19 January 2022

EPS'95 Pensioners The honorable President of India,Speakers Loksabha/ Rajyasabha,Prime minister of India,Chief Justice of India

EPS'95 Pensioners The honorable President of India,Speakers  Loksabha/ Rajyasabha,Prime minister of India,Chief Justice of India



The honorable President of India,

Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi 110001

The honorable Speakers  Loksabha/ Rajyasabha, the Parliament of India,  New Delhi 110001

The honorable Prime minister of India, 

Govt of India, New Delhi, 110001

The honorable Chief Justice of India

The Supreme court of India, New Delhi,110001

The honorable Minister of Labour & Employment, Govt of India, New Delhi 110001

All the Chief ministers of the States and the Indian Territories in the Country.

The honorable Sir/Madam,

               We, the Employee's Pension Scheme 1995 pensioners, the senior citizens of the country, the most humbly and respectfully brought to your kind notice that  we ,the very old aged pensioners, are very much frustrated by the behaviour and the attitudes of the Government of India, towards our problems regarding our pension and, also , discouraged due to the workings of the honorable Supreme court of India and therefore, we  unanimously  resolved to protest or use  "NOTA"  in all future elections of  Loksabha and states Assemblies of the country, those will be held in future.

                We, the old aged senior citizens of the country , have been agitating for our legal rights, sitting on the roads and performing the DHARNA  andolan, visiting Delhi offenly and performing agitations since last 10-12 years , however, the Government of India never taken any cognizance of our problems, of the old aged pensioners who have served the Country throughout their  life.

                 More than 30 lakhs pensioners in the country  are getting pension less than Rs 1000/- per month which is not even sufficient for their food and medicine. This is the only Pension in the country which is not revised or increased since last 20-21 years,  though the pensions of MPs, MLAs, MLCs, Centre Govt employees, State Govt employees etc is periodically revised and increased. Non- Contributory pensions like Shrawan Bal pension Yojana, Rajiv Gandhi Niradhar pensions etc are  also  periodically revised. However, our EPS 95 pension is not revised violating our constitutional rights and the Govt of India has thrown us on the winds to die.

              The Bhartiy Janata Party leaders, while in opposition in 2012, filed the petition in the Rajya Sabha to increase this Pension to  the minimum of Rs. 3000/- along with corresponding D.A.  The said petition was admitted and Bhagat Singh Koshiyari Committee was constituted by the Government ruled  by the Congress party. The Koshiyari Committee recommended to increase  minimum pension  to Rs 3000/- alongwith corresponding D.A. 

This was in 2013. The Bhartiy Janata party, while in opposition, was demanding the implementation of the Bhagat Singh Koshiyari Committee. The Congress party  ruled Govt didn't implemented the recommendations of the Koshiyari Committee and increased the minimum pension to Rs 1000/-. Then, during the Loksabha election of 2014, the BJP leaders assured to implement the recommendations of the Committee,  if they come in power and therefore, majority of pensioners voted to  BJP candidates.  Then, the BJP came in Power and now is in Power,  since 2014 , however, leaders of BJP forgotten the said assurance, given to the old aged poor pensioners of the country.   

The Congress ruled Govt didn't implemented the recommendations of the  Bhagat Singh Koshiyari Committee and the BJP leaders cheated the old aged poor pensioners of the country and  compelled us  to think that we are treated differently than that of the citizens of the country , by the Govt of India . Therefore, we unanimously resolved to protest elections of Loksabha and state Assemblies,  with the decision  of  " No Koshiyari  No Votes". Our people may not vote or use  " "NOTA" in all these future elections.

                   Similarly, we are very much discouraged due to present  working of the honorable Supreme court. Our constitutional rights of equality enshrined in Art. 14 , our constitutional rights of life under Art. 21 , our right of pension under Art 300 etc. are violated by the Government of India and the honorable Supreme court,  instead of protecting our constitutional rights, causing injustice to us and the Supreme court itself is violating  the cannons of natural justice and passing the orders in the favour of the Govt of India. 


               The honorable Supreme court , after rejection of 10 SLPS of the Employees Provident Fund Organization, delivered the judgement in R C Gupta case on 4-10-2016. The Govt of India and the Employees Provident Fund Organization accepted the same judgement.The Govt of India accorded it's approval for implementation and Employees Provident Fund Organization issued a circular for implementation of the same, on 23-03-2017 and revised the pension of near about 27000 people,  till this date. And now, without challenging  the said judgement, in the court or mentioning or praying in any other case, Employees Provident Fund Organization, indirectly pleaded orally in the court  that the said judgement in  R C Gupta case is wrong and the honorable Supreme court, a bench headed by the honorable justice U U Lalit, believing on it,  passed the order to refer, to the larger Bench, to verify the correctness of judgement in R C Gupta case.

By this order the honorable Supreme court raised the question on its own judgement delivered before five years  and tried to make a settled matter unsettled, causing injustice to the old aged pensioners. Similarly, the honorable Supreme court rejected SLPs of Employees Provident Fund Organisation on 1-04-2019 and upheld the judgement of the Kerala High court dated 12-10-2018, passed in favour of pensioners. Employees Provident Fund Organization filed a Review Petition against this order which is very illegally allowed by the honorable Supreme Court , without giving apportunity of hearings to the opposite parties and violating the cannons of natural justice. The Government of India filed a separate SLP against the above mentioned Kerala High court judgement , which is pending in the Supreme court since 2019. 

Inspite of many representations and request, the said  cases are not finalised and contrarary , the orders are passed against the settled principle of law , causing injustice to the old aged poor pensioners of the country. During the last 3-4 years,  near about 3.5 lakhs pensioners died without justice. These facts are already referred to the honorable President of India , the Prime minister of India, the  Chief Justice of the Supreme court , however, no cognizance is being taken by the Government of India nor by the honorable Supreme court of India  and therefore, we are compelled to take the above decision to protest  elections of Loksabha and state Assemblies , till we get the justice.

                We , with immense pain and regret, express that old aged poor pensioners and senior citizens of the country are not respected  in the country and are  being deprived from their legal rights and are left to wind, to die , on their own fate.

Yours faithfully

Prakash Pathak

The General Secretary,

Employees Pension ( 1995 ).                 

 Co-ordination Committee.


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