2 October 2020

Review Petition filed by EPFO : Practice and Procedure being followed by the Supreme Court of India

 Practice and Procedure being followed by the Supreme Court of India Review Petition filed by EPFO 

Information of pensioner. Some relevant extracts from the same are also being shared hereunder.
SLP no. 8658-8659 of 2019 had been dismissed on 01.04.2019
As per the status on SC website, Review Petition no. 1430-1431 of 2019 had been filed by EPFO on 30.04.2019 (04:54 PM) but was registered on 04.06.2019

Page 29: Review Petition 
A petition under Article 137 of the Constitution read with Order XLVII of the Rules shall be registered as a Review Petition. It may be either civil or criminal.
Page 35: V. Review Petition 
(i)(a) An application for review under Order XLVII of the Rules read with Article 137 of the Constitution and shall, as far as practicable, be circulated to the same Judge or Bench of Judges that delivered the judgment or order sought to be reviewed: Provided that in case of non-availability of a Judge or Judges of the Bench, by reason of retirement or otherwise, an application for review shall be heard by a Judge or Bench of Judges, as may be ordered by the Chief Justice. 
(b) Unless otherwise ordered by the Court, an application for review shall be disposed of by circulation without any oral arguments. In the case of Mohd. Arif @ Ashfaq vs. The Registrar, Supreme Court of India & Others in 2014 9 SCC 737, the Supreme Court held that :- “........in review petitions arising out of those cases where the death penalty is awarded, it would be necessary to accord oral hearing in the open court......” 
(c) Where an application for review of any judgment and order has been made and disposed of, no further application for review shall be entertained in the same matter. 
(ii) (a) An application seeking a review, clarification or modification of an award, passed by a Bench of Lok Adalat, shall be placed before the same Bench at any subsequent Lok Adalat for consideration.

Air India One for The president, Vice-president and The Prime Minister Custom Made B777 : All About it

 Air India One for The president, Vice-president and The Prime Minister Custom Made B777

VVIP aircraft Air India One that will be used for President, Vice President & PM arrives at Delhi International Airport from US.
It is equipped with advance communication system which allows availing audio & video communication function at mid-air without being hacked.
The plane’s delivery was scheduled by the aircraft manufacturer Boeing to Air India in August, but the delivery was delayed due to technical reasons.
The IAF's Air Headquarters Communication Squadron, based at Indira Gandhi International Airport (formerly Palam Air Force Base) in New Delhi, is in charge of operating these aircraft. The new Boeing 777-300ER planes are being commissioned, as of 2020, and will commence operations by 2021.

1 October 2020

EPS 95 Pensioners Meeting Update: ईपीएस 95 पेंशनर्स की मीटिंग सम्पन ,प्रेस रिलीज़

 EPS 95 Pensioners Meeting Update: ईपीएस 95 पेंशनर्स की मीटिंग सम्पन ,प्रेस रिलीज़ 

EPS 95 Latest News : मा. श्रममंत्री जी से NAC चीफ कमांडर अशोक राऊत ने की बातचीत,CBT की स्पेशल मीटिंग तुरंत बुलाई जाये

 EPS 95 Latest News : मा. श्रममंत्री जी से NAC चीफ कमांडर अशोक राऊत ने की बातचीत,CBT की स्पेशल मीटिंग तुरंत बुलाई जाये

*यह जानकारी हिंदी और इंग्लिश दोनों भाषाओँ में है।* *This Information available in Hindi and English*

National Agitation Committee:-
मा. श्रममंत्री जी से दिनांक 30.9.2020 को NAC चीफ कमांडर अशोक राऊत ने की बातचीत.
* 👉 EPS 95 पेन्शनर्स की मांगो को मंजूर करने हेतु  CBT की स्पेशल मीटिंग तुरंत बुलाई जाये.
👉 गेजेट नोटिफिकेशन जारी करने हेतु मा. श्रममंत्री जी से किया निवेदन.
समाचार विस्तार से:-
NAC के प्रमुख कमांडर अशोक राऊत ने दिनांक 30.9.2020 मा. श्रममंत्री महोदय श्री संतोषकुमार गंगवार जी से EPS  95 पेन्शन धारकों  की मांगो के सदर्भ में फोन पर बातचीत की व  मंत्री महोदय से पेन्शन धारकों की मांगो को विना विलंब मंजूर करने हेतु निवेदन किया.
* 👉बातचीत के बाद इसी संदर्भ में NAC चीफ द्वारा मा. श्रममंत्री जी को एक पत्र लिखा गया है व पत्र की प्रतीलीपी मा. प्रधानमंत्री जी, मा. वित्तमंत्री जी, मा. राज्य मंत्री , प्रधानमंत्री कार्यालय, मा. श्रीमती हेमा मालिनी जी, संसद सदस्य, मथुरा सभी सन्माननीय CBT सदस्य व मा. सी पी एफ सी को भेजी गई.
* 👉पत्र में मा. प्रधानमंत्री के साथ हुई बैठक, मा. श्रीमती हेमा मालिनी जी द्वारा लिखे गये दो पत्र व NAC के पत्र दिनांक 13.5.2020 का संदर्भ दिया गया है.
👉पत्र में EPS 95 पेन्शन धारकों की परिस्थिति का उल्लेख करते हुये लिखा गया है कि वृद्धावस्था, कम पेन्शन व किसी भी प्रकार की मेडिकल सुविधा न होने के कारण पेन्शन धारक संसार से बिदा होते जा रहे हैं.
👉पत्र के अंत में लिखा गया है पेन्शन धारकों की कि दयनीय आर्थिक स्थिति, मृत्यु दर में वृद्धि व लगभग रु.5 लाख करोड की पेन्शन में उपलब्धता को  देखते हूये CBT की विशेष मीटिंग पेन्शन धारकों की मांगो को मंजूर करने हेतु आयोजित की जाये व गेजेट नोटीफिकेशन तुरंत जारी किया जाये.

Bank Pensioners Latest News : Forum of Bank Pensioner Activists A Big Question

 Bank Pensioners Latest News : Forum of Bank Pensioner Activists A Big Question

फोरम आफ बैंक पेंशनर एक्टिविस्टस्
Forum of Bank Pensioner Activists
कामये दु:खताप्तानां प्राणिनाम् आर्तिनाशनम् ।
Dear Brothers & Sisters,
A Big Question, hunts us all Retirees, CAN WE make a change or achieve!. Our humble opinion is: let us be optimistic and take all challenges with positive mind. If we do this, it's our half victory.
We are united or fragmented, take it just as mind set, not to be boggled at, but surmounted. We are first Retiree or Pensioner as one race. We have very common identity, cause & purpose to achieve.
Think about it, how to make ourselves as reckoning force. It's necessary. We have done a lot ground work, created awareness among ourselves and now we see people coming forward to support us vehemently. Now, we need to think beyond this and move forward. New Delhi is epicenter of political power of Nation. Let us make New Delhi as our Action Center.
Now we need to finalize the ISSUES on which we have to work and focus:
1. Pension Revision as in RBI:
It's all time strategy to link our Pension related issues with RBI Pension Scheme. It's boon for us, we need not to deviate from it. Pension Agreement dated 29.10.1993 is a legal document which connects all terms including revision to RBI Pension Rules & Regulations. Cl.12 of Agreement is speaking one.
2. No discrimination in DA Scheme, whether neutralization, percentage or periodicity. One industry-wide one compensation Policy, as held by highest court of the land. D.A. is a compensation of price rise. If it is 100% neutralization on quarterly average for working people, it can't be under 100% and six monthly average for retirees.
3. Health Insurance from Welfare Funds as envisaged vide DFS letter dated 24.2.2012. Banks must comply with Govt directive. There must be equal right to Retirees in WFs spending.
4. Proper implementation of SCI judgement in 1616/1684 case & Payment of difference of pension & commutation arrears along with 9% interest, as awarded in judgement.
5. Inclusion of Special Allowance for superannuation benefits like Pension, Gratuity etc. from 1.11.2012.
On these vital issues of common interest of Pensioners, some centralized and united mass action has been necessary to focus our issues, but due to Covid 19, to obtain necessary permission has been a difficult task. However, Sri R. S. Sharma, has been able to obtain permission to sit on Dharana. He is Secretary, AIBRWA & Patron of Mission Kuber- New Delhi.
We appeal all New Delhi based Pensioners/ Activists, whether in some Groups or Unions or lone to rise above all their considerations & affiliations to join & support Dharana on both days to make it grand success. It will be their voluntary noble contribution to entire fraternity. Participants may contact Sri RS Sharma on his mob. no.9213616253 for more informations.
Union Bank of India,
Zonal Office
Main Entrance ( ground floor), Connectus Building,
Airport Metro Express( Metro Rail)Lane,Ajmeri Gate,New Delhi -110001
10.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M.
On 8th & 9th October, 2020
( Thursday and Friday)
We know, Pensioners out of New Delhi shall not be in a position to join this program due to Covid-19. Hence all such Pensioners, from across the country, irrespective of their affiliations & status may please express their solidarity through Mail. We shall be sending a draft of solidarity to be mailed on 8/9th Oct. These mail messages will strengthen our legal action, if we initiate at any point of time.
Hope, it receives gigantic support & participation by entire pensioner fraternity. If not physical then by communiquer!
( J. N. Shukla)
National Convener

Enhancement of minimum pension under EPS 1995,Hon'ble chief justice of India

 Enhancement of minimum pension under EPS 1995,Hon'ble chief justice of India

"Non- beneficiaries of higher pension on actual wages regardless of  EXEMPTED  OR  UN- EXEMPTED COMPANIES they belong to , may please  send the indivdual  applications  to the hon'ble supreme court for justice  immediately by email ( given in application itself)  well in advance as the review case is posted to be heard on 16th Oct 2020 ."

             ShamRao , EPS pensioner 
By email / speed post .
                                  29th sept 2020
The hon'ble chief justice of India ,
7, Krishna  Menon  Marg ,
New Delhi  110021.
      Sub : Enhancement of minimum pension under EPS 1995 , reg .
Respected sir , 
  With all great respect to your kindself , i submit my grieviences related to my basic livilihood maintenance cost  with the pension of EPS 1995 seeking justice from the hon'ble supreme court .
     Having served the company/ board / corporation / public sector unit  ----------- -------------------for --------    years  ,   I get the pension of Rs.-------- only . And Iam facing the untold  hardships with dependancy on others in my advanced age  in the present cost of living with medical expenses of old age illnesses . 
The hon'ble govt of India with untenable reasons  is not yet inclined and not ready to enhance the minimum pension to a  reasonable level with D A as being sought  by all pensioners that comes not less than Rs 10000 being average cost of living across the nation , although it can do with it's discretionary powers with the articles of Indian constitution for maintenance of life of senior citizens .  
Majority of these pensioners are poor who need immediate relief  of enhancement of minimum pension to Rs 9000 with dearance allowance so as to meet the present cost of livilihood .
    Therefore it is my request to your good self that while hearing the cases of review petition and SLP petition filed by EPFO and the hon'ble govt of India respectively against EPS 95 pension cases tagged together , the issue of hike of minimum pension , mainly concerned to majority of EPS 95 pensioners , may kindly be taken into consideration for justice along with the cases of eligiblity of pensioners of  exempted companies /corporations  and higher pension on actual wages .
    With high regards 
    Your sincerely 

 Name , place

30 September 2020

A Letter by All India EPF Staff Federation

 A Letter by All India EPF Staff Federation 

The cruelty of the global pandemic seems limitless. So many broken promises, broken connections, broken hearts. AIEPFSF condoles untimely demise of Covid Warriors.

Our comrades has sacrificed their precious lives while serving the Organisation. Red Salute to Com. Panna Lal, SS, RO-Noida. Red Salute to Com. Anil Mudgal, SS, ZO - Delhi.

29 September 2020

EPFO Should Stop Foul Play : Matter of 65 Lakh EPS 95 Pensioners/PF pensioners

 EPFO Should Stop Foul Play : Matter of 65 Lakh EPS 95 Pensioners/PF pensioners

The Apex judiciary has reminded the administrators umpteen times that pension is a deferred wage and is the right of workmen. The attempt of Central government in particular to demolish the Pension scheme, run by EPFO through the contributions received from the workmen, was severely criticized by Supreme Court. In spite of this, mentioning the name of court, Central Labour Ministry and EPFO are fighting to the last resort to deny the pension benefits.    

Since more than 10 years, PF pensioners are knocking at the doors of various High Courts in the country and the Supreme Court for justice.  Majority of the PF pensioners are not even getting Rs.1000 as monthly pension. Most of the pensioners are getting lesser amount than their welfare pension.  The authorities are presently trying to sabotage the justice granted to them. 
Pensioners have the right to receive pension proportionate to their salary and the amendment proposing restrictions, brought out in 2014 was set aside by Kerala High Court Division Bench on 20th Oct.2018. As per the amendment effective from 1st Sept.2014, it was proposed that those who received pensionable salary exceeding Rs.15000 per month would be disqualified and the right to exercise option won’t be available henceforth.  When judgments started coming from various High Courts saying that EPFO has no right to impose a cut off for exercising option and consideration a portion of salary only for pension as injustice, EPFO has hastily notified the amendments illegally.  

आखिर 65 लाख EPS 95 पेंशनर्स को इंसाफ मिलेगा भी या नही ?

 आखिर 65 लाख EPS 95 पेंशनर्स को इंसाफ मिलेगा भी या नही ?

आदरणीय न्यायाधीश,

सर्वोच्च न्यायालय,

भारत गणराज्य,


विषय: आखिर ६५ लाख ई.पी.एस ९५ पेंशनर्स को इंसाफ मिलेगा भी या नही??

आदरणीय सर,

                    सर जिस ईपीएफओ ने पेंशनर्स को इंसाफ देने में स्टे ऑर्डर लाया था वह कबतक चलेगा? सर मेरी आपसे बस यही गुजारिश है जरा उन अधिकारियों की तन्खवाह और उनके जीवनशैली पर गौर फरमाना और उसके साथ ही ई.पी.एस पेंशनर्स के जीवन शैली पर भी गौर फरमाना सर यह कहा का न्याय है दोनों पेंशन स्कीम भारत सरकार ने लाए और दोनों स्कीम का खामयाजा ६५ लाख गरीब पेंशनर्स भुगत रहे है. 

सर भारत सरकार संसद में कहती है सर्वोच्च न्यायालय फैसला लेगी पर सर्वोच्च न्यायालय इस केस की गम्भीरता ही नही जानती और नाही गरीब पेंशनर्स की बदहाली. दिन ब दिन पेंशनर्स इस महंगाई की मार से, उमर से, बीमारियों से गुजर रहे है पर सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ईपीएफओ को डेट पे डेट बढाकर गरीब पेंशनर्स पर क्रूर रूप अपना रहा है.

सर्वोच्च न्यायालय+ भारत सरकार+इपीएफओ >६५ लाख ईपीएस ९५ पेंशनर्स

कैसे मिलेगा पेंशनर्स को इंसाफ ?

धन्यवाद सर,

सुदर्शन भगवानसिंह बैस

ईपी.एस ९५ पेंशनरपुत्र


Fake News ? : Good News Supreme Court Increase 8500/-Pension ruled in favor of pensioners in EPS 95 Pension, 28500 will be disbursed

 Is it Fake News ? : Good News Supreme Court ruled in favour of pensioners in EPS 95 Pension, Increase in pension is expected along with arrears

New Delhi : Dear Readers, We have received more than 1000+ Messages through various social media platforms for the verification of this news calming about Hike in EPS 95 Pension.
However, We have already shared about that in our Past Post that it is totally a fake message getting viral on your WhatsApp or Facebook, This Message is also clamming minimum Applicable Pension 8500/- and Rupees 28500 will be disbursed. 

We have Verified and found there is no such  judgement from supreme court of India till now . This message is Fake .
We would like to update you next judgment/Hearing of EPS 95 Pension case would be on 16th October 2020.
 Here is Message getting viral :

What is one thing the average person can do to fight disinformation on social media?

Check before you share! Take the extra few seconds to look over the source, or go read the article in full to make sure the title accurately reflects the content and that the site is reputable.
Thank You ! We hope this article would helps you to clear about viral message . 



LD-VC-CW-665 OF 2020

Date of Reserving the Judgment: 13th August, 2020

Date of Pronouncing the Judgment: 20th August, 2020


14. The Bank is a trustee of the account of the pensioners, like the petitioner, and has no authority in the eyes of law to dispute the entitlement of the pension payable to the employees, other than those in the employment of the Bank. To tamper with such account and effect the recovery of pension without any authority, is nothing but a breach of trust of the petitioner by the Bank. We should not be understood to have said that even where there is technical error in calculation, other than of entitlement, is committed resulting in excess payment, the Bank cannot recover it. We have already held that no such case is made out here.

28 September 2020

Bank Pensioners Latest News : Forum of Bank Pensioner Activists Open Letter to PM Narendra Modi

 Bank Pensioners Latest News : Forum of Bank Pensioner Activists Open Letter to PM Narendra Modi 

फोरम आफ बैंक पेंशनर एक्टिविस्टस्
Forum of Bank Pensioner Activists
कामये दु:खताप्तानां प्राणिनाम् आर्तिनाशनम् ।
Sri Narendra Modi Ji,
Hon'ble Prime Minister,
Govt of India
New Delhi
"Sometimes in recent past, he was Premier of country for 10 consecutive years, apparently looking calm & composed, what were the pains in him, never surfaced, none knew that, neither he could express nor he wept out.
Take it as outrageous behaviour of time; one not in a position to reveal his own story. Strange is this, the God did write his story from a pen dipped in his tears. His life is a lesson to those who weep in hide out to keep covered the hurts at their heart, pagale! it's a land of stones, here none is yours."
Having recalled an instance, perforce, above in mind- pinjare ke panchhi re, tera dard n janey koe- and heart filled with emotions. There is difference, in passed off yesterday and running present. Yesterday, he was doing the same with others and now others repatriate the same.
Problems of Pensioners, in last 6/7 years, made us run to knock the doors of countless people at the helm of affairs like His Excellency Presidents of India, Vice Presidents, Speakers, Lok Sabha, Dy Chairmen, Rajya Sabha, Governors of States, Hon'ble Prime Ministers, His Lordships of Supreme Court of India, Cabinet Ministers. In addition, we called on many eminent Parliamentarians. Few of them responded, while others remained onlookers.
We felt, it's the system of governance that country has, wherein every governments, ministers, bureaucrats, politicians etc talk of common people, but voice of same common people rendered futile, breaths last in a corner of time. Indian politicians, as trained professionals, use the same common people to reap the votes to gain powers and once it is attained, idiot common men are dropped in some side lane pits or dustbins. And, the common men see it, hear, understand, tolerate, forget and continue to flow with time wave. It's the fate of rolling stones, which have no count.
In this continuation, we saw all limits blown up, when we learnt from most reliable source that our Hon'ble Prime Minister don't give cognizance to Hon'ble Former Prime Minister letters, not even acknowledged by a Under Secretary level official of PMO. Government is government. After independence the pattern of governance, whatever was adopted, that still continues. Prime Ministers are changed, but not the governance patterns, that's the same what was established right from Nehru the great to great Man Mohan Singh.
