6 February 2021

I am 67 years old pensioner now should I submit my ITR still and till when ?

Question :  I am 67 years old pensioner now should I submit my ITR still and till when ?

Answer : As per the Government  of India Latest Budget any Pensioners need to fill ITR till He or She become 75 year old .

After 75 Year no need to fill ITR and your Pension would be Tax free . 

In First Budget of 2021 Government  announce this relief to 75 Year Old Pensioners . 

EPS 95 Pensioners Koshiyari Committee Implementation | EPF | EPFO Pension Latest EPS-95 Update 2021


EPS 95 Pensioners Koshiyari Committee Implementation | EPF | EPFO Pension Latest EPS-95 Update 2021

पेंशनरों का दुर्भाग्य
मुद्दे चाहे कितने भी जनउपयोगी क्यूँ न हो,वो राजनीति चमकाने का आमोद शस्त्र के रूप में ज्यादा जाना जाने लगा है,विपक्ष का सारा कार्यकाल खिसयानी बिल्ली की तरह खंबा नोचने में निकल जाता है इसी दौरान कभी कभी बिल्ली के भाग्य से छिका भी टूट जाता है,और सत्ता नशीन पार्टी को मुँह के बल गिरने में कामयाबी भी मिल जाती है।असल मुद्दा हर किसी का सत्ता पाने का ही होता है,जब कोई मुद्दा ही न रहे तो जनता से क्या मुँह ले कर वोट की गुहार लगाई जा सकती है।मुद्दा बाद में चल कर मुद्दा ही रह जाता है..

उदाहरण आपके सामने है...प्रकाश जावेडकर का।हमारा दुर्भाग्य पहले की कौन कहे कभी भी राजनीति का मुद्दा नही रहा है ।किसी भी पार्टी के मेनोफेस्टो में पेंशन का मुद्दा किसी को शायद ही कहीं कभी दिखाई दिया हो।देश में जब भी कोई कानून या नियम बनाये जाते है,वो सिर्फ और सिर्फ आम नागरिकों के हित को देख कर बनाये जाते हैं,कभी जब लगता है कि कानूनों का जनहित पर विपरीत असर पड़ रहा है तो देश के संविधान में विधानपालिका को अधिकार दे रखा है कि उसमें जोड़ घटा कर संशोधन कर लेवे,नया कानून बना लेवे,या पूर्ण रूप से उसे रद्द भी कर देवे।

EPS95 की जितनी भी खामियां थी उस पर स्वम् सरकार की ओर बनाई गई कोशियारी कमेटी के प्रतिवेदन में स्पष्ट रूप से उल्लेख कर महंगाई भत्ते को पेंशन के साथ जोड़े जाने की भी अनुसंशा की गई थी..पर वो सब रद्दी की टोकरी में डाल दी गई

A Real Story of Middle Class Family in India "कमाल के लोग" "मिडिल-क्लास"

  A Real Story of Middle Class Family in India "कमाल के लोग" "मिडिल-क्लास"

कमाल के लोग
"मिडिल-क्लास" का होना भी किसी वरदान से कम नही है कभी बोरियत नहीं होती.!जिंदगी भर कुछ ना कुछ आफत लगी ही रहती है.!मिडिल क्लास वालो की स्थिति सबसे दयनीय होती है,न इन्हे तैमूर जैसा बचपन नसीब होता है न अनूप जलोटा जैसा बुढ़ापा,फिर भी अपने आप में उलझते हुऐ व्यस्त रहते है.!मिडिल क्लास होने का भी अपना फायदा है चाहे BMW का भाव बढे या AUDI का या फिर नया i phone लांच हो जाऐ,घंटा फर्क नही पङता.!

मिडिल क्लास लोगों की आधी जिंदगी तो झड़ते हुए बाल और बढ़ते हुए पेट को रोकने में ही चली जाती है.! इन घरो में पनीर की सब्जी तभी बनती है तो जब दुध गलती से फट जाता है और मिक्स-वेज की सब्ज़ी भी तभी बनती हैं जब रात वाली सब्जी बच जाती है.! इनके यहाँ

5 February 2021

There is no financial liability of GOI, EPFO will meet financial liability from the Pension Fund

 There is no financial liability of GOI, EPFO will meet financial liability from the Pension Fund

shared a very important file of MoL&E containing 47 page which had been obtained by me under RTI from MoL&E vide letter dated 09.05.2017.

It has been observed that most of the pensioners factually don't read the documents carefully.  I have takenout 3 pages out of the said file and am sharing them for your information. It has been clarified herein that while implementing the SC judgment:

1. There is no financial liability of GOI as their contribution @1.16% is limited to ceiling amount only

2. EPFO will meet financial liability from the Pension Fund
Please read these three pages word by word and then the complete file of MoL&E.  Also forward these 3 pages and the file to your Advocates/Sr. Advocates too.

Employees Pension Scheme 1995 – Clarifications : Pensionary benefits under the new Scheme are more than the benefits enjoyed by Govt. employees

 Employees Pension Scheme 1995 – Clarifications : Pensionary benefits under the new Scheme are more than the benefits enjoyed by Govt. employees

EPFO’s Advt. dt. 05-01-1996 “ Employees Pension Scheme 1995 – Clarifications ” released after the introduction of Employees Pension 
(In answer to question at Point No.5, EPFO has clarified that the Pensionary benefits under the new Scheme are more than the benefits enjoyed by Govt. employees This answer/clarification has been  zoomed in page 1 of the Pdf for easy reading)

Pl go through the attached 3 Pages PDF File. 
An attested copy of this public notice as obtained officially from The Tribune, Chandigarh against due payment is available with me

Please click on Blue Link to Download PDF . 

Attorney General of India : In case of Exempted for EPF & Unexempted for EPS and for Unexempted for EPF as well as for EPS


 Attorney General of India : In case of Exempted for EPF & Unexempted for EPS and for Unexempted for EPF as well as for EPS

Dear friends,
Oil India Ltd. is one of the only TWO establishments which are EXEMPTED for EPF as well as EPS. 

Here, the Attorney General of India has opined that even the separated employees can  exercise the option to contribute to the Pension Fund on the basis of their actual salary. But in case of Exempted for EPF & Unexempted for EPS and for Unexempted for EPF as well as for EPS, his views are otherwise.

This document has been procured by me under RTI Act but OIL INDIA LTD has refused to give a copy of AG's opinion for which my 2nd appeal is pending before the Central Information Commission (CIC).

4 February 2021

12 Member Gujarat team led by Mr. Kirit Gohil, National Secretary, NAC reached Buldhana

 12 Member Gujarat team led by Mr. Kirit Gohil, National Secretary, NAC reached Buldhana

National Agitation Committee: -
 *  Highlights of Buldhana Chain Hunger Agitation on date 3.2.2021 :-
 12 Member Gujarat team led by Mr. Kirit Gohil, National Secretary, NAC reached Buldhana  Agitation site to honor the Buldhana team, which is carrying out the agitation

 * The agitatators were  Specialy congratulated by the Gujarat team. The movement is  being run by the Buldhana team in front of the District Magistrate's Office for the last 773 days under the able guidance of Hon  Commander Ashok Raut and led by the National President of Women's Front, Mrs. Shobha Aras.

 Shri BR Chavan, BS Narkhede, BB Chavan, Mahavir Kale, SP Ingle, DJ Kavhalkar,PR Gawai of the esteemed Buldhana team were honoured
 *  Mr. Kirit Gohil ji encouraged the activists by making an effective speech and said that the Gujarat team is with Buldhana Team  with full force and conviction.

 * Rajesh Bhai Desai of Gujarat team also addressed the gathering .
 Even after his not so well condition, the National General Secretary of organization Mr. Virendra Singh,  participated in the chain fasting  agitation and addressed the members

 * National Chief Advisor of the organization PN Patil also had a special presence.
 * National President of NAC, Hon.Commander  Ashok Ji Raut gave important guidance.

 * Vote of thanks by Mr. Sudhir Chandge, State  Secretary Maharashtra.

"12 सदस्यीय गुजरात टीम"ने बुलढाणा पहुंचकर आंदोलन स्थल पर आंदोलन कर रही बुलढाणा टीम का किया विशेष सम्मान EPS95 Pension

 "12 सदस्यीय गुजरात टीम"ने बुलढाणा पहुंचकर आंदोलन स्थल पर आंदोलन कर रही बुलढाणा टीम का किया विशेष सम्मान EPS95 Pension 

National Agitation Committee:-
दिनांक 3.2.2021 के बुलढाणा अनशन की विशेषता:
मा.किरीट गोहिल, राष्ट्रीय सचिव के नेतृत्व में "12 सदस्यीय गुजरात टीम"ने बुलढाणा पहुंचकर  आंदोलन स्थल पर आंदोलन कर रही बुलढाणा टीम का किया विशेष सम्मान

*मा. कमांडर अशोक राऊत के कुशल मार्गदर्शन व महिला फ्रंट की राष्ट्रीय  अध्यक्षा श्रीमती शोभा आरस के नेतृत्व में बुलढाणा टीम द्वारा  जिलाधिकारी कार्यालय के सामने पिछले 773 दिन से चलाए जा रहे आंदोलन के आंदोलनकर्ताओं  का गुजरात टीम द्वारा किया गया विशेष सम्मान.

सम्मानित बुलढाणा टीम के श्री बी आर चव्हाण, बी एस नारखेडे, बी बी चव्हाण, महावीर काले,एस पी इंगले, डी जे कव्हलकर, पी आर गवई इत्यादि आंदोलनकर्ताओं  का समावेश
*मा. श्री किरीट गोहिल जी ने प्रभावी भाषण कर बढ़ाया आंदोलन करियों का हौसला व कहा कि गुजरात टीम पूरी ताकत से आपके साथ है.

*गुजरात टीम के राजेश भाई देसाई ने भी किया सभी को संबोधित.
अस्वस्थ चल रहे संगठन के राष्ट्रीय महासचिव श्री वीरेन्द्र सिंह ने भी आज अनशन में भाग लिया व सदस्यों को संबोधित किया

*संगठन के राष्ट्रीय मुख्य सलाहकार पी एन पाटिल की भी विशेष उपस्थिति रही.
*NAC के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष मा. कमांडर श्री अशोक जी राऊत ने किया महत्वपूर्ण मार्गदर्शन.
*श्री सुधीर चांडगे, प्रांतीय सचिव महाराष्ट्र ने किया आभार प्रदर्शन.

Shri Gurmukh Singh President NCR forum for joint fight in EPS matter

Shri Gurmukh Singh President NCR forum for joint fight in EPS matter


Dear Pensioners,

Attn: Shri Gurmukh Singh President NCR 

Countdown has began for next hearing- preliminary submission in SC on 25-2-2021.

It is right time rather high time that all pettetioners in SC come together form a common platform or united forum for joint fight in EPS matter.

Why United forum?Because issue is common, interest is common & goal is common. 


Further stakes are very high & we can not take chance 

United forum among other things will discuss,debate to identify the best legal brain, eminent lawyer to match AG in SC

Different Eminent Lawyer can be considered who will be  equal match & can counter effectively  AG

It is do or die situation ( Karo ya Maro)

This is very important as entire fate of pensioners will depend upon out come of SC hearing on 25th Feb

Thanks to Shri Kohli Sir for providing valuable inputs through RTI. We need to use these data,info circulars, orders etc  for getting justice for pensioners in SC 

Earlier,attempts were made to form coordination committee, the same needs to be done once again 

What can be done now?

NCR can arrange a meeting or webinar to discuss various aspects including identifying Sr Advocate for next hearing in SC on 25-2-2021

Final decision to be taken after consultation & opinion from AOR of NCR 

Money or Legal fee should not be constraint for hiring best legal brain of India who will get us justice( enhanced Pension) from SC

Any adverse or negative remarks of SC, may affect chances&  pensioners may loose once for all

Please do the needful on priority 

Sudhir Nanjangud 

Ex-ONGC Mumbai 

Request to Increase Monthly EPS-95 Pension गुजरात राज्य के जामनगर जिल के मा साँसद सभ्य श्रीमति पुनमबेन

Request to Increase Monthly EPS-95 Pension गुजरात राज्य के जामनगर  जिल  के मा साँसद सभ्य श्रीमति पुनमबेन

गुजरात राज्य के जामनगर  जिल  के मा साँसद सभ्य श्रीमति पुनमबेन माडम सरने इ पी ऐस पेनसन के लिऐ मा मोदी सर के नाम से भलामण पत्र लिखा है यह पत्र मा  श्री नाथालाल व्यास सर का माध्यम से लिखा गया है इस लिए हम मा साँसद सभ्यश्री सर का आभार मानते हैं ओर श्री नाथालाल व्यास सर का भी बोहोत आभार मानते है

 आरसी पटेल तथा

 बी के चोहान 

कच्छ भुज गुजरात से

3 February 2021

PF Latest News 2021 : Now Pay Interest on Employees Earing on PF above 2.5 Lack

 PF Latest News 2021 : Now Pay Interest on Employees Earing on PF above 2.5 Lack

New Delhi : As Union Minister announced the budget of 2021 . There are Many changes happen in Tax Process of PF . Which is going to impact directly or Indirectly to PF Subscribers in after March onwards .

The Union Minister announced there will be charges on above 2.5 lacks of earning on employees of there PF saving and Investment. This is really big changes for those employees who's salary is very High. 

This change will not impact to low earning employees . This will be applicable from 1 April 2021 Apart from this there is one more update about ESI Employees, An amendment in this regard is proposed in the Finance Bill 2021, to ensure that firms deposit the social security contributions of their employees like Employees' State Insurance (ESI) well in time. This will help to those employees who comes under ESI .  

For More Update on VPF | EPF | PF You May also visit our video below :

2 February 2021

Members are naturally worried about the Outcome of the SC Matter with the Review Petition filed by EPFO

 Members are naturally worried about the Outcome of the SC Matter with the Review Petition filed by EPFO

Members are naturally worried about the outcome of the SC matter. There have been suggestions/ ideas from participants according to their understanding of the matter. I would like to clarify the issue as per my understanding and legal position.

2. As you are aware, hon’ble Supreme Court has tagged all the WPs/contempt petition with the Review Petition filed by EPFO (now it is SLP) and the SLP filed by Govt. against the judgment of KHC dated October 2018. The SLPs are against the quashing of GSR 609 (E) which came into effect w.e.f 1.9.2014. 

The only linkage between the SLPs and WPs is that the cut off date for exercising joint option has been given in the GSR whereas the RC Gupta judgment declares that there cannot be any cut-off date. Further, the SLPs have not linkage at all with the contempt petitions but the Supreme Court, in its wisdom has tagged the contempt petitions also alongwith the SLPs.

3. EPFO/Government intends to get a judgment which would in fact be a review of the RC Gupta. Legally speaking, RC Gupta has attained finality and no review is now possible particularly in view of the fact the no such review of RC Gupta has been filed by Govt. 

4. Till date, all the judgments are in favour of pensioners. In addition to RC Gupta, about 10 SLPs of EPFO/Govt have been dismissed by the Supreme Court in the past. Any finding of the Supreme Court against RC Gupta would mean review of RC Gupta and the earlier SLPs dismissed years back. 

5. Government has been taking a stand that the corpus of EPS is 3.77 lakh crore and implementation of RC Gupta would have an impact of 15 lakh crore. Even though there have been so many ruling of SC that financial viability is no ground for denying pension, but the factual position to be kept in mind is that the annual budget of central government is around 30 lakh crore and the impact, as claimed by the Government is of 50% of annual central budget.
