resolved to get our  demands approved by making Lucknow program a grand  success.

 To get the 4-point demands of pensioners approved at the earliest

 The meeting was held as per the guidance and orders of NAC Chief Commander Ashok Raut.

 The decision was taken in the meeting held under the chairmanship of Shri TR Singh, NAC's Divisional President Prayagraj.

 * National General  Secretary of NAC Shri Virendra Singh Rajawat, National Vice President Shri KS Tiwari, Shri Om Shankar Tiwari, National Secretary, Shri Panna Ji Srivastava, Coordinator, Shri Chandrabhan Singh, state Working President, Shri Raghunandan Singh, Divisional Organization  Secretary, Shri Ram Pratap  Pandey, Shri Ramlal Gupta, Shri Jai Shankar Dubey, Smt. Geeta Yadav, Prabha Bharadwaj, Shri Tapan Shrivastava, Shri Rambabu Bharthari, Saroj ji, Shri KS Baul etc. Leaders of all the districts of Prayagraj Mandal including leaders were present, guided and resolved*


 * Special discussion also took place regarding the decisions taken in the Jamshedpur (Jharkhand) CWC meeting.

 * All the leaders said in one voice that -

 *According to the decisions taken in Jamshedpur CWC we must resolve  to fulfill the four point demands of pensioners.The movements under the EPS 95 Pensioners Bachao Abhiyan should be intensified and the nationwide convention / movement at Lucknow dated 19.12.2021 should be made successful because our members  Leaving us day by day, and are leaving the world.

 * Through this meeting,   appeal was also made to the Hon Prime Minister was appealed to fulfill the assurance given by him regarding  the acceptance our four-point demands at the earliest without testing  our patience.

 * To make Lucknow program successful, EPS 95 pensioners contact campaign will be run smoothly in the entire Prayagraj division.

 * This meeting  was conducted by Mr. Mahipal Singh.

 *Special salute to  the State  President of NAC, Uttar Pradesh, Shri Pradeep Srivastava, the entire NAC Uttar Pradesh team, Prayagraj district and divisional team.

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