14 November 2020

On the Day of Deepawali in 2018, Semi naked Agitation by EPS 95 Pensioners

 National Agitation Committee:-

*NAC के द्वारा सन् 2018 में दीपावली के दिन किया गया अर्ध नग्न आंदोलन .

 *यह अर्ध नग्न आंदोलन देश के मा. सांसदों के कार्यालयों के सामने किया गया था.

*इस आंदोलन में सहभागी प्रत्येक सदस्य के प्रति संगठन सदैव कृतज्ञ रहेगा.

 *जिस दिन सभी लोग दीपावली का उत्सव मना रहे थे, उस दिन हमारे वीर योद्धा भूखे रहकर अर्ध नग्न आंदोलन कर रहे थे.

धन्य हैं वह योद्धा व उनका संगठन,NAC🙏🏻

*On the Day of Deepawali in 2018, Semi naked Agitation was organised  by NAC.

* This Semi naked Agitation was done in front of the offices of the Hon.MPs of the Country.

*NAC Will always be grateful to every Member participated in this 


*The day,when all the People were celebrating Deepwali,on that day,our brave Warriors were hungry and doing Semi naked movement.

Special salute to  brave Warriors and their organisation, NAC.

Minimum Pension of Rs 9000/ Before High Empowered Monitoring Committee

 Minimum Pension of Rs 9000/ Before High Empowered Monitoring  Committee

You are aware that we placed  a demand of minimum pension of Rs 9000/ before High Empowered Monitoring  committee.It was reported in December 2018 that HEMC recommended Rs 2000/.The Minister labour and employment after the  CBT meeting at Hyderabad had announced that the EPFO will recommend Rs 3000/ as minimum pension to the Government. Nothing was heard neither from the government nor from EPFO. 
Now it is being heard that the government is considering to approve minimum pension of Rs 2000/ as recommended by HEMC. We demanded the government to consider minimum pension on scientific basis pand which will be sufficient for subsistence for couple. But this government do not consider the demands on the need based or base on scientific norms. We should demand the government for a minimum pension ofRs 9000/.
The openion given by Sri M N Reddy stands to the reason . What runs in the mind of the govt as regards quantum of  hike of minimum pension is unknown . Messages are posted that have no authenticity and they are creating confusion with no clarity whatsoever among the non- beneficiaries of higher pension . 
I have been always demanding in my letters for the hike of minimum pension with DA that meets the average cost of minimum life across the country citing the reason that the average cost of minimum  life is not less than Rs 10000 . How best the hon'ble govt  understands the situation has become unpredictable . 
It is better that let all the associations demand in one voice for the minimum pension that helps for normal life as the present range of pension from less than Rs 1000 to about Rs 3000 is nowhere sufficient   for the present livelihood cost . This is  my humble appeal to all the pensioners / associations .

 Thank you 

13 November 2020

राष्ट्रीय उपाध्यक्ष ने अपने सम्बोधन मे बताया की 7500+DA के साथ चिकित्सा सुबिधा आगामी बजट सत्र मे पास होने की पूरी पूरी सम्भावना है

 राष्ट्रीय उपाध्यक्ष ने अपने सम्बोधन मे बताया की 7500+DA के साथ चिकित्सा सुबिधा आगामी बजट सत्र मे पास होने की पूरी पूरी सम्भावना है

*राष्ट्रीय संघर्ष समिति उत्तरप्रदेश *

साथियो !

लखनऊ मंडल की मासिक बैठक दिनांक 22 नवम्बर 2020 दिन रबिबार को 11 बजे चारबाग बस स्टैंड पर रोडवेज परिषद  कार्यालय (दुतिय तल ) पर श्री के.एस.  तिवारी मंडल अध्यक्ष की अध्यक्षता  होना निश्चित किया गया है !

इस बैठक मे श्री ओमशंकर तिवारी, कार्यकारी अध्यक्ष / मंडल अध्यक्ष  मध्य क्षेत्र एवं माहेश्वरी जी मंडल सचिव  कानपुर,  श्री चंद्रभान सिंह कार्यकारी अध्यक्ष पूर्वी क्षेत्र मुख्य रूप से शामिल होंगे !

इस बैठक मे सदस्यता अभियान की शुरुवात की जाएगी, जनवरी माह मे होनेवाली प्रान्तीय बैठक पर भी बिचार बिमर्श होगा, अब तक की हुयी प्रगति पर प्रकाश डाला जायेगा !आसपास के सभी जिले के ईपीएस 95 के सदस्य उक्त बैठक मे अवश्य उपस्थित हो !


के.एस. तिवारी 

मंडल अध्यक्ष लखनऊ 

National seeds corporation लखनऊ के सेवानिवृत्त अधिकारी एवं कर्मचारी कृपया राष्ट्रीय संघर्ष समिति के उपरोक्त कार्यक्रम में अवश्य भाग लेवें और सदस्यता अभियान में बढ़ चढ़कर हिस्सा लें और अपनी सदस्यता ग्रहण करें पुनः अनुरोध कर रहा हूं कृपया अपने आवश्यक कार्यों में से समय निकालकर इस कार्यक्रम में भाग लेने का कष्ट करें सा धन्यवाद श्रीराम लांबा मंडल कोऑर्डिनेटर राष्ट्रीय संघर्ष समिति बरेली मंडल बरेली.

समस्त लखनऊ मंडल के इपीएस95के कर्मचारियों  एवं विशेष रूप से उत्तर प्रदेश राज्य खाद्य एवं आवश्यक वस्तू निगम,भारतीय  खाद्य निगम,उत्तर प्रदेश राज्य सड़क परिवहन निगम को सूचित किया जाता है कि दिनांक 22.11.2020दिन रविवार को पूर्वाह्न 11बजे चारबाग रोडवेज बस स्टैंड के सैकंड फ्लोर पर  लखनऊ मंडल की मासिक बैठक श्री के. एस.तिवारी मंडल अध्यक्छता में होना निश्चित हुआ है।

    इस बैठक मै सदस्यता अभियान  का प्रारंभ किया जाना है। अतः आप सभी महानुभावों से अनुरोध है कि निर्धारित समय व स्थान पर अपने सभी सेवा निवृत्त साथियों के साथ बैठक में भाग लेने का कष्ट करे।

             धन्य वाद।

शमशुल हसन सिद्दीकी

मंडलीय समन्वयक,लखनऊ

राष्ट्रीय संघर्ष समिति उत्तरप्रदेश*

आज दिनांक 10-11-2020 को आगरा मंडल की मासिक बैठक श्री आर बी लाल, प्रान्तीय समन्वयक के अध्यक्षता मे ईदगाह बस स्टैंड आगरा मे  संपन्न हुवा जिसका संचालन श्री रामबाबू गुप्ता के द्वारा किया गया !

मुख्य अतिथि के रूप मे श्री आशाराम, राष्ट्रीय उपाध्यक्ष एवं श्री पूरन सिंह कार्यकारी अध्यक्ष पच्छिम क्षेत्र उपस्थित रहे !

मुख्य वक्ता के रूप मे श्री आर बी लाल, श्री आशाराम जी, श्री पूरन सिंह, श्री रामबाबू गुप्ता, श्री रामजी त्यागी, श्री राजेंद्र सिंह, श्री एदल सिंह, श्री सुभाष गौतम, श्री नेत्रपाल शर्मा, श्री बदन सिंह एटा, श्री डम्बर सिंह, देवदत्त शर्मा सहित सैकड़ो पेंशनर उपस्थित थे !

राष्ट्रीय उपाध्यक्ष ने अपने सम्बोधन मे बताया की 7500/= के साथ महगाई भत्ता, चिकित्सा सुबिधा आगामी बजट सत्र मे पास होने की पूरी पूरी सम्भावना है !

आज ही मंडल कार्यकारणी का गठन भी किया गया जिसमे श्री राम  सेवक गुप्ता को मंडल अध्यक्ष एवं श्री कर्ण सिंह मंडल सचिव निर्वाचित घोषित किया गया !

सभी उपस्थित सदस्यों को अभिनन्दन 


आर बी लाल 

प्रान्तीय समन्वयक 

10 November 2020

How to get EPS-95 Pensioners T Shirt ? EPS 95 Agitation T Shirt

 How to get EPS-95 Pensioners T Shirt ? EPS 95 Agitation T Shirt 

ये जो बुलंद टी शर्ट है ,उसको पहननेसे अद्भुत उर्जा मिलती है.वीरगती पानेवाले योध्दावोंका स्मरण दिलाती है.एहसास दिलाती है की,एक दिन जितेंगे जरूर.हमारी 7500+DA की लडाई विजय प्राप्त करेगी कसमसे.
जिनको भी ये अद्भुत टी शर्ट चाहीये वे बुलढाणा आकर अगर कोई टी-शर्ट खरीदना चाहता है तो उसे सिर्फ 150/- रु मे मिल सकता है. अगर बाहर गाव टी-शर्ट भेजना है तो 10 टी शर्ट का लॉट के लिये रुपये1800/- (कुरिअर सहित) मे भेजा जा सकता है. एक टी शर्ट के लिये 150+50 रु कुरिअर ऐसे 200 रु NAC के अकाऊंट मे जमा करना होगा व उसकी रशीद, टी शर्ट की साईज व अपना पूरा पता WhatsApp पे नीचे दिये हुये नंबर पर भेज ना होगा. बी एस नारखेडे..9420230872 या विलास पाटील..9028125770






_An excellent message to Society. Hats off to the Nagpur Bench of the Mumbai High Court.


Date of Reserving the Judgment: 13th August, 2020

Date of Pronouncing the Judgment: 20th August, 2020


14. The Bank is a trustee of the account of the pensioners, like the petitioner, and has no authority in the eyes of law to dispute the entitlement of the pension payable to the employees, other than those in the employment of the Bank. To tamper with such account and effect the recovery of pension without any authority, is nothing but a breach of trust of the petitioner by the Bank. We should not be understood to have said that even where there is technical error in calculation, other than of entitlement, is committed resulting in excess payment, the Bank cannot recover it. We have already held that no such case is made out here.

16. Before parting with this Judgment, we need to remind the Bank that the pension payable to the employees upon superannuation is a ‘property’ under Article 300-A of the Constitution of India and it constitutes a fundamental right to livelihood under Article 21 of the Constitution of India. The deprivation, even a part of this amount, cannot be accepted, except in accordance with and authority of law. Article 41 of the Constitution of India in the Part IV of Directive Principles of State Policy has created an obligation upon the State to recognize a right of public assistance in the case of old age, sickness and disablement. Article 46 therein requires the State to promote with special care the economic interests of the weaker sections of the people. In short, the aforesaid provisions of the directive principles of State policy create an obligation upon the State to enact suitable laws, making the provisions to recognize a right of public assistance, to promote economic interests, to protect the life and property of senior citizens, to treat them with respect and dignity and to give wide publicity to it.

17. Unfortunately, the time has come to tell the Bank that the aging is natural process, which leads to weakening of the body and mind. The productivity, working ability and mobility decreases or paralyzes with growing age. The traditional norms, values and culture in the Indian Society demand to treat the senior citizens with respect, dignity and lay stress on providing security, care and assistance to them. It becomes a part of the human right of the senior citizens

. The senior citizens are the persons who had shouldered the responsibility of building a nation in general and society or community in particular, while in service. Utilizing their experience in the life and working, the strong shoulders are created of young persons to substitute and rest the responsibility upon them, while demitting the office. The bank officials must realize that tomorrow it may be their turn, upon superannuation, to fight for the pension or post-retiral benefits. The thought process, therefore, to be adopted should be of a person in a situation like the petitioner. The respect, dignity, care, sensitivity,

assistance and security would automatically follow.

18. We have, however, seen and can take judicial note of the fact that the security of the senior citizens always remain in peril. We have seen the senior citizens anxiously waiting for credit of the pension amount in their account and standing in a queue for withdrawal. Once the amount is withdrawn personally either from the Bank or from the ATM, a serious threat starts posing to the life from the watchdogs roaming around involved in pick-pocketing and stealing. We have actually seen the old aged persons – men and women, counting the currency with cramping hands and trying to secure the amount at some hidden place in the body. It is then after waiting in the premises of the Bank and taking stock of the situation and the atmosphere with scared mind and the feeling of insecurity, the escape route and time is chosen to reach to their destination safely. It is a high time for the Banks to create a separate cell and to device a method to provide personal service through the men of confidence, at the door-step to the old aged, disabled and sick persons who are the senior citizens. They have to be treated with respect and dignity. The sensitivity to the problems of the senior citizens need to be addressed. The mechanism for immediate redressal of grievance needs to be provided. The officers having a degree or master’s degree in Social Work or Psychology, who can be in personal touch with and genuinely understand and redress the grievances or complaints of the senior citizens, can be appointed.

19. In the result, this petition is allowed and the following order is passed :

(1) The action of therespondent No.3- Bank in deducting an amount of Rs.11,040/- per month with effect from October, 2019 is hereby quashed and set aside.

(2) We direct the respondent No.3- Bank to immediately credit an amount of Rs.3,27,045/-, recovered from the pension account of the petitioner, along with interest at the rate of 18% per annum from the date of recovery of each of the installments, till the date of credit of this amount in the pension account of the petitioner.

(3) The respondent No.3- Bank is restrained from recovering any amount from the pension payable to the petitioner on the basis of the action, which we have quashed and set aside.

(4) We direct the respondent No.3- Bank to pay the compensation of Rs.50,000/- to the petitioner and credit the said amount in the pension account of the petitioner within a period of eight days from today, failing which the additional costs of Rs.1,000/- for each day’s delay will have to be paid.

(5) We direct the Registry of this Court to forward the copies of this Judgment to the Centralized Processing Pension Centres of all the Nationalized Banks and also to the Reserve Bank of India and the Chief Secretary, Government of Maharashtra, to consider the question of constitution of separate cell and release of appropriate guidelines so as to attain the constitutional goal of providing respect, dignity, care, sensitivity, assistance and security to all the pension account holders in banks 🙏

The hike of Minimum Pension with DA to EPS 1995 Pensioners,Sri Bharatruhari Mahtab , Hon'ble chairman


The hike of Minimum Pension with DA  to EPS 1995 Pensioners,Sri Bharatruhari Mahtab , Hon'ble chairman

10 the Nov 2020 


 Sri Bharatruhari Mahtab , Hon'ble chairman , Parliamentary  committee on labour  , Hon'ble member of parliament  , Cuttack constitutency , Orissa .

  Sub : The hike of minimum   pension with DA  to EPS 1995 pensioners ,reg .

Respected sir , 

         It is submitted that as already expressed vide my letter dated 21st October 2020 about the bad  situation of EPS 95  pensioners , deprived of socio economic security and human dignity as well  with the existing meagre pension range ( less than Rs 1000 to about Rs 3000 ) provided under the employees pension scheme 1995 ,  

it is felt by all these pensioners that kindly let there be an interim report of recommendation for an immediate hike of  minimum pension by your goodself as chairman of the parliamentary committee of 31 members  on labour  to be given to the hon'ble prime minister based on the present cost of minimum life  of the citizens of our country  in the ongoing process of parliamentary  committee with it's discussions on labour issues .

 The hike of minimum pension needs to be based on what meets the cost of minimum LIVILIHOOD and not on  what works out as per the present fund management as it can  surely be adjusted in the resources being generated constantly that remains to be held as corpus ,  being nonrefundable contribution fund of  the pensioners .

   What is getting circulated now  about the hike of minimum pension just doubling it by an information by RTI has become a cause of further more frustration  among the pensioners if it is going to happen . That amount again falls in the existing meagre  pension range of the non - beneficiaries of higher pension keeping the burning issue unsolved and very much alive .

    So the pensioners humbly request and  appeal to your kindself to send an interim recommendation report of the committee immediately to the hon'ble govt  for hike of minimum pension around  Rs 9000 with DA as a base  for it's decision  in order that the pensioners live their stress-free normal life with justice . The demand of this minimum pension is not illogic and unscientfic  but the actual requirement for the present needs of minimum normal LIVILIHOOD .

 Kindly conscience shall prevail  in decision of the hon'ble govt through your interim recommendation report .

      With regards 

  Sincerely your's 

 ShamRao , national secretary , 

EPS 95 pensioners coordination committee  , BIDAR , Karnataka .

9 November 2020

विनम्र अपील : ईपीएस 95 योजना के सभी पेंशनभोगी भाइयों और बहनों को सूचित किया जाता है

 विनम्र अपील : ईपीएस 95 योजना के सभी पेंशनभोगी भाइयों और बहनों को सूचित किया जाता है

ईपीएस 95 योजना के सभी पेंशनभोगी भाइयों और बहनों को सूचित किया जाता है।  प्रेस मीडिया में प्रस्तुत पेंशन के बारे में समाचार औरअन्य तरीकों से दिए गए मेसेज तथा सुचना आधार के साथ दि जाए तब निर्देशों के साथ-साथ ही विचार किया जाना चाहिए।
पेंशन से संबंधित समाचारों के लिए, हम आपसे अनुरोध करते हैं कि राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन समिति, बुलढाणा, महाराष्ट्र के YouTube चैनल में आने वाली ख़बरों को देखें।
आर सी पटेल, बी के चौहान, माधापर, भुज-कच्छ, गुजरात।
अक्सर देखा जा रहा है कि यू ट्यूब चैनल से टीआरपी बढ़ाने के उद्देश्य से अनर्गल एवम् सत्यता से परे वीडीओ व मैसेज आदि प्रसारित किए जा रहे हैं...जो अधिकांशतः असत्य/भ्रामक एवम् पुराने होते है, जो हम पेंशनरों के लिए छनिक उत्तेजना पैदा कर यह एहसास कराते हैं ,वीडीओ में यह भी कहा जाता है कि वीडीओ अंत तक देखें...पर जब हम अंत तक वीडीओ देखते है तो अपने कि ठगा महसूस करते हैं और ऐसी अनुभूति होती है के इन चैनलों से हम वृढ़जनो का उपहास किया जा रहा है .
   अतः आप सभी इपीएस 95पेंशनर से अनुरोध है के केवल कमांडर साहब वाले चैनल केवल राष्ट्रीय संघर्ष समिति बुलढाणा महाराष्ट्र से प्रसारित यू ट्यूब  चैनल पर ही भरोसा करें।
      धन्य वाद
शमशुल हसन सिद्दीकी
जोनल कोर्डिनेटर,लखनऊ
कैंप 24/802,महराज नगर
लखीमपुर खीरी।(उ.प्र.)

65 lakh EPS’95 Pensioners by Proposing Rs. 7500 Minimum Pension +DA, Medical facilities and Higher Pension

 65 lakh EPS’95 Pensioners by Proposing Rs. 7500 Minimum Pension +DA, Medical facilities and Higher Pension

Dear friends,

Today Mr Swamy, Vice President, and Mr Kumar, of Telangana state have met Mr Banda Prakash garu, Hon. M.P Warangal.

Who is the member in Parliamentary Committee from Telangana state and submitted the representation and requested to help the 65 lakh EPS’95 Pensioners by proposing Rs. 7500 minimum pension +DA, Medical facilities and higher pension. 

He has responded well and assured for discussing the matter in the committee meeting. 

Congratulations to both of them. All pensioners are grateful to you both of you sirs for the excellent efforts. 



C S Prasad Reddy

Chief coordinator

Southern Region

All India EPS 95 Pensioners Sangharshan samithi and National Agitation Committee

8 November 2020

A Meeting was Arranged by Buldana Post Office regarding E jeevan Certificate

A Meeting was Arranged by Buldana Post Office regarding E jeevan Certificate

 On 07th November,2020,a meeting was arranged by Buldana Post Office regarding E jeevan certificate. We three members Mr J J Garkal,

Bhanudas Narkhede

and my self had attended the meeting on behalf of our NAC National President Hon.Commander Ashok Raut Sir.

Detailed message received from Post Office is reproduced below
Department of Post through the India Post Payments Bank has launched the facility for *Jeevan Pramaan (Digital Life Certificate) at the doorstep*.
This will be a big relief for the pensioners especially in the current scenario. For the same, the pensioner can contact their beat Postman or the Delivery Post Office and request for the same. They can also download the 'Postinfo' app and register their request through the 'Service Request' section. The Postman will service their request at the doorstep through Aadhaar enabled biometric authentication.
The pensioner must keep the following things handy for the same -
1. Type of pension
2. Sanctioning authority
3. Disbursing agency
4. PPO number
5. Pension account number
6. Mobile number
7. Aadhar number
In addition to the same, the pensioner should ensure that his/ her Aadhaar number is linked to the PPO and that the disbursing agency accepts the Jeevan Pramaan digitally.
The charges for the same will be Rs. 70 (inclusive of taxes) per Jeevan Pramaan.
This year onwards, provide the Jeevan Pramaan through the safety of your home in a hassle free manner!

7 November 2020

Enhancement of Minimum Pension under EPS 1995 with DA Through Dr Jitendra Singh

 Enhancement of Minimum Pension under EPS 1995 with DA Through Dr Jitendra Singh


The hon'ble prime minister of india 

Through Dr Jitendra Singh ,  Hon'ble minister of PMO   .

New Delhi .

 Sub : Enhancement of minimum     pension under EPS 1995 with DA , reg. 

Respected sir ,

        With all due respect , it is submitted that the problem of meagre pension provided under EPS 1995 , pendancy of settlement of litigations of higher pension on actual wages by  review petition , SLP case filed  by the EPFO and the hon'ble govt of India respectively in hon'ble supreme court have made the lives of lakhs of EPS pensioners accounted  in crores coupled with spouse & children so miserable that they are living restless, uneasy life of dependancy on others with quite insufficient quantum of pension without DA , snatched of normal livelihood what they had while in service time . 

  The majority of EPS  pensioners being  poor , and very poor having retired in early post period of EPS 1995 have been the worst sufferers of the pension scheme being non beneficiaries of higher pension with the defined pensionable service of post EPS 95 .

   They have been undergoing  their pathetic conditions of LIVILIHOOD waiting for the justice from the hon'ble govt of the day , burdened  much with unbearable  financial problems of the present cost of living and inevitable life survival  medical expenses  besides deprival of human dignity. 

Much and much agony has caused to the pensioners facing  all sorts of vulnerability agravated further with Covid-19 crises by loss of employment of the children of pensioners . The citizens of democratic country are not to be treated with such attitude of insensitiveness and kindly let them not loose the  confidence in the present governance looking at the sky .


   Before the " Deepavali festival " the hon'ble govt may kindly grant  the hike of minimum pension with DA with most  priority as being sought by all the pensioners that meets the present cost of LIVILIHOOD  and   kindly  NOT NEGLIGIBLE  HIKE  of  minimum pension  that falls only  in the present range which incures  furthermore  despair , anger   and frustration  in uncontrollable position  in order that whatever life they have , they live it happily forgetting the past .

       With high regards 

     Your's sincerely 

ShamRao , national secretary ,

EPS 95 pensioners coordination committee .

BIDAR , Karnataka 

Many News Papers are Publishing news Minimum Pension of Rs.5000 has been Approved by the Government

 Many News Papers are Publishing news Minimum Pension of Rs.5000 has been Approved by the Government

  Many news papers are publishing news  abouts the  minimum pension of Rs.5000 has been approved by the Government.The parliamentary committee has discuss the minimum pension issue in the meeting of 3rd & 4th November  and finalized the pension. because of this news every old age pensioner become happy. 

But after that news no  official statement has came from the proper authorized person or any authorized representative of the said  EPS 95 pension issue. Sometimes we doubt that the government forming such type of committee for the show off or  the purpose of passing the time .If the government seriously feel about  the pensioner specially Bhartiy Janata Partys  government instead of showing  only dream everytime. They  must remember the time of before parliament election.

                Before 2014 parliamentary Election the BJP has promised that if we come to power within 90 days we will implement the Bhagat singh Koshiyari committee Report and will give minimum pension of Rs.5000 with DA.They should stand with their commitment which they have given before the parliamentary Election.and do not pass the time.

              If we remember the BJP in  the year 2012 /2013 for the minimum pension issue  Hon. Prakash Javdekar files the petition in Rajya sabha and because of that petition  Dr. Manmohan Sing government has appointed the  the committee under the Chair person of Hon.Bhagat Sing Koshiyari and committee has recommended Rs.3000 with Dearness Allowance with the solution for the funding for the EPS 95 and submitted it's report to Rajya sabha. After that  BJP government has came to powar  therefore  BJP government should fulfilled the the commitment instead of passing the time and irritating to the pensioner.

  we once again request to realize the condition of pensioner who are in helpless situation today The cost of living has increased steeply and become a very difficult to aliave.Therfor government should take urgent decision on this isse before is too late 


Hon'ble MP Prof.Sanjay Ji Mandalik Saheb and Explained Our Subject ( EPS-95)

 Hon'ble MP Prof.Sanjay Ji Mandalik  Saheb  and Explained Our Subject ( EPS-95)

राष्ट्रीय संघर्ष समिती कोल्हापूर (महाराष्ट्र) टीम का एक और सफल प्रयास.

कोल्हापूर टीम ने आज श्रम संसदीय कमिटी सदस्य माननीय सांसद प्रो.संजय जी मंडलिक साहेब से मुलाकात की और हमारे विषय को समझाया।  साथ ही एक ज्ञापन भी सौंपा।  माननीय सांसद जी ने पुरा सहयोग करने का वादा भी दिया.

     माननीय सांसद जी और कोल्हापुर टीम श्रीमान बी एस किल्लेदार जी, एन एस पाटील जी, एस बी पाटील जी, सी जी पाटील जी,उमेश कसबेकर जी ,सुरेश जाधव जी, एच एन पाटील जी, रुकडिकर जी , जी आर पाटील जी, सदाशिव जाधव जी को बहुत बहुत बधाई और  धन्यवाद।


Another successful effort of the NAC Kolhapur (Maharashtra) team.

 Kolhapur NAC team met to Parliamentry committee member Hon'ble MP Prof.Sanjay Ji Mandalik  Saheb  and explained our subject.  Also submitted a memorandum.

 Hon.MP has also  assured to co-operate in the matter.

    Heartly Congratulations and very much thanks to him and the Kolhapur team Mr B S Killedar Ji,N S Patil Ji, S B Patil Ji,C G Patil Ji, Umesh Kasabekar Ji, Suresh Jadhav Ji, H N Patil Ji , Rukadikar Ji,R G Patil Ji,&Sadashiv Jadhav Ji.

