3 April 2023

Many Many Thanks to Government of India and High officials have been started Poor Pensioners : Prakash Pathak

 Many Many Thanks to Government of India and High officials have been started Poor Pensioners : Prakash Pathak 

The Honourable Comptroller &Auditor General,

Government of India,

Bahadur ShahaJaphar Marg.

New Delhi.


The Chief Directer,

Central Beuro of investigation,

C.B.I.office,Government of India,

New Delhi 

Subject :- Regarding Many Many Thanks to Government of India and High officials have been started,most important activities for the  irregularities of Employees Provident Office and in lakhs Cores may  be saved  of poor pensioners,irregularities are  in lakhs ,lakhs Cores.                                                                                                                                             Reference:-In Most urgent manner for immediate disposal wrote humble request letter to C.A.G.,New Delhi,Out word no./411/2019, dated 4-11-2019 ,regarding 100% audit and may give justice to eps95  pensioners those near about 40 lakhs getting meagrely since 1995 without D.A.

Agitation on 6 October 2019 at EPFO Umrer Road,Now two more Press realise is enclosed 

Respected sir,

We the reference on the subject cited above that we have been sent humble request with your great honour  on the above  subject  brought to your kind notice that We have a front page news published in local Gujarati daily " Sandesh" today (30-9-19 )  ,regarding serious irregularities found in the internal audit in management of retirement fund body of employees “EPFO" ₹ 11 lakh crores and found clear proof in audit. Following irregularities found in internal audit:--(copy of New report submitted)

 Ponts 1 to 9,Serious Issues for meager Pensioners.

1. Payment in more than one time in many cases.

2. One person amount transferred to another person account.

3. More amount paid unlawfully against withdrawal.

4. No control over unpaid amount.

5. Pension paid to pensioners who are not alive.

6. to 9 Points ,Investment in substandard securities.

7. ₹1-1 lac wrongly debited without taking a loan . :--

8. In many accounts shows more amount withdrawal than deposits.

9. In many cases, more than ₹1 lac shows negative amount.

Being a National General Secretary,EP(1995)CC. Rashatriya Organisation.Nagpur 12.Asking About above cited Points which are covered in Sandesh News Paper, Gujarat ,FriontePenge.

1 to 4 Points ,Payment in more than one time in many cases with other 3 Points  :--

Frequently :--  From 2008 to 2019 took cogent about the said irregularities  by Standing Committee.In said report given Directives to the Cenral Government (labour).  

Appoint Big financial Institutions for better fund Management  that is like  HDFC Bank, State Bank of India,ICICI Prudential Asset management Company, Reliance Capital Asset management LTD.

Since last 11years we are struggling for minimum Pension, supreme court decision for higher Pension, Article 21, and Restoration of Commutation. Even though We are getting meager Pension.

Why not taken Serious actions against irregularities.? 

EPFO is a Our financial Custodian, for better Pension therefore Actions should have to  take by our government on EPFO Management. Those officers are responsible for these irregularities.

Our demand is to  lodge Police Because It is a criminal offence. This is our  Humble request to Union Government.

Point No 5. Pension paid to pensioners who are not alive.:--

When the UPA. Government was established in 2014. Our Hon'ble Priminister Office and labour Minister well known about this issue Why not taken these issues for Serious Actions ?  These Irregularities are fully Responsible for meager Pension.

6. Investment in substandard securities.

7. ₹1-1 lac wrongly debited without taking a loan to 9 Points :--

These 6 to 9 Points were found  in Internal Audit report,Rs.11 Lacks corer. Said amount may be a lower but it is too big.It’s our amount which is Contributed as per norms and rules of.Central Board of Trustees ( EPFO) .Since 2014 every year they’re submitted in the report big loss therefore we can't raise a single Pai in Pension without financial support by budget. Therefore our demand is to amend in EPS 95.act with the full recommendations of

Hon'ble  shri Bhagasing koshaiyari Committee's Amendment report no.147.

For these issues and demands we organised several times Dharna on each Regional Provident Commissioners offices throughout India.Please may be  needed with  full actions to save our amount and raised Minimum Pension Rs.9000/-+D.A.

Thanks with regards.



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