24 September 2022

Presence of hundreds of EPS pensioners met Shri Shantanu Thakur, Hon. Union Minister of State

  Presence of hundreds of EPS pensioners met Shri Shantanu Thakur, Hon. Union Minister of State

Basmat (Maharashtra)

  Dated 22.09.2022

  * NAC Basmat team met Shri Shantanu Thakur, Hon. Union Minister of State, Ports, Shipping and Waterways.

*Presence of hundreds of EPS pensioners.

 NAC leader Shri Dasrao Katore  delivered an inspiring speech in front of the Union Minister, the grievances of the EPS95 pensioners were effectively explained. The Hon Minister was requested to take our message to the Hon  Prime Minister.  Along with this, a request for four point demands of pensioners was also given to the Honorable Minister.

Giving a positive response, the Hon Minister said to provide justice to the pensioners by the Government.

 * Hundreds of  NAC leaders and pensioners were present in the delegation of NAC including  Mr. Marotrao Patangrao, Mr. R. D. Mehtre, Mr. Lalu Nandre, Mr. A. G. Dakhore, Mr. Bithore, Mr. Shesharao Narvade, Mr. Vishnupant Vyavahare, Mr. V. K. Jadhav, Mr. Suresh Kharate, Mr. Gambhirrao Deshmukh,  Shri Gangadharrao Katore, Shri Chandrashekhar Purjalkar, Shri Ambegaonkar and Shri Kashinath ji were present.

 * Hundreds of salutes to Maharashtra and Basmat team.


 Every where -NAC is there

1 comment:

  1. Once cooled, the slide is pulled away from the half by an angled pin connected to the core side of the mold. The process is highly versatile and can produce a myriad of components for a wide variety|all kinds} of purposes. VENT– In a mold, a Panties shallow channel or minute gap minimize within the cavity to allow air to flee as the fabric enters. TOGGLE ACTION– A mechanism which exerts pressure developed by the appliance of drive on a knee joint. It is used as a technique of closing presses and also serves to use pressure on the identical time. STRIPPER-PLATE– A plate that strips a molded piece from core pins or core, the stripper-plate is about into operation by the opening of the mold.

