20 March 2022

Thank you sir for the response ! The regional provident fund commissioner ( pension head office ) , EPFO

Thank you sir for the response ! The regional provident fund commissioner ( pension head office ) , EPFO


The regional provident fund commissioner ( pension head office ) , EPFO, new Delhi 


Ref : your letter no 5957 dated 14th March 2022 

Respected sir , 

   Thank you sir for the response made to my letter . 

Sir, what all you have explained about the pension system what it stands now with it's position is not unknown and is in our  knowledge that has been replied earlier to the individual memorandums and to the questions tabled  in parliament by the hon'ble MPs . 

 Now the ultimate question  before the EPS 1995 pensioners has stood  unanswered  that should they continue to suffer life long  in high scale of human indignity with socio-- economic insecurity or face the death  uncared of, and supportless from any body with the prevailing nuclier family system and other compelling circumstances under the democratic  goveranance of  country with the consequences caused , being faced by the pension scheme not finding scope for enhancement of pension  in the built up system despite constitutional rights of life enshrined and non violation of human rights to be ensured .

 Whether the viability of employees pension scheme 1995  to be continued with it's provisions not revisiting it for necessary changes  is important or the protection of life with socio-- economic security and human dignity as per the constitutional values is important may please be thought of with logic and scientific approach and arrived at the conclusion that stands justifiable under the warranting  situation .

  The service pension is required to meet it's intended  purpose that meets the cost of maintenance of life in retirement period . But the pension provided by the EPS 1995 has negated it's purpose providing a meagre minimum pension that does not suffice for any needs of life . How could the unsupportive poor pensioners survive  to live their life with the present meagre range of minimum pension and also at basic level in the range less than Rs Rs 1000 not exceeding much above Rs 2500 , while 

the present cost of life touches to around  Rs 10000 across the country is what it matters much to the EPS pensioners . Human life is not a animal life to be survived supportless  without an adequate quantum of income to meet the basic needs of livilihood viz some shelter , food and water and essential medicines for old age problem.

 Only The AIR  IS  FREE  and nothing else . The life matters to us primarily .

Every citizen pays indirect tax throught out life to the govt that creates  liability on the part of the govt of the day to ensure their  socio-- economic security with dignity and senior citizens  are provided old age pension to be economically better secured by some state govts with discharge of  their liability . Whereas the EPS pensioners are made worse than old age pensioners , deprived of normal life by unliveable pension with contribution to the pension fund  under EPS 1995 .They seek their share of terminal benefit at an adequate level being undeniable that always gets upheld by the  judicary what it has come out till now .

The pensioners want to live their life with human dignity that needs certain quantum of minimum pension that suffice it for a minimum life not getting burdened much on others to maintain the livilihood .

  It may please be MINDFULLY  understood that whether the provident act 1952 brought  7  decades ago has protected and served the purpose of  the "Bhavishya " (titled it  great name ) of the pensioners retired under the provident fund act with the contribution of equal share of employers under the provisions of employees pension scheme with amendments,  changes and in vice versa  defending  the present status of the EPS 1995 . EPFO has done just  bank transaction with the employees providing an unliveable pension and not secured the retirment life what it is supposed to meet the basic objective of the TITLE  of " BHAIVISHYA   NIDHI " with universal system of pension by the employers appropriate  share of contribution up to any level within it  , meant for welfare of the workmen in retirement life . 

 How does the Service Pension stands justifiable  for all time when it is kept stagnant without it's periodical  revisions and also unlinked to living cost index (DA) not providing economic security to the retirees  is an issue . Should this pension scheme continue with it's present provisions regardless of it's defeciancies causing irreparable damage to life remains to be solved revisiting the EPS 1995 .

  Why this  different type of pension scheme called EPS 1995 is brought into operation inviting sever CONSQUENCES disrupting  life of pensioners in unspeakable situation with unliveable pension matters very much . It has continued to cause sufferings having taken the lakhs of lives of pensioners in despair and disgust .

   The minimum pension in adequate  quantum is a dire need and  essential for certain period of service that qualifies for pension what it operates with the govt pensioners . 

Given the position that the pensionable service of only EPS 1995 unaccounted of   the  period of service of family pension scheme 1971  which is upheld by NCDRC   new Delhi for accounting  it with the wages held that were low at the time of retirment and the basic pension kept unrevised for more than  20 years stopping annual reliefs since the year 2000 besides 

notwithstanding the existing provisions of the pension scheme , the hike of minimum pension with DA , being a question of survival with human dignity with it  , may kindly be addressed by grant of the same at an appropriate amount to be judged on the basis of  present cost of life with an open mind of humanity concern  what we all humbly  and sincerely request  so that the  poor  unsupportive senior citizen EPS pensioners crossing the age of 70 ,75 plus live the remaining  life with  stress-free condition and some peace of mind not getting burdened on others much at mercy . 

   What all has been expressed herein is in right perception and not subjudice to the cases . 

  Either the issue may be got addressed  by the  hon'ble central provident fund commissioner  , EPFO  with pension fund corpus that continues to grow  with constant contribution to it  or by the  hon'ble prime minister through a cabinet decision what it was done in the past with financial  adjustments if found necessary  for issue of  orders on hike of minimum pension at an adequate quantum of amount that suffice it for basic maintenance of present cost of life in the interest of welfare and welbeing of senior citizen EPS pensioners .

     We hope you goodself will  have understood our feelings at ground reality and would kindly help to mitigate the problem of human crises . 

      With high regards 

 Sincerely your's 

ShamRao ,national secretary 

EPS 95 pensioners coordination committee ,

Bidar , Karnataka 


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