10 December 2021

Ms Neelam shammiRao, IAS The Central Provident Fund Commissioner, EPFO: All EPS 1995 pensioners settled across the nation

 Ms Neelam shammiRao, IAS The Central Provident Fund  Commissioner, EPFO: All EPS 1995 pensioners settled across the nation

Ms Neelam shammiRao, IAS
The Central Provident Fund 
Commissioner , EPFO ,
New Delhi .
Respected  madam ji ,
 We, all EPS 1995 pensioners
settled across the nation welcome your kindself with good wishes on having assumed the post of central provident fund
commissioner ,
EPFO , New Delhi 
  we in sincereity  request for the executive  compliance of the orders of highest judicary on determination of  normal pension on last  drawn 12 months wages  in universal formula in vogue  on the pragmatic  approach of  scientific , logic and above all humanity  respecting to the verdict of the of  hon'ble supreme court  already given in respect of EPS 1995 cases of pensioners withdrawing review petition and SLP .
  Now  in the context of inadequate and UNLIVEABLE pension being provided to the EPS 95 pensioners  comprising  lady pensioners .
widow pensioners and the pensioners of poor category , unsupportive of children in the present nuclier family system of the day under changed circumstances with tale of poverty shedding in tears  , it is humbly expected with  very much hope  that  you would  kindly look into the burning issue and solve the problem  at the earliest taking into consideration  the unspeakable sufferings being undergone by the pensioners for just  basic maintenance of life at it's present cost for years  together with  minimum  pension of Rs 1000 and also the meagre range of pension not exceeding much above Rs 3000 without dearance allowance  (unlinked to living cost index) determined on ceiling wages under the employees pension scheme 1995  negating the purpose of it .
This meagre minimum pension and also the meagre  range of pension as mentioned above , fixed on ceiling wages with the only  service of EPS 1995 taken it as pensionable, unaccounted of pre- service of family pension scheme 1971  has been kept stagnant with no  annual reliefs for the past more than 20 years as a result of which the EPS 95 pensioners are made to survive their life with disruption , distress and pathetic  dependancy on others in the state of human indignity  .  Many of the EPS pensioners  are getting even less than  minimum pension of Rs 1000 . 
   The EPS 1995 based on  " defined contribution - defined benefit social security scheme " unlinked to living cost index with accrual of no annual reliefs since the year  2000 is taking the lives of pensioners in disgust and stressful conditions with loss of mental peace . 
   The EPS pensioners about 23 thousands or so  are  getting their normal pension of higher  benefit  on the basis of last drawn 12 months  wages with excercise of one time joint option allowed for only a six months period limit  that was stopped at the closure of it's time  not getting it ensured of it's  notice / not bringing to the knowledge  of all EPS 95 pensioners at the relevant time  for the  benefit of higher pension  with  a failure of wide circulation among them  for it's excercise . The said joint option ought to have been kept open for excercise which would not have created  the litigations .
    For the past more than ten years , the unrest of the EPS  pensioners has been continuously exhibited  by peaceful protests with memorandums against the descriminate  system and stoppage of benefit of higher pension on actual wages  demanding for hike of minimum pension at present value of koshiyar committee's recommendation  with DA given 8 years back  and fixation of pension on last drawn 12 months wages withdrawing the circulars that have stopped the benefit of higher pension on actual wages  against  it's own decision approved  as  ordered by the hon'ble supreme court  .
    So  we all  the retirees under provident fund act request your kindself to restore the normal pension on last drawn 12 months  actual wages with hike of minimum pension linked to living cost index DA being the component of service pension as being demanded that meets the present cost of livilihood that runs in not less than Rs 10000 in order of  national average cost of life  with govt free medical facilities solving this human crises  faced by  the  service pensioners , not alienating  the service pension from the  established universal system . So we  seek your kind justifiable action in the matter .
     With high regards anticipating your decisive steps that stands to the reason . 

Sincerely your's 

ShamRao , national secretary 
EPS 95 pensioners coordination committee ,
Bidar , Karnataka 


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