27 September 2020

पेंशन बढ़ोतरी के बारे में ...

 पेंशन बढ़ोतरी के बारे में ...

पेंशन बढ़ोतरी के बारे में जब भी बात होती है केवल सरकारी सर्विस से रिटायर कर्मचारियों के बारे में  चर्चा होती है जबकि सबसे अधिक परेशान प्राइवेट कम्पनियों के कर्मचारी हैं ।

उनके बारे में कोई बात नहीं करता है।मेरा स्वयं का 1995 अक्टूबर तक f p f कटा व 1995 से रिटायर होने तक 541रुपए मासिक कटा।1 मई 2013 को रिटायर होने पर सिर्फ रुपए 2319/- पेंशन मिली क्या यह सही है।क्या इस राशि से पति पत्नि का गुजारा संभव है।

क्या यही है कांग्रेस व कम्युनिस्ट शासन की सामाजिक सुरक्षा गारंटी योजना का झुंजुना।इससे अच्छी तो अटल पेंशन योजना है ।उसमे 210/- मासिक कंट्री ब्यूशन पर 60 साल होने पर 5000/- मासिक पेंशन मिलेगी। अगर मेरा व अटल योजना के कंट्रीब्यूशन को केलकुलेट किया जाय तो मेरा कंट्रीब्यूशन ज्यादा ही होगा।

फिर भी मेरी  पेंशन योजना की पेंशन की आधी से भी कम है।क्या यही है न्याय। सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने भी इस पेंशन स्कीम को इक्छिक के बजाय कम्पल्सरी लागू करने का आदेश दिया था।

इस स्कीम में रिटायर मजदूर अपनी पत्नी के साथ गुजारा कर सकेगा भी या नहीं यह तक भी जानने की सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने कोशिश नहीं की।धन्य है सुप्रीम कोर्ट व तत्कालीन सरकार और उनकी सरकार को समर्थन देने वाले कम्युनिस्ट जिन्होंने पहले इस पेंशन बिल के खिलाफ कम्पनियों में कई बार हड़तालें कराई और बाद में उस मजदूर विरोधी काले कानून को पास करा दिया। 

प्राइवेट कंपनियों के कर्मचारी घटिया कानून के कारण गरीबी की रेखा से नीचे का जीवन जीने को मजबूर हैं। बिना किसी सरकारी मदद के। क्या इस बारे में भी कोई ध्यान देगा।

A Post by EPS-95 Pensioners 

EPS 95 : Frequent asked questions from EPS-95,Have you any remedies to fight ?

 EPS 95 : Frequent asked questions from EPS-95,Have you any remedies to fight ?


Frequent asked questions from EPS 95
Question... Have you any remedies to fight against the dogma of the Government ?
, Yes the question is certainly an all time anxiety of our pensioner's fraternity, where everyone is trying to short out in their own way,but so far of no avail.I am afraid whether I may be able to console my friends while answering here in my own ways..
Now see we say that we are leaving in democratic country, where decisions are taken by majority and not by one alone, Our government enjoys absolute majority, and is made competent to decide every thing by its own, there exist no need to take others recomandations into consideration while ruling out any decision which such government feels deem fit, may it be against the public interest or not.It is constitutional arrangement you can'nt change it,in this way you can not get any remedies from government level.Now where you will go to get remedies in that case when government is not hearing you? Obviously to Supreme Court..
On which you have highest regards that she will not allow any injustice done to you by any one may that be even government one.Here is the turning point of your faith and belief when you experience some thing unfavorable for you against which you can not speak out a single word, because you don't have any valid evidence to prove your feelings.Againt you can't claim government because a constitutional arrangements are as such,which people of India has adopted willingly and you can not say that it is thrusted open you.Sir we think that Supreme Court is an independent part of our constitution,no pressure works upon her.. but if it was so...
One question may rise into your mind that when ever a decision for appointing of Chief Justice of supreme court is to be made why case is sent to PMO and Law Ministry seeking their recommendations for consideration on such appointment for so said an independent constitutional body in our democratic system ?

This suo-moto established masters- servant relationship amongst Executive and judiciaries.How one can go beyond will and wishes of his masters,it is a comman sense a person of prudence can very well understand Saying this relationship applies in every case may not be correct,but when ever masters comes in the picture,one can imagine how the picture is going to be have its happy ending or a tragedy one.
You can't change such constitutional arrangement we have,we are laymen and not lawmen.So remedies doesn't rest with us but with lawmen of this democratic country..So friend please don't ask for what remedy we have for settlement of our EPS95 but believe on God he is very benevolent and merciful.
A Post by EPS-95 Pensioners

26 September 2020

Condition of EPF Pensioners : EPS 95 Situation I am also incidentally an EPF pensioner leaving service at the age of 50


I am also incidentally an EPF pensioner leaving service at the age of 50 after rendering 20 years service from a central PSU and even 20 years after my voluntary retirement drawing a paltry rs.831 per month inspite of minimum 1000 fixed.
Fortunately I am not depending on my EPF pension as I have income from other sources and my profession. But I observe that there are several employees left my orrganisation upto 2003 due to several reasons including retirement drawing such paltry pension upto 1000 per month who are struggling their life to make both ends meet having spent their retirement benefits & gratuity and pension amounts for the expenses of their house construction, children education/marriage or medical expenses of self , spouce or other family members..They are not covered by any ESI or other medical facility of the CPSUs introduced recently gor those retired from 2007 and some invested their benefits in some business but were unsuccessful.
The ex employees are unorganised spread all over india. The persons in Kerala state where I belong are also unorganised and we are not members of any organisation for epf pensioners.
I also find that the problem of persons left service before 2003 and those between 2003 tp 2014 and those after 2014 are different as also employees from exempted establishments (like ours) and others to be dealt separately.
Some of the affected persons sre now super senior citizens reaching age of 80 and others are also not physically fit for a tough physical agitations.
What is demanded for our category is a decent pension of minimum 3000 per month with DA enhancing present minimum pension of 1000 notwithstanding a general demand of minimum 7500 pension +DA. Yhose retired between 2003 - 2014 should get pension on actual salary last drawn with a minimum pension.
This suggestion is based on presumption that salary was hiked generally during this period. Those after 2014 should be able to opt to contribute on actual salary above 15000 and get a decent pension in comparison with govt employees and other selected bank, public sectors.
In my state of kerala social welfare pension to hapless persons and senior citizens are now raised to 1400 per month. I understand the same in some other state is around 2000.
So is it not fair enough to fix our epf minimum pension to 3000 if we are not drawing any ither oension since I understand that about 5 laks crore rupees is available in epf fund which can be utilized for this and there are no claimants in many accounts. Kerala high court has given verdicts in all cases that have come.
Before them to pay pension on actual salary including those from exempted establishments and some organisations have implemented it subject to result of supreme court verdict since EPFO and central govt has challenged the favourable orders of SC by reviews and the matter will be heard in open court only after normalcy restored.
I have seen that some MPs have taken up the matter sincerely including Premachandran from kerala giving lead role. But still I doubt they are not abreast with problems of all sectors of pensioners although they have addressed certain issues.
I hope and pray someone will take effective leadership to find a positve timebound solution to the problem. - Adv. venugopalan T Kochi

Big Question Asking EPS 95 Pensioners : Who are the owners of EPFO?


Who are the owners of EPFO? It runs on the money we have accumulated by depositing some money from our salaries on a monthly basis. The money given by the employers with their consent should be taken as salaries or other benefits. But what happens here? 

We have to take the pension that they allow based on their benevolence as if they are the authorities for our accumulated money. This means that our government has created an employment system that controls the employers. We want them to know that we are being treated unfairly. 

Then they will file cases against us in court and use our money for all its expenses. From our money we are given a pension determined by them. But they will take the pension fixed by the Central Government for its employees from the money we have accumulated without telling us. Probably no other employer-employment system in the world! 

So we need to demand CBT that the salaries and other benefits we have determined apply to all EPFO ​​employees. Then we will have both minimum pension and higher pension. Think.

A Post by EPS 95 Pensioners 

Few Pictures of Today's Zoom Meeting about 40 Leaders of the Country Participated

 Dear Readers ,

Please find the Today about 40 leaders of the country participated in the Zoom Meeting hosted by C S Prasad Reddy, Chief coordinator Southern Region. 

His Thanks to the leaders and Commander Ashok Rout for joining us in the zoom meeting....

Pictures are Below : Pic 1

Hon'ble Member of Parliament, Govt of India on the Issue of EPS 95 pension



 Smt Hemamaliniji ,

 Hon'ble member of parliament ,

 New Delhi .

         Ref : your letter dated 20th September 2020 , addressed to the hon'ble minister of Labour & employment , govt of India on the issue of EPS 95 pension , reg .


 Respected madam ,

   As all the EPS pensioners settled in nook and corner of the country , living in despair and disgrace , have great respect for your kindself as representative of citizens  that you are doing sincere  efforts to see these pensioners that they live stress free in their fag end of their  life with just a minimum standard of human dignity and economic security  by a live able pension . 

What amounts to be called as liveable pension is not necessary to be explained in the present cost of living across the country .

   Your kindself made it possible for the executives of pensioners association to meet the hon'ble prime minister and convinced the need of the hike in minimum pension with dearance allowance on 4th march 2020 and then again wrote a letter also for the issue understanding the lives of the pensioners with their meagre pension . It is nearly seven months passed since the hon'ble PM assured for prompt action but still matter continues unsettled .

 Now you have kindly expressed the urgency vide your above letter for early settlement of the demand being sought by the pensioners day and night in the circumstances of livilihood the pensioners are living .

   Mrs Navneet Ravi Rana ,hon'ble 

M P , Amaravati , Maharashtra has also very rightly spoken about the EPS pension issue in parliament . Hon'ble chief minister of Uttar Pradesh Sri Yogi Aditya Nath too , vide his letter  has pressed the hon'ble prime minister for immediate action on grant of hike in minimum pension with DA . 

    It  is the question of maintenance of livilihood at the present cost of living that stares these pensioners that could be met with only by a liveable pension as  being demanded .

    Although majority of hon'ble members of parliament understand the problems of the EPS meagre pension but only few of them take an opportunity to speak about our issue in parliament . The voice of these pensioners is increasing very fast now , having waited for long time and also exhausted of their patience .

      Having taken the first step on 4th march 2020 , if you kindly continue your efforts with human approach already you have , and get the justice for the pensioners from the hon'ble govt by a cabinet decision , (as done in the past )not waiting for judiciary intervention . (as done in the year 2014 ).

You would ever remain in the hearts of lakhs  of pensioners and their spouses/dependents  accounting in crores  for their life time agravated much with employment problem of unorganised sector in this period of covid-19 crises .

 With regards 

  Sincerely your's 

ShamRao ,national secretary , EPS 95 pensioners coordination committee . BIDAR , Karnataka .

25 September 2020

Today Latest News Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia in Hindi | ऑक्सीजन सपोर्ट पर,कोरोना के बाद डेंगू LNJP से मैक्स हॉस्पीटल,विस्तृत जानकारी

 Today Latest News Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia in Hindi | ऑक्सीजन सपोर्ट पर,कोरोना के बाद डेंगू

 डिप्टी सीएम मनीष सिसोदिया (Manish Sisodia) को अब डेंगू भी हो गया है.ऑक्सीजल लेवल कम होने के चलते उन्हें वहां पर ऑक्सीजन सपोर्ट पर रखा गया है। सिसोदिया का प्लेटलैट्स लगातार गिर रहा है। 

14 सितंबर को उपमुख्यमत्री मनीष सिसोदिया ने खुद ट्वीट कर संक्रमित होने की जानकारी दी.इससे पहले, बुखार और ऑक्सीजन लेवल कम होने की शिकायत के बाद उन्हें बुधवार शाम को दिल्ली के LNJP Hospital में भर्ती कराया गया था।

राज्य के स्वास्थ्य विभाग द्वारा गुरुवार को प्रकाशित आंकड़ों के अनुसार, एक दिन में 3,834 नए कोविद -19 मामलों को दर्ज करने के बाद कोविद -19 संक्रमण की संख्या 2,60,623 हो गई। जबकि 36 ताजा जानलेवा हमले में मरने वालों की संख्या 5,123 हो गई.

उप-मुख्यमंत्री मनीष सिसोदिया की हालत अब स्थिर है और अगले कुछ दिन में उनकी संक्रमण को लेकर फिर से जांच की जाएगी। 

EPS 95 Pension Valuable Point Highlights : पेंशन के रूप मे 7500/- + महगाई भत्ता,जिससे 2 बृद्धजन सम्मानित जीवन जी सके

 EPS 95 Pension Valuable Point Highlights : पेंशन के रूप मे 7500/- + महगाई भत्ता,जिससे 2 बृद्धजन सम्मानित जीवन जी सके

🌹 हमें समझ मे नहीं आता कि क्यूँ हम ईपीएफ 95 के सदस्य सरकार द्वारा बलातथोपी गयी कपट पूर्ण योजना को  ईपीएफओ द्वारा  पेंशन योजना कहा जाता है, ये मात्र  सरकारी कुचक्र है,

हमारे जमा धनराशि का व्याज भी  पेंशन के रूप मे नहीं देता है, और हमारे ट्रेड यूनियन प्रतिनिधि हमारे पेंशन के लिए कभी कोई सार्थक प्रयास भी नहीं करते है !CBT बैठक महज एक खाना पूर्ति है क्युकी रिटायर कर्मचारी से इन्हे कोई चंदे की धनराशि नहीं प्राप्त होती है, तो आवाज़ क्यों उठाये, 

हर CBT बैठक के पहले NAC के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष माननीय कमांडर अशोक राउत के द्वारा पत्र के माध्यम से, प्रतिनिधि के माध्यम से, संपर्क कर अपनी भावना से अवगत कराया जाता रहा है, 

🌹 अतः सरकार से यह मांग है की ईपीएस 95 पीड़ित पक्ष के तरफ से NAC  एक प्रतिनिधि  नामित किया जाय जो पेंशनर का पक्ष प्रस्तुत करें !

🌹  हमारे भविष्य निधि का ही एक भाग ईपीएफओ रुपी बैँक मे मासिक रिकरिँग डिपाजिट योजना की तरह जमा हो कर सेवा निवृत्ति के समय एक बडा निवेश हो गया है तथा इसी फिक्स्ड  डिपाजिट  पर मासिक ब्याज पेंशन का नाम देकर इपीएफओ  हमे बेकूफ़ बनाती  रही है। 

🌹 इस  सरकारी षडयन्त्र से बचने के लिए हमें संगठित होकर अपनी  आवाज़ उठाने और आंदोलन को मजबूर होना पड़ा ! जबकि ईपीएस 95  एक जमा योजना पर मिलने वाला प्रतिफल,  जो हमारी जमा धनराशि पर व्याज भी नहीं, 

🌹 हम इसे फिक्स्ड डिपोसिट की तरह बैंक मे, पोस्ट ऑफिस मे, जमा कराते तो  उस पर मिलने वाला व्याज भी इस मिलने वाले पेंशन से कई गुना बड़ा  होता, हमारे पैसे पर बैठा चौकीदार    ( इपीएफओ ) हमें और श्रममंत्रालय को बेकूफ़ बनता रहा है, आशा है कि हमारे ईपीएस 95 के सदस्य हमारे विचार से सहमत होगे!

🌹सरकार से पुनः निवेदन है की -------

🌸CBT मे NAC का सदस्य नामित हो 

🌸पेंशन के रूप मे 7500/- + महगाई भत्ता  दिया जाय ( जिससे 2 बृद्धजन सम्मानित जीवन जी सके )

🌸मुफ्त चिकित्सा (आयुष्मान योजना के तहत हो )


 ईपीएस 95 सदस्य (पीड़ित पक्ष )

24 September 2020

All the cases mentioned in the EPFO HQ Legal Division's directive dt. 16.9.2020 are concerning Post 1.9.2014 Retirees


All the cases mentioned in the EPFO HQ Legal Division's directive dt. 16.9.2020 are concerning Post 1.9.2014 Retirees- Copies of the orders already shared today.  Please appraise your lawyers to plead for early hearing based upon the RTI information regarding death of a large number of pensioners after 23.3.2017 as shared today.

1. KHC - Contempt Case 498 of 2020 : BPCL Exempted and Post 1.9.2014 Retirees


AND MANAGEMENT - Post 1.9.2014 Retirees

3. Pb & Hr HC - CWP 19985 of 2018 - Un-exempted - Haryana Agro Industries Corp. - Post 1.9.2014 Retiree

4. MP HC - CWP 20572 of 2018 - Un-exempted - Co-op Bank Employees Pensioners Association -  Post 1.9.2014 Retirees

5. MP HC - CWP 7994 of 2019 - Un-exempted - MP Rajya Van Vikas Nigam - Post 1.9.2014 Retirees.

6. SC - Review Petition by EPFO No.: 1430-1431 of 2019 - Post 1.9.2014 Retirees

7. SC - SLP by UOI No.: 16721-16722 of 2019 - Post 1.9.2014 Retirees

EPS-95 Pensioners : अनेकों अनेक धन्यवाद पत्र, निवृत्त कर्मचारी (1995) राष्ट्रीय समन्वय समिति

 || अनेकों अनेक धन्यवाद पत्र ||       


मा. श्रीमती नवनीत राणाजी,


जिल्हा अमरावती, महाराष्ट्र।

विषय :-संघटित/ असंघटित क्षेत्रमेसे, निवृत्त कर्मचारी-तथा कार्यरत कर्मचारी के प्रांव्हीडट फंड संर्दभमे आपने संसदमे जो प्रश्न उठाया इसलिये आपको शत शत नमन और अनेकों अनेक धन्यवाद और देशके मा. 720 खासदारजिं को भी इस प्रकार का प्रयास हो यह नम्र प्रार्थना, बिन्ती,मांग।


आपने दिनांक 22-9-2020 को जिसतरह जम खम से ससंद में ई पी एस 95 के पेन्शनधारक 67 लाख निवृत्ति धारकों का पक्ष रखा इस कारण वश ,आपके सांसदीय क्षेत्र के जो हजारों निवृत्ति धारक हरदम आपसे मिलकर अनुरोध किया करते थे और आज आपने हमें हमरा न्याय देने का जो प्रयास किया इस कारणवश ,देशके हमारे 28 राज्यों के 67 लाख निवृत्ति धारक आपको शत शत नमन और अनेकों अनेक धन्यवाद अदा करते हैं। इसे कृपया स्वीकृत करके हमे उपकृत करें।

पारित 4 कामगार कोड बिल का केन्द्र सरकार का तहे दिल से स्वागत , अभिनंदन धन्यवाद प्रस्ताव पारित :--

इसके अलावा आपने जो अन्य 4 कोड बिल के समर्थन में  सरकार जो अभिप्राय दिया है। वह प्रशंशा के पात्र हैं।इस के लिए सरकार को भी संघटनकी औरसे  स्वागत ,अभीनंदन ,धन्यवाद ,प्रस्ताव पारित किया गया ।

सामाजिक एवंम ई पी एस 95 के कानूनमें जो भविष्य मे सुधार होने की ,जो मनिषा सरकार की औरसे विदित हुयी  है, उसका अमल प्रथम प्राधन्य के साथ कानुन में सुधार की सांसदजिं को मांग एवं नम्र निवेदन:--

इसके  मध्ये नजर हमारी नम्र प्रार्थना एवं निवेदन है की ,ससंद में मा .भगतसिंह कोशियारी कमेटी का अभ्यास पूर्ण सुधार अहवाल क्रमांक 147 जो 7 सालसे बिना बिचार से पड़ा है उसके अमल में जो विलम्ब  हो रहा है वह दूर हो क्योंकि ये आज के 135 करोड़ देशवासियों सबका साथ सबका विकास करने वाले सरकार कि ही यह विचारधारा(बेबी) है। 

इसलिए आप एवंम देशके सभी  लोकसभा, राज्यसभा ७२०सांसदजी द्वारा सासंद में कानून बनाने हेतू ,माननीय कोशीयारी कमेटी का अहवाल पूर्णतः लागू करने के लिये सरकार की और गुहार करें ,आवाज उठाये, इससे दि1-4-2004 से जो एन पी एस वाले (पेन्शन)50 करोड़ संघटित /असंगठित कर्मचारियों को भी  महगाई भत्ता लाभ मिल सकताहै।

आपका फिरसे एक बार धन्यवाद।

आपके  स्न्हेहाकित,

प्रकाश येनडे                          प्रकाश पाठक

राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष                      राष्ट्रीय महासचिव

निवृत्त कर्मचारी (1995) राष्ट्रीय समन्वय समिति, नागपुर, वामनराव लेन सीताबर्डी नागपुर 12.


मा. संपादक, संचालक,

देशके सभी दैनिक/साप्ताहिक,लोकप्रिय दैनिक वृत पत्र,ई पत्र। भारत।


अमरावती खासदार जी द्वारा संसद मे जो प्रशंशनीय काम किया है उसका स्वागत और देशके 720 लोकसभा, राज्यसभा सांसदजिं को नया कानून में मा भगतसिंह कोशियारी कमेटी अहवाल लागू करने प्रथम प्राधन्य के साथ कोशिश हो यह माँग एवं नम्र निवेदन,प्रार्थना। ,,

आपके लोकप्रिय माध्यम द्वारा 50 करोड़ संघटित असंघटित कामगारों के मालूमात हेतु प्रकाशित हो यह सेवामे नम्र प्रार्थना।


प्रकाश पाठक,

राष्ट्रीय महासचिव,

एम्प्लाइज पेंशन (1995) कोऑर्डिनेशन कमेटी,राष्ट्रीय संगठन, नागपुर 

EPFO HQ had issued a circular Regarding Implementation of Supreme Court Higher Pension

 EPFO HQ had issued a circular Regarding Implementation of  Supreme Court Higher Pension 

EPFO HQ had issued a circular on 23.3.2017 regarding implementation of orders dt. 4.10.2016 of the Supreme Court regarding Higher Pension. I had been seeking information from time to time regarding the number of our pensioner friends who have expired after the issue of said circular dt. 23.3.2017 and had been seeking such information for the years 2017-18 & onwards but every time EPFO HQ as well as Zonal Offices had transferred my applications here & there.
Finally, I had filed the following application after collecting the relevant information so that EPFO may not be able to refuse/transfer my application.  Here is the text of my application no. EPFOG/R/E/20/11517 dated 31.8.2020 
Relates to Head Office - IS Division.

Your kind attention is invited towards


b) Information provided by the IS Division to the Pension Division in r/o Rajya Sabha Parliament Unstarred Question no. 428 /Question Diary no. S-929.

c) The above information had been provided to the Pension Division through the centralised data being maintained by IS Division
d) The above information had been provided vide email by Ms. Leena Aggarwal, AD (IS) from email ID leena.aggarwal@epfindia.gov.in to rc.is@epfindia.gov.in with a copy to sathya.bama@epfindia.gov.in on 14.11.2019 at 2:53PM

e) The said information had further been provided by IS Division (rc.is@epfindia.gov.in) to Pension Division (rc.pension@epfindia.gov.in) on 14.11.2019 at 3:03PM

f) The aforesaid information had been provided by MoL&E in its reply on 20.11.2019 in the Rajya Sabha wherein it had been informed that from 1995 to till date 624009 member pensioners had expired
In view of above, please provide me the following information Year wise number of member pensioners of EPS 1995 expired during the following period:
a. 2017-18
b. 2018-19
c. 2019-20
d. 2020- till date
Additional fee for the documents may be sought from me only through this RTI Online Portal
The reply has been received today and is being shared.  It is a matter of great concern that a large number of pensioners have been deprived of the benefit of Higher Pension allowed by the Supreme Court only due to bad intentions of EPFO.

EPS 95 Amount lying in In-operative Accounts to be used for the Pensioners of EPS’95 MoL&E in reply Lok Sabha

 EPS 95 Amount lying in In-operative Accounts to be used for the Pensioners of EPS’95 MoL&E in reply Lok Sabha

As you might be aware, in reply to Question no. 240 in Lok Sabha on 18.12.2017, MoL&E had stated that the amount lying in In-operative Accounts will be used for the Pensioners of EPS’95.

In RTI application EPFOG/R/E/20/10338/2 dt. 9.8.2020 in Point Nos 5 & 6, the information sought was as under:

5. How much yearly amount has been transferred in the Senior Citizens Welfare Fund during the years 2016-17 to till date in compliance of Senior Citizens Welfare Fund Rules 2016 notified by the Ministry of Finance and by EPFO vide circular dt. 13.10.2017

(a) By EPFO

(b) BY PF TRUSTS of various establishments exempted by EPFO

6. In reply to unstarred question no. 240 in Lok Sabah, on 18.12.2017, MoL&E had informed that the corpus in the inoperative account as identified in the Finance Act 2015 to be transferred to Senior Citizens Welfare Fund WILL BE USED FOR THE PENSIONERS OF EPS 1995. Please intimate the year wise amount spent on the Welfare of EPS 1995 pensioners during 2016-17 to till date

Reply received on 15.9.2020 is as under

Reply :- Point 5 and 6.

(a) No amount has been transferred or spent on any welfare Scheme by EPFO so far.

(b) No information available for PF TRUSTS of establishments exempted by EPFO

Since no information has been provided by EPFO in r/o Point no. 6, I am filing 1st appeal. 


(The words UNCLAIMED DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS have been substituted with the words INOPERATIVE ACCOUNTS vide GSR 228(E) dt. 22.3.2007)

As per the information obtained from time to time, the closing balance of Inoperative Accounts was as under (see further details in the attachments):

As on 31.3.2011: Rs. 14,914 Crores

As on 31.3.2012: Rs. 22,636 Crores

As on 31.3.2013: Rs. 26,496 Crores

As on 31.3.2014: Rs. 27,448 Crores

As on 31.3.2015: Rs. 35,531 Crores

As on 31.3.2016: Rs. 40,865 Crores

As on 31.3.2017: Rs. 45,093 Crores

As on 31.3.2018: Rs. 54,658 Crores

As on 31.3.2019: Rs. 1,638 Crores (Rs. 52,920 Crores transferred from Inoperative to Operative Accounts)

Instead of spending this amount for the welfare of EPS ’95 pensioners (as stated in Lok Sabha by MoL&E on 18.12.2017), EPFO transferred a sum of Rs. 52,920 Crores in 2018-19 to the Operative account.  That shows that EPFO doesn’t care even for the commitment made by MoL&E on the floor of the Lok Sabha.
