16 October 2023



Here's 30 most popular quotes on life 

1. Life is a question... ...the answer is your destination.

2. Keep moving towards dreams... ...the forces will automatically come together.

3. Important things about a person are hidden... ...Only with time and hard work can they be identified.

4. There are always stars in the sky... ...but sometimes we have to choose our own path.

5. When difficulties arise, times change... ...but remaining confident makes us courageous to move forward.

6. There can be peace even in storms... ...if you keep your mind steady.

7. Change is good... ...when we welcome it and learn from it.

8. Breaking the world of dreams... ...We can create our own world.

9. Just thinking is not enough for success... ...Activity and continuous efforts are also necessary.

10. Struggle is part of life... ...but success can be his friend.

11. When you are lucky... ...solutions to problems are definitely found.

12. It is important to recognize yourself... ...because you are an exchange of your success.

13. Chase dreams, but in search of them... ...Don't lose the importance of your life.

14. Life is a canvas... ...make yourself a great poet.

15. In the silence of the night... ...Dreams hide their secrets.

16. Challenges are ways to overcome step by step... ...toward success.
17. Hope is the lamp which... ...guides us through darkness.

18. Every ending is just... ...is a new beginning.

19. Smile is a global language... ...of kindness.

20. In the dance of life... ...Find your own rhythm.

21. Love is not about possessions... ...It's about appreciation.

22. Forgiveness is the bridge that... ...mends broken hearts.

23. The present moment is a gift... ...that's why it's called 'present'.

24. Dreams are maps of our future... ...for your future.

25. Strength doesn't just come from physical ability... ...rather than an unfulfilled desire.

26. In the garden of friendship... ...Kindness is the sweetest flower.

27. Defeat is not the end... ...This is an opportunity to start again.

28. A journey of thousand miles... ...starts with a single step.

29. Success is a journey, full of challenges. ...but cooperation is the compass that guides.

30. Happiness is like a puzzle piece, waiting to be discovered. ..In the creation of every day.

Hope you like these quotes . 


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