26 March 2022

Hon.Union Minister of State for Railways, Coal and Mines, Shri Raosaheb Patil Danve EPS 95

Hon.Union Minister of State for Railways, Coal and Mines, Shri Raosaheb Patil Danve EPS 95 

 National Agitation Committee

 Bhokardan (Maharashtra) dated 26.03.2022

 Save EPS 95 Pensioners -

  campaign -

 Next nation wide constructive and agitational campaign of NAC had a great start from Bhokardan Maharashtra-

 Demonstration at the residence of *Hon.Union Minister of State for Railways, Coal and Mines, Shri Raosaheb Patil Danve ji.

 *NAC Chief Commander Ashok Raut ji's presence with the NAC central team.

 *The Hon. Minister himself came among the pensioners.

 *NAC Chief handed over Memorandum  to the Hon.Minister in the name of the Hon.Prime Minister as well as the notice of the Agitation .

 NAC Chief narrated the agony of EPS 95 pensioners

 *The Hon.Minister gave complete assurance to the pensioners and said that on my behalf, I myself will discuss with the Minister of State for Labor, Labor Minister and if need be, I will also request the Prime Minister to help old age pensioners.

 * In the end, the NAC Chief, in his speech, requested  the Hon. Minister to get  the demands of the pensioners approved in this session of Parliament, so that we do not have to agitate  in front of  your residence.

 * More than 300 pensioners were present in the program.

 Thanks to the Minister Shri Raosaheb Patil Danve ji.

 Special congratulations to Bhokardan, Sillod and Jalna teams.



1 comment:

  1. EPS PENSIONERS matter is a DEAD ISSUE now it is very clear that the BJP govt stabbed us by giving false promises in 2014

