12 September 2020

Enhancement of minimum pension with Dearness Allowance under the EPS 95 Pension by Dr Subramanyan Swamy



Dr Subramanyan Swamy ,

Hon'ble member of parliament 

New Delhi


      Sub: Enhancement of minimum pension with  dearance  allowance under the employees pension scheme 1995 , reg


Respected sir ,

   Your goodself know the above issue well by the information already you have and also the letters sent to you by me by mail vide reference dated 9th august 2020 and the letter dated 16th august 2020 of the president and general secretary of EPS ,95 pensioners association , Tamil Nadu and also letters  from Telangana , Andhra Pradesh wherein our grievances have been elicited  in all it's ground reality . Being  the matter serious ,

The EPS 95 pensioners with their families are looking continiously at the hon'ble central govt in perturbance as to why the concerned authorities are reluctant and not inclined altogether to realise the faulty system of the pension scheme and put it in order that suits the present circumstances  according to the demand of the pensioners , being the actual monetary requirement for basic  maintenance of minimum life in the present cost of livelihood that is required to be met with by the policy and system  of govt of the day with it's liability as constitutional obligation towards the citizens and in particular senior citizens for their welfare .Every citizen pays tax for survival with human dignity .

 The judiciary sense our problems and agree our point of view on justice what we put before it in logic , scientific , humanity upholding  the constitution but sadly, very sadly not the executives !, making the pensioners to continue in the existing system with scanty pension being not even one tenth of the pension of what the govt pensioners get in moderate by periodical revisions with medical facilities  (never to be dreamt by EPS pensioners), not to speak of multiple pensions system  enjoyed with all  facilities by other class , no matter how these pensioners cry in wilderness either in streets or in their places  through decades .

  To quote an instance to be put  here that a govt pensioners with a service of about 30 years  get  his /her pension about Rs 35000 and above with applicable dearance allowance by periodical revisions for over a retirement  period of 20 years  with further enhancement of 20 percent of their pension at the age of 80 years but Ala's in that position we are getting the very meagre service pension (not to be called so literally ) that does not serve it's purpose in the range of less than Rs 1000 to about Rs 3000 at maximum without dearance allowance kept unrevised /stagnant for the past 20 years !

    I have brought it to the kind knowledge of hon'ble vice president of India ,the chairman of Rajya Sabha that the 147  report of parliamentary committee ( Koshiyar committee ) for reform of the EPS 1995 with immediate enhancement of minimum pension with dearance allowance submitted in the year 2013 has not been put into discussion for a resolution in Rajya Sabha till now .

   Sir , not repeating our problems again & again to be heard and having tired of pouring out our sufferings with UN-LIVEABLE pension before the hon'ble prime minister , hon'ble hon'ble minister for labour &employment and hon'ble finance minister , how we have to breathe under choked circumstances has remained unsolved despite all it's seriousness and sensitiveness that requires to be dealt with by economists of high caliber, given the situation of silence of fourth pillar of democracy and the govt institution established solly for the purpose of protection of human rights .

So , sir , we would expect justifiable  action that stands to the reason from your goodself, being constitutional and economic expert for taking steps as deemed fit  with the hon'ble govt for the solution that pacifies the pensioners struggling for survival , majority of them are in dire poverty conditions loosing their dependancy under the circumstances of unemployment of their children  aggravated more now with Covid 19 crises . 

 In case of senior citizen EPS 95 pensioners  joined service in the seventies period , with no scope of higher pension under the conditions of EPS 1995 , no other choice is practical solution except enhancement of minimum pension to Rs 9000 with dearance allowance that meets the average present minimum cost of livihood across the nation.


    With the mounting up pressure of these pensioners  in absence of justice  against the erroneous system and it's continuenance for decades despite unrest boiing in their lives , it is our most humble appeal that the matter may kindly be got resolved at your level by the hon'ble govt  in the interest of senior citizens  in order that the pensioners feel , hon'ble govt is alive to address the serious issue in their life time ,though belatedly .

   We believe , your advice to the hon'ble central govt on our tragic issue that relates to basic  survival with socio-economic security and human dignity will drive to appropriate decision .

 With high regards.

 Sincerely your's 

ShamRao , national secretary ,

EPS 1995 pensioners coordination committee .

Bidar , Karnataka 

What is Important for Media 65 Lakh EPS 95 Pensioners everyday life & death problem or Susanth's death?


Today's Question 65 Lakh EPS 95 Pensioners asking to media .
What is more important for Media ?

Is the Susanth's / Sravani's death more important than 65 lakhs EPS95 pensioners' everyday life & death problem?

No.. This is the creation of print & electronic media. Why no media take up the starving deaths of EPF pensioners as a story?
Why they are running behind the suicides/murders of some actors / actresses only? In what way they are more important than the issue of EPS pensioners' problem. They are dying due to their personal unwanted affairs.

Media is focussing it and creating interest in the people. But the govt it self is killing the EPS pensioners by not providing their rightful pension.

Is this matter not important to media?
They (journalists) also should recognise that , they will also get this EPS pension Rs. 1000-3000/- only after crossing the age 58.

Another Pensioner asking :

Why our PM accept and help our poor pensioners who are struggling to make our both hands meet. Why he only supports only.governments employees why not private employees who throughout their young age struggled. 

Why cant govt accept n release difference in pension EPS95 of pensioners. Our government only the most richest AMBANI N ADNANI ETC. Hope govt. Accepts our demand of Eps95 pension to its applicable pensioners.

Why this injustice ?

That is the main hinderence to pensioners. If we entrust the case to eminent and famous Advocate, for which each and every pensioners has to contribute small amount. Famous advocate viz. Mr. Subramanya swamy. Then the media houses will volantierly take up the matter for publicity. 

More over as per Mr. praveen koileeji. Now more or less 25,000 pensioners have already drawing revised pension as per SC Order. In this situation why the govt ls delaying the matter. Why this injustices?. In view of this point the leaders are hereby requested to take suitable decisions as sugested above.

11 September 2020

Enhancement of minimum pension under EPS 1995 Through Dr Jitendra singhji , hon'ble minister of PMO office


Sri Narendra Modiji ,
Hon'ble prime minister of India .
New Delhi 
   Through Dr Jitendra singhji , hon'ble minister of PMO office .
        Sub :  Enhancement of minimum pension under EPS 1995 with it's inevitability , reg .
Respected sir ,
         With the situation of  majority of EPS 95 pensioners in  meagre pension unrevised for the past 20 years , belonging to poor category  that has made them from bad to worse in their livilihood of dependancy in Covid-19 crises for loss of employment of their children in unorganised sector and in many cases vice versa of this position , we appeal to your kindself with  the issue where and with whom tragic has hit in livilihood , narrated as hereunder , longing for issuance of kind orders that ease the lives of poor EPS pensioners . 

   The pensioners in question  have  no scope of higher pension altogether with wages of their time and defined EPS 95 pensionable service that does not account past total  P F contributory service (pre-EPS 95 service) ,  retired  in late 1990 's , early period of 2000 and some retrenched from the services by the closure of companies , 
    Secondly the EPS pensioners with refixation of pension also already done as per the hon'ble supreme court's orders  on their actual wages of their time with EPS  pensionable service , have  remained unbenefited and are continued with pension of less than Rs 3000 or around it so refixed . 
   So  these pensioners with the  wages of their time , getting ignored of their total past P F contributory service( pre-eps95 service ) for calculation of higher pension , mentioned above, are unrelated with the judgements of hon'ble supreme court that come up on merits of  review petition and SLP cases(to be heard) , as it does not make difference in their  pension 
This is the situation wherein we are suffering and continue with same quantum of meagre pension until the hike in minimum pension is made linking with dearance allowance  exceeding the present to a level as being sought or around it what hon'ble govt finds feasible  at the point mainly on the basis of average present cost of living across the nation .
     Under the circumstances mentioned  and with the discharge of liability of employers by their equal share of P F contribution to the EPFO inclusive of 8.33 percent of wages to the pension fund that grows with interest year to year, remaining  unrefundable ,  we inevitably look at the hon'ble govt  to be kindly  protected with minimum economic security in view of our less span of life , providing  a liveable pension that could keep us in a minimum standard life with normalcy , 
stress free and human dignity in the context of the financial implication that gets reduced every month over passing away of pensioners from their life .
With high regards 
Sincerely your's 
ShamRao ,National secretary EPS 95 pensioners coordination committee .

Sri Tejasvi Surya , Hon'ble member of parliament before start EPS 95 Pensioners Message by email


   Sri Tejasvi Surya ,

   Hon'ble member of parliament ,

   Bengaluru south , Bengaluru .

Respected sir ,

      As the parliament session is going to commence during next 

week of this month , our humble request , being the voice of EPS 95 pensioners , thousands of them are in Bengaluru , is that your kindself , during your stay at New Delhi  , kindly  have to have a meeting with the hon'ble prime minister for the discussion on enhancement of minimum pension being sought by EPS pensioners in view of the financial problems faced by them with meagre pension . We know that you have sent letters on this issue for early solution . 

  The EPS  pensioners in question have the only demand for enhancement of minimum pension , since these pensioners are unbenefited even by refixation of pension on their actual wages as per the hon'ble supreme court 's order that is in order of not above and around Rs 3000 and they are continued with this meagre amount along with others who have no scope altogether for higher pension .

Good News Supreme Court ruled in favour of pensioners in EPS 95 Pension, Increase in pension is expected along with arrears


**कृपया ध्यान दें।  यह जानकारी सोशल मीडिया व् अन्य प्लेटफार्म से प्राप्त हुए है।  सोशलबिकु इस जानकारी की सत्यता की पुष्टि नही करता। ( यह एक गलत खबर भी हो सकती है )
Please Note this information received through social media and other platform, socialbiku do not give the authenticity of  this information .( This May be a Fake Information )  **

Supreme Court ruled in favour of pensioners in pension case of 1995.

 Accordingly, increase in pension is expected along with arrears.  Under this ruling, Chief P.F. Commissioner, has written to all state PF Commissioners to implement the orders.

Soon you will get hefty pension with arrears.  

Million thanks to the people or organisations who pursued the matter upto Supreme Court rigourously and successfully.👍🏼🙏🏾🙏🏾🌹🌹

employees, pensioners, retired pensioners' organisations. Pls forward the message and thank people/organisations who fought the battle.  According to newsitem in Bhopal, minimum applicable pension Rs.8500/maximum Rs 28500 will be disbursed.

सवाल सरकार से Cotton Textile Industry अंडरटेकिंग पर ?


जब भारत सरकार को कॉटन टेक्सटाइल इंडस्ट्री चलानी ही नही थी तो अंडरटेकिंग का ड्रामा क्यू किया खासतौर पे नांदेड टेक्सटाइल?
आप शकुनी को काफी पीछे छोड़ चुके हों सरकार छल कपट की सारी चरमसीमा पार कर दी सरकार

गरीबों का समय और उनकी मेहनत आपने कम आँका चाहे मानव अधिकार में विश्वास रखते हो सरकार चाहे गीता या चाहे कुरआन आपने चरमसीमा पार कर दी सरकार
अन्न वस्त्र और निवारा में फसा हुआ इन्सान अपने उपर हो रहे शोषण को कैसे जवाब दे सकता था ??
खुद मेंटल डिस्टर्ब होने के बावजूद वो बाप अपने बच्चों के लिए खामोश हो दुनिया सोचा उसे दर्द नही हुआ
मत उठाना किसी के बुरे समय का फायदा बुरा समय किसी का भी आ सकता है...

EPS-95 Pensioners Reaction on CBT Meeting and Higher Pension Demand


Please note you can also share your view Point and will get Published here : Please Write your view point on email - socialbiku@gmail.com 

Reactions Pensioners 1 (Ramanujam Veeraraghava Avatharam) :No positive results by any CBT meet or higher level committee as under Modi ji Govt.nobody either dares or recommend positive decisions they will meet the fate of Former Union Minister B.Dattatreya ji who inobediance to the Hon'ble SC verdict and patiently and peacefully attended EPF pensioners meet at Hyd'bad on humanitarian grounds to help the Sr.Citizens of EPF pensioners gave order on 23.3.17 for implementation of full higher pension. 

What happened the Minister who hrlped us was immediately removed by the Modi ji and appealed review petition in Hon'ble SC sgainst his own order.

If such is the case How one could expect positive results from 56" chest PM who has no 1% sympathy on us in his heart heads the largest democratic country. Any meet or seminars are only at the cost of our contributions only. So friends I do not hear positive news from this Govt.before I breath last.
Reaction Pensioners 2 (Santh Raj ) : Why waste our energy the bjp or congress government is not bothered or obeyed supreme court orders because the courts orders are under politics control. How many years we are fighting these. Politicians are speaking in the parliament only for our eye washing All the eps pensioners are thinking about this.
Pensioners Reaction 3 ( Anil Sharma ): It is observed that you tube channels have been started to give or deliver only fake news and play with the emotions/sentiments of Sr. Citizens, who are fighting for upward revision of pension I.e. RS.7,500/- plus DA and medical facilities too to lead their remaining life with some dignity. We should rebuke these all you tubers channels.
Pensioners Reaction 4 (Prasad Kashid) : PSUs employees enabled the then govt at power to build the huge infrastructure which the present govt are not interested and are bent upon closing one by one. Honesty is poverty. PSUs EPF pensioners are suffering and continue to suffer till they exit.

10 September 2020

Email to Sri.N.K.Premachandran SAVE OUR SOUL EPS-95 Pensioners

 Email to Sri.N.K.Premachandran, MP. 


Respected Sir, 

 We humbly wish to bring to your kind attention the problem faced by the Senior Citizen EPS Pensioners, the  apathy of the EPF organization towards us in not extending the benefit of higher pension on actual salary. In spite of favorable verdicts from various High Courts and the Apex Court, the EPFO prefers Appeals, SLP, and Review etc; thereby delaying the implementation. Even the Apex Court has dismissed more than three SLPs. Many of the pensioners have died during this period without enjoying the benefit. We wish to highlight the actual fact behind the economy of pension on actual salary to your personal attention so that you will personally intervene and take up the issue in Parliament. 

There is famous proverb in Tamil that "வாய் வாழ்த்தாவிட்டாலும் வயிறு வாழ்த்தும்", which means, even if a good deed is not appreciated by the mouth, the stomach will bless.  


Please refer 221 CBT(Central Board of Trustees) Agenda 5 dt 13.04.2018 (attached), Para 41 (vi), wherein it is stated that the Employee from Exempted organization is allowed to contribute on higher wages, an arrears amount of Rs 456105 is to be paid up front. But it has conveniently forgotten the Income Tax paid on the arrears of Rs 764971, which anyway will be going to the GoI kitty.    Please refer RFP for appointment of Valuer (attached), Para 1.11, it is mentioned Total no of EPS Member as on 31/03/2018 as 20,94,82,151 and the total no of Pensioners as 62,73,190.

As per Para 1.10, the total contribution received between 2012-13 and 2017-18 is Rs 1,69,543.44 Cores  and the Benefits payment made for the same period as   Rs 78,911.41 Cores, thereby a saving in the Kitty to the tune of Rs90,632.03 Cores. 

  Even if we take EPS contribution at the lowest  of Rs 1250 ( 8.33% of 15000), the total monthly contribution  will work out to Rs 26185,26,88,750 and the Benefit payment to be made by taking average pension at the highest as Rs 35000, will be Rs 21956,16,50,000 and hence the balance available with EPFO will be Rs 4229,10,38,750. In the real scenario, this balance will be more, since we have taken the contribution at the lowest and the payment at the highest.  

     Already HC Madras in its Judgment in WP 14368/2018 (Page 72) has quoted a Hindu Newspaper News dated 17/08/2014, that a staggering Rs 32,000 cores is lying in various inoperative accounts across the country as unclaimed pension as disclosed by CPF Commissioner in an interactive session with Employees at Hyderabad. This is reaffirmed by a recent RTI query reply (attached), wherein EPFO has informed that an amount of RS 52919,79,90,114.45 has been lying in the In-operative account and has been transferred to EPF Contribution Fund-Member’s account.

Even if we take future Retirees, it will be offset by the addition of new members in the EPS Scheme and hence no change in the above scenario is anticipated. In the same HC MS judgment in Para 22 of Page 64, it is mentioned “Undoubtedly, it is a cardinal principle of law that benefit of laws should be construed liberally and hence legislations shall be interpreted in a liberal and broad manner so that maximum benefits could reach to employees”.  Kerala High Court in its judgment in WP 13120/2015 says "There is no justification for stealing bread from the mouth of the pensioners to secure the pension fund. 

Though the fund is replenished by the present workers, its beneficiary is the old former workers/pensioners and the fund is meant for their sustenance. It is the duty of the Central Board to administer the fund efficiently and augment through wise investments and professional management so as to ensure that it meets the commitment to pay pension to the Employee” 

Under the above, the argument that the EPS Fund will deplete if Pension on actual salary is given to Exempted/Unexempted Establishment Employees is highly imaginary. 

To add salt to the injury, recently our Employer, Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited, a Relaxed Establishment (pending grant of Exemption by EPFO), whose relaxation has been withdrawn and directed MTNL to function as Un-Exempted Establishment from 31-01-2013, has transferred the Trust to EPFO without giving the particulars about the Retired Employee Members to EPFO. 

The Joint Option under 11(3) submitted by the Employees long back is lying idle with MTNL without forwarding the same to EPFO, thereby leaving the Retired Employees of MTNL in lurch.  Unlike other EPS pensioners, we, the MTNL EPS pensioners have to fight both MTNL (Employer) and EPFO as well. 

 Sir, we request with our folded hands Yourself, the well known Crusader of EPS Pensioners and known for your extreme skills in rendering Justice to this category of Pensioners to take up this matter in the Parliament so that Justice is done to the Senior Citizen (withering leaves) who are in their winter of life. 

Thanking you once again.


Retired DGM, MTNL, Mumbai,

9 September 2020

EPFO 227 CBT Meeting में क्या हुआ ? प्रेस विज्ञप्ति

 09.09.2020 को CBT की बैठक के बाद AITUC सचिवालय द्वारा जारी प्रेस वक्तव्य

 AITUC पीएफ पर ब्याज में कमी को अस्वीकार करता है.

 @ कर्मचारी भविष्य निधि के सीबीटी की 227 वीं बैठक 9.09.2020 को वर्चुअल स्पेस में हुई।  इसकी अध्यक्षता भारत सरकार के श्रम और रोजगार मंत्री श्री संतोष गंगवार ने की थी।  इस बैठक में AITUC का प्रतिनिधित्व सुकुमार दामले, राष्ट्रीय सचिव, AITUC द्वारा किया गया।  सुकुमार दामले ने बताया कि एजेंडा आइटम स्क्रीन पर तब भी दिखाई देते रहे जब बैठक बंद हो रही थी!

सीबीटी की मंजूरी के लिए ईपीएफओ द्वारा उठाए गए कुछ महत्वपूर्ण प्रस्ताव थे:

 > यह प्रस्तावित किया गया था कि पीएफ पर ब्याज वर्तमान में 8.15% है, लेकिन दिसंबर में इसे घटाकर 8.5% तक बढ़ाया जा सकता है, बशर्ते कि बेची जाने वाली प्रतिभूतियों का नुकसान न हो।  ट्रेड यूनियनों ने पीएफ पर ब्याज में कमी का विरोध किया था।

> वर्तमान परिभाषित लाभ योजना के स्थान पर परिभाषित योगदान पेंशन योजना लाने के लिए ईपीएस -95 योजना में संशोधन करने का प्रस्ताव (सरकारी कर्मचारियों के लिए लागू एनपीएस की तरह जो 1.01.2004 के बाद शामिल हुए)।  कर्मचारी सदस्यों द्वारा इसका कड़ा विरोध किया गया, लेकिन निर्णय दिसंबर में अगली बैठक के लिए टाल दिया गया।

 >"ईज ऑफ डूइंग बिजनेस" के नाम पर "डैमेज" वसूलने के लिए ईपीएफ बकाया में देरी के लिए कर्मचारी सदस्यों ने एमनेस्टी स्कीम की मांग की थी।  कर्मचारियों ने विरोध किया।  अगली बैठक के लिए टाल दिया।

 > 28.08.2019 को कानूनी अखिल भारतीय हड़ताल के लिए ईपीएफओ स्टाफ के खिलाफ दंडात्मक कार्रवाइयों को रोकने के रूप में कई मुद्दों, पीएफ सदस्यों के गैर-केवाईसी ने उन्हें लॉकडाउन के दौरान मदद करने से रोका, ईपीएस -95 के तहत न्यूनतम पेंशन बढ़ाने की लंबे समय से लंबित मांग को उठाया गया था।  सीबीटी (श्रम और रोजगार मंत्री) के अध्यक्ष का स्टॉक जवाब था "आप जो भी कहना चाहते हैं उसे लिखें और मेरे कार्यालय में मुझसे आकर मिलें, हम इसका हल निकाल लेंगे)।

 >ईडीएलआई योजना के तहत वर्तमान में 6 लाख से रु .7 लाख तक पीएफ सदस्य के आश्रितों को मुआवजे की अधिकतम राशि बढ़ाने का प्रस्ताव;

 >ईपीएफओ स्टाफ के सदस्यों के आश्रितों को 10 लाख रुपये का मुआवजा, जिन्होंने महामारी के दौरान अपनी जान गंवाई (वर्तमान में Rs.3.9 लाख की जगह, सभी ने सराहना की)।

 > अर्ध-न्यायिक मामलों में आभासी सुनवाई की सुविधा शुरू की गई थी।

> आइटम नंबर 30, 31, 32 को पहले प्रसारित नहीं किया गया था, लेकिन स्क्रीन पर फ्लैश किया गया था जब आभासी बैठक लगभग समाप्त हो रही थी।

 सुकुमार दामले,

 राष्ट्रीय सचिव, AITUC

EPFO 227 CBT Meeting : AITUC disapproves the reduction in interest on PF, What Outcome ?


**यह सन्देश हिंदी और इंग्लिश दोनों भाषाओँ में है **
**This Message is available in Hindi & English Languages **  

The Press Statement issued by AITUC secretariat after CBT meeting on 09.09.2020

AITUC disapproves the reduction in interest on PF

Point 1 : The 227th meeting of CBT of Employees Provident Fund took place on 9.09.2020 in virtual space. It was chaired by Shri Santosh Gangwar, Minister of Labour & Employment, Government of India. AITUC was represented by Sukumar Damle, National Secretary, AITUC in this meeting. Sukumar Damle told that the Agenda items kept appearing on the screen even as the meeting was coming to a close!
Some of the important proposals raised by EPFO for approval of the CBT were:

* It was proposed that Interest on PF accumulations 8.15% for the present, but may be increased to 8.5% in December retrospectively, provided the securities to be sold do not make a loss. The trade unions were opposed to reduction in interest on PF. 
*Proposal to amend EPS-95 Scheme to bring in a defined contribution pension scheme in place of the present defined benefit scheme (just like NPS applicable to Government employees who joined after 1.01.2004). Strongly opposed by Employee members, but decision deferred to next meeting in December.
*Employer members wanted amnesty scheme for delayed EPF dues, scrapping of provisions for levying "Damages", in the name of "Ease of doing business". Employees opposed. Deferred to next meeting.
*Many issues, such as rescinding punitive actions against EPFO Staff for a legal all India strike on 28.08.2019, non-KYC of PF Members preventing them getting help during lockdown, long pending demand to raise minimum pension under EPS-95 were raised. Stock answer of the Chairman of CBT (Minister of Labour and Employment) was "Write down whatever you want to say and come and meet me in my office, we will sort this out).
*Proposal to increase the maximum amount of compensation to dependents of a PF member, in case of his death, under the EDLI Scheme from the present Rs.6 Lacs to Rs.7 Lacs;
*Compensation of Rs.10 Lacs to dependents of EPFO Staff members, who lost their lives during the pandemic (in place of present Rs.3.9 Lacs, appreciated by all).
*Facility of virtual hearings in quasi-judicial matters was launched.
*Item no.s 30, 31, 32 were not circulated earlier, but were flashed on the screen when the virtual meeting was almost concluding.

Sukumar Damle, 
National Secretary, AITUC

Hindi : हिंदी

प्रेस विज्ञप्ति

 09.09.2020 को CBT की बैठक के बाद AITUC सचिवालय द्वारा जारी प्रेस वक्तव्य

 AITUC पीएफ पर ब्याज में कमी को अस्वीकार करता है

 *कर्मचारी भविष्य निधि के सीबीटी की 227 वीं बैठक 9.09.2020 को वर्चुअल स्पेस में हुई।  इसकी अध्यक्षता भारत सरकार के श्रम और रोजगार मंत्री श्री संतोष गंगवार ने की थी।  इस बैठक में AITUC का प्रतिनिधित्व सुकुमार दामले, राष्ट्रीय सचिव, AITUC द्वारा किया गया।  सुकुमार दामले ने बताया कि एजेंडा आइटम स्क्रीन पर तब भी दिखाई देते रहे जब बैठक बंद हो रही थी!  

सीबीटी की मंजूरी के लिए ईपीएफओ द्वारा उठाए गए कुछ महत्वपूर्ण प्रस्ताव थे:

 *यह प्रस्तावित किया गया था कि पीएफ पर ब्याज वर्तमान में 8.15% है, लेकिन दिसंबर में इसे घटाकर 8.5% तक बढ़ाया जा सकता है, बशर्ते कि बेची जाने वाली प्रतिभूतियों का नुकसान न हो।  ट्रेड यूनियनों ने पीएफ पर ब्याज में कमी का विरोध किया था।

*वर्तमान परिभाषित लाभ योजना के स्थान पर परिभाषित योगदान पेंशन योजना लाने के लिए ईपीएस -95 योजना में संशोधन करने का प्रस्ताव (सरकारी कर्मचारियों के लिए लागू एनपीएस की तरह जो 1.01.2004 के बाद शामिल हुए)।  कर्मचारी सदस्यों द्वारा इसका कड़ा विरोध किया गया, लेकिन निर्णय दिसंबर में अगली बैठक के लिए टाल दिया गया।

 *"ईज ऑफ डूइंग बिजनेस" के नाम पर "डैमेज" वसूलने के लिए ईपीएफ बकाया में देरी के लिए कर्मचारी सदस्यों ने एमनेस्टी स्कीम की मांग की थी।  कर्मचारियों ने विरोध किया।  अगली बैठक के लिए टाल दिया।

*28.08.2019 को कानूनी अखिल भारतीय हड़ताल के लिए ईपीएफओ स्टाफ के खिलाफ दंडात्मक कार्रवाइयों को रोकने के रूप में कई मुद्दों, पीएफ सदस्यों के गैर-केवाईसी ने उन्हें लॉकडाउन के दौरान मदद करने से रोका, ईपीएस -95 के तहत न्यूनतम पेंशन बढ़ाने की लंबे समय से लंबित मांग को उठाया गया था।  सीबीटी (श्रम और रोजगार मंत्री) के अध्यक्ष का स्टॉक जवाब था "आप जो भी कहना चाहते हैं उसे लिखें और मेरे कार्यालय में मुझसे आकर मिलें, हम इसका हल निकाल लेंगे)।

 *ईडीएलआई योजना के तहत वर्तमान में 6 लाख से रु .7 लाख तक पीएफ सदस्य के आश्रितों को मुआवजे की अधिकतम राशि बढ़ाने का प्रस्ताव;

 *ईपीएफओ स्टाफ के सदस्यों के आश्रितों को 10 लाख रुपये का मुआवजा, जिन्होंने महामारी के दौरान अपनी जान गंवाई (वर्तमान में Rs.3.9 लाख की जगह, सभी ने सराहना की)।

 *अर्ध-न्यायिक मामलों में आभासी सुनवाई की सुविधा शुरू की गई थी।

 *आइटम नंबर 30, 31, 32 को पहले प्रसारित नहीं किया गया था, लेकिन स्क्रीन पर फ्लैश किया गया था जब आभासी बैठक लगभग समाप्त हो रही थी।

 सुकुमार दामले,

 राष्ट्रीय सचिव, AITUC

EPS 95 NAC President Hon.Ashok Raut Message sent to Hon.CBT Members by e-mail

**Note : यह सन्देश हिंदी और इंग्लिश दोनों भाषाओँ में है। This Message Available in Hindi and English Both the Languages  **

National Agitation Committee:-
Message sent by Hon.Ashok Raut, National President,NAC to all Hon.CBT Members by e-mail
मा. अशोक राऊत, राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष द्वारा सभी सन्माननीय CBT सदस्यों को ई मेल द्वारा भेजा गया संदेश

National Agitation Committee: -
 All respected members of the  CBT,
 Please pay kind attention: -
 I pray to you all to please   take a firm  decision in today's CBT meeting regarding respectable pension to the EPS95 old age pensioners.
 In this context, the feelings of the 65 lakh EPS95 pensioners have already been communicated to you vide our letter dated 5.9.2020,  vide email and also by personally talking to you on the phone.
 It is a request to all of you again that the patience of pension holders not be tested any more.

 Today is the 626th day of uninterrupted chain hunger strike at the NAC HQ, Buldana which was started on 24.12.2018  .
Dear Sirs, we would like to remind you that,68 Veer pension holders of Buldhana district, who took direct part in this movement, departed from the world while waiting for the pension, while the number of such pension holders in the country is in thousands, perhaps lakhs. If not now then then when and where the  EPFO is going to spend our 4.37 lakh Crore kept in the pension fund ???

EPS-95 Employees Pension (1995) Co-Ordination Committee Letter to CBT Members by Prakash Pathak


आ .श्री पाठक सा  नमस्कार .दि 08।09।2020 चे आपण सन्माननीय श्रम मंत्री व  सी .बी .टी .प्रतिनिधींना लिहलेले पत्र वाचले .समन्वय समिती प्रत्येक आघाडी वर आपले निवेदन देवून आपल्या ज्येष्ठ eps निव्रुत्त वर्गाच्या व्यथा मांडत आहे हे प्रशंसनीय आहे .परंतु सन्दर्भला अनुसरून जर पत्र व्यवहार झाला तरच त्याचे औचीत्य असते असे माझे व्यक्तिगत मत आहे .उदा . दि 09 ।09। 2020 ची सभा श्रम मंत्रालयाने सी बी टी  प्रतिनिधी बरोबर चर्चे करिता बोलवीली आहे , हे आपले दुर्दैव की देशातील राष्ट्रीय कामगार संघटना आपल्या विषया च्या बाबतीत अगदी दुजा भाव ठेवत आहे .(आपण त्याचा स्पष्ट संदर्भ दिला आहे )
प्रश्न हा आहे की या सभेत ह्या पत्राची दाखल घेतल्या जाईल काय ???
आपण आपल्या घटनात्मक अधिकाराची मागणी योग्य पटला समोर करीत आहो काय ? ? ? 
असे ऐकिवात आहे की ही सभा eps 95 च्या कायद्या मध्ये दुरुस्ती करिता आयोजित आहे 
आणि हे जर खरे असेल तर epfo व श्रम मंत्रालय सर्वोच्च न्यायालयाच्या निर्णयाला पुनर्विचार याचीकेचा आग्रह का करिते .
तरीसुद्धा लोकशाही मध्ये  आपले विचारात अभिव्यक्त करायचा आपला घटनात्मक हक्क आपण वापरतो आहो व  कोविड 19 च्या  परिस्थितीत आपल्या जवळ जास्त पर्याय नाही हे ही सत्य आहे 
सर्व सामन्यांच्या माहिती साठीच का नसे समिती आपले प्रयत्न अव्यहात ठेवत आहे हे पण कमी नव्हे .
