12 March 2022

What is decision for EPS'95 Pensioners in 230th EPFO CBT Meeting ?

 What is decision for EPS'95 Pensioners in 230th EPFO CBT Meeting ?

The 230th meeting of Central Board of Trustees, EPF was held today during the AKAM Iconic Week in Guwahati under the Chairmanship of Shri Bhupendra Yadav, Union Minister for Labour & Employment and Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Vice-Chairmanship of Shri Rameshwar Teli, Union Minister of State for Labour & Employment, Petroleum & Natural Gas and Co-Chairmanship of Shri Sunil Barthwal, Secretary Labour & Employment and the Member Secretary Smt. Neelam Shammi Rao, Central P F Commissioner. Apart from the Interest Rate the Central Board took following key decisions During the meeting,

 the following key decisions were taken for EPS'95 

The board approved the recommendations of the Adhoc committee on pension reforms to constitute the task force of experts in the field the pension and social security to suggest possible measures to enhance the benefits from the EPS95. This task force will include members from PFRDA, LIC, VVGNLI, two independent actuaries, chief investment officers of some reputed investment firms/mutual fund houses, financial or any other expert. 

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