10 November 2021

Providing SOCIO--ECONOMIC security to EPs 1995 pensioners by moderate liveable minimum pension

  Providing  SOCIO--ECONOMIC security to EPs 1995 pensioners by moderate liveable minimum pension

Sri Bhupender Yadav ji ,

Hon'ble union minister of Labour & employment , 

Govt of India , new Delhi .


Sub : Providing  SOCIO--ECONOMIC  security to EPs 1995 pensioners by moderate liveable minimum pension that meets the 

present cost of livilihood , reg .


Respected sir ,

   In the context of CBT meeting scheduled  to be held on 20th November 2021 the EPS 1995  pensioners are all in state of anguish and perturbation  on whether they would  get the minimum  liveable pension to lead  distress-free , dependance -free  normal  life with human dignity  by approval of CBT on this agenda by it's inclusion in the meeting  what  pensioners want it to be decided amidst the committee's reports , demands of trade unions , BMS etc , Pensioners associations  made .

 So they would  expect it to happen at an amount that suffice for the present  cost of  livelihood . So it is the voice of them settled across the country among whom there are about 16 lakhs pensioners inclusive of spouses in  Uttar Pradesh  state alone .  The hon'ble chief ministers , members of parliament , state assemblies  has all  supported our issue to be solved . It is a question of better survival of EPS pensioners lessening the sadness in their livelihood . So all desire that let the problem get solved now by the EPFO being liable to ensure welbeing of the pensioners .

   We , the pensioners waiting , over the years  for  minimum liveable  pension that meets the present  national average cost of livilihood humbly keep hope that your goodself being the honble chairman of CBT , having understood the woes of pensioners  would  take up the issue unfailingly  for discussion on priority and arrive at the decision that stands to the reason  with a sense of logic , scientific  and humanity taking into consideration the pre EPS 95 service factor to be not ignored of , not  within the perview  of the scheme on defined contribution-defined benefit on post service of EPS 1995  that ought to have been provisioned with PF act 1952 itself with actual wages on appropriate contribution to the pension fund by the employer but belatedly got  introduced on 16th November 1995  with ceiling wages that has brought up the present consequences  in all it's  seriousness , getting exihbited at nook and corner of the country by the meetings of pensioners at different places crying for settlement of long over due demands with unconsolable expressions , for the hike of minimum pension  with DA and free govt  medical facilities  as demanded among other issues .What matters to the pensioners is the present cost of life to be managed  in the present range of pension that should also matter to the Hon'ble CBT members governed by conscience .  All  the hon'ble members of CBT may kindly support it  to  solve the problem of  EPS 95 pension issue and put an end to it by it's decision that solves decades old human crises amidst the good pension  system with fair amount of minimum what is being demanded by us , operating in respect of govt pensioners . Let the nation feel proud  keeping  the service pensioners of labour force under workmen act also happy with adquate   pension  entitled , now deprived ,  as they are the builders of the nation contributing their might by toiling in prime life for the over all growth of the nation . 

These needy aggrieved very senior citizen EPS 1995 pensioners  being  suffered of much pain in MAINTAINENCE of livelihood for decades ,  left to dependencies  in weak physique , some of them found to be bereft of dependencies  paying  the taxes on all purchases for survival are not to be left  uncared of by deprivation of rightful pension ignoring their constitutional right to life .

    Your goodself , being the chairman of central board of trustees , have been apprised of the problems of EPS 95 that is taking the lives of  pensioners in despair , distress  of very much insecured life under sever  financial stress with meagre quantum of pension in the range of less than Rs 1000 and not much above 2500 .

  The pensioners know that that your goodself have kindly assured for good decision on the pension  issue to the executive teams of pensioners welfare associations hearing the reality factors of the pension scheme twice , thrice  besides responding to the hon'ble members of parliament positively that you are at the issue and let it  please got materialised as a memorable step not going untrue .

   In the context of growing unrest more and more day by day among the pensioners caused by very meagre pension provided that plays havoc in daily livilihood , it is a matter of prudence  that let kindly there be an end to it not prolonging it on any account as the human life is precious to be protected  of  human dignity with adequate  socio-economic security and not to be left uncared of with man made systems knitted found to be illogic , unscientific  and more inhuman by the way they are placed .The concerned authorities are not supposed to continue to maintain stoic silence on what is happening with EPS pensioners by EPS 1995  . 

 The most and urgent need of the pensioners is to have minimum economic security for them on the basis of present average cost of livelihood that runs into not less than Rs 10000  in order to lead a decent life that calls for requisite financial support . The majority of pensioners belong to poor category unsupportive of  their children surviving  with dependancy on others in silent cry .They are moving heaven and earth to face the livilihood in retirement life never thought of in the past  and all-out efforts are being made  by memorandums and peaceful protests against the DEFECIANT pension scheme incessantly , not unknown to the hon'ble govt .

  So , among other issues of higher pension , medical facilities etc  the hike of minimum pension that suits the present cost of livilihood  with DA and free medical facilities is inevitable to be granted for establishing happiness to the retirees what has been robed of  from the date of retirement putting them into gloom , pathetic  conditions and dependancy on others for  survival . The normal pension makes the retirees to be lived their life free of depression and distress . 

So  We  all pensioners request that the honble CBT members  may kindly make   a historic decision in unison  for hike of minimum pension as demanded with DA under the chairmanship of your goodself alleviating the sufferings of the pensioners in order that they live their life with ease not with economic constraints and human indignity . It is earnestly hoped that our issue would not go unaddressed making it very  priority urgent issue  looking into the sever situation of the pensioners .

      With high regards .

Sincerely your's 

ShamRao , national secretary 

EPS 1995 pensioners coordination committee , 

Bidar , Karnataka  


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