29 December 2021

EPF policies are anti-labor When you get your hands on a pension

 EPF policies are anti-labor When you get your hands on a pension

Studies have shown that India ranks 101st in the world in the world rankings for famine by 2021. If India is at the back of the list in terms of social justice, it is at the forefront of the world in terms of inequality.  It is also a matter of concern that India lags behind in social justice and is at the forefront of the world in terms of inequality. The published Global Pension Index, which compares the pension systems of major countries, also requires great introspection. As of 2021, India ranks 40th out of 43 countries. Compared to previous years, India's position on hunger and pensions is deteriorating.

The Pension Index was compiled and published by the CFA Institute and the Monaf Centre. The index is based on the adequacy and continuity of the pension system. A change in the way the index is prepared may make a small difference in India's ranking.

But the reality remains that India is one of the countries with the worst pension system. In fact, only government employees who are not a substantial share in the Indian labor force are entitled to a fair pension covering the full cost of employment. 

After 2004, the government shifted this also to participatory pensions. No one can be sure whether the employees will get a fair pension from the participatory pension scheme implemented in the government sector. The implementation of the participatory pension scheme is not progressing with sufficient transparency. There should be more clarity and certainty in this regard.

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